vote: What do you think was most memorable about Michael Jackson?

I voted.. def Music and dance... He was a genius and he was and always will be an angel,
Music and dance. These are areas where Michael was simply the best of the best. But the truth is that his personality was also something wonderful. He had so much beauty on the inside it was unreal. He was so loving, he cared so much for his fellow man; if ever there was a truly nice person, Michael would be him.
I voted for his personality. I've always loved him as a person as well as an entertainer, sometimes more so.
singing - incredible vocal range & expression
dance - awesome dancer, both for technical ability and the 100% energy put into every move
music video - a true artistic genius of the music video. attention to detail.
sensitivity to problems of the world and
generosity in donating money and time
a kind and pure heart & soul

this list could go for miles but they're the main ones in my mind