Voting for a new President is giving up your dignity.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I'm sure this happened to a lot of people. When you were a child some bullies came up to you and stole your candy bar or something that belonged to you. You would run after them and say "Give that back!" and they would throw it to each other and ask you to beg for it back. You would run back and forth between the bullies trying to get it back.

That my friends, is voting. We run back and forth between politicians who regurgitate the same old crap and same old rhetoric. We beg for our masters to give back just a little of what they stole in the first place, we praise, chant, sing for our slave masters in the gullible hope that they might care just a little bit. Our pride is so broken, even more broken that a slave working on a farm. At least the slaves despised their masters.
Aw, but I don't have any dignity for them to take. :p

Anyway, what would you suggest--should we all get together and go shove something nice and sharp up their... ???
Power always corrupts. All governments use the initiation of violence to achieve their ends. Every policy is based on theft and the initiation of violence which are immorally wrong. From the failed War on drugs to the Welfare State. We cannot use violence to tackle social problems.
Power always corrupts. All governments use the initiation of violence to achieve their ends. Every policy is based on theft and the initiation of violence which are immorally wrong. From the failed War on drugs to the Welfare State. We cannot use violence to tackle social problems.

So, what do you suggest we do?
Well what we need to do is stop giving people the monopolistic right to be immoral. We must stop giving the violent people in society nuclear weapons. We must abolish governments. The statist experiment is 6000 years old and started in Egypt. It's time we abandon this age old primitive belief.
Well what we need to do is stop giving people the monopolistic right to be immoral. We must stop giving the violent people in society nuclear weapons. We must abolish governments. The statist experiment is 6000 years old and started in Egypt. It's time we abandon this age old primitive belief.

Right--but how?
We must convince people to take freedom, and use reason and evidence to show why governments are inherently immoral and unnecessary. That society would benefit greater without governments.
We must convince people to take freedom, and use reason and evidence to show why governments are inherently immoral and unnecessary. That society would benefit greater without governments.

With all the reason in the world, though, they still have the power--and they won't relinquish it over something petty like popular dissatisfaction. So, it would be pointless to acknowledge it w/o a plan of action.
I just look across the roads where some people still insist that having to wear a seat belt in a car/helmet on a motorcycle is a violation of their rights and a big brother conspiracy to keep them enslaved. The idea that not everyone wants to be traumatized by someone's brain being catapulted without their owner across 3 lanes- hasn't quite sunk into some skulls.

While I do believe that a great number is quite ready to live without government, I am still sadly convinced that the majority of people are not quite ready to live a fully self regulated live without infringing on someone else's right to do just that.

When everyone can give a balanced interpretation of Kant's Categorical Imperative, it might be time to revisit that idea.

Until then- :cheers:!
The governments most potent, effective weapon is fear. The fear instilled in the masses that are led to think we're nothing without them and we'd die without them. I don't agree with the idea of the government not being necessary 9I think it could seriously lead to anarchy), but it's true the increasing thefts they do to deepen their pockets, and how they wanna set up their brainwashed global village. They're increasingly authoritarian and mafiotic, can only vouch for it from personal experience with how my own country is ruled based on Blatant, invasive fraud (not even subtly done). Many want our President to step down and stop corrupting the judicial system and other affiliated institutions so he remains on his rusty seat of being chosen President for the second time in a row, but I'd vote for some of the next ones who will replace him for sure in 2013, as they're far above him morally speaking, at least so far they are. So, I don't feel I'd give up my dignity by voting for some of them, personally.