VOTE: My Friend Recorded in the same studio Man in the Mirror was recorded


Patrice Jegou is currently 4th place in the Sarah Vaughan International Jazz Vocal Competition this year. Earlier this year (or late last..can't remember now) she recorded in the same studio Michael had. I am also pretty certain she worked with some of the same musicians he had as well (but can't remember the details). Please listen to her song and vote. She does deserve to be one of the top musicians in the competition I think. Listen for yourself

and vote for her please. As soon as she responds, I'll be able to share some more about the MJ connection, which I thought people here would appreciate. If she's alright with it, I will post some photos as well. I'm really proud of her. She's always been such a cool person and she is doing very well with her music. She has two other songs in the competition as well; if you want to hear them just click on her photo.

Thanks for your vote :)
Thank you!!! I'll paste what she said tomorrow of I get time. Tonight im not on my computer sand my phone doesn't let me cut/paste...but basically she Andrae Crouch, an award winning musician who worked on man in the mirror, is on her one song and she recorded one of her songs in a studio MJ had worked in. I'll share later.
She came in second place so she has qualified to go on to the next stage. :) thank you guys. She was fourth and in two days moved up to second place. I'm proud of her.
She came in second place so she has qualified to go on to the next stage. :) thank you guys. She was fourth and in two days moved up to second place. I'm proud of her.

Great! :wild:
Good luck to her!
Here's part of her reply to explain more of the MJ connection that I had asked her about.

"So here are my many degrees of separation from MJ. First, I recorded one of my songs at Record One studios, owned by Ocean Way Studios, in Los Angeles. As far as I know, MJ also recorded there. Secondly, one of the arrangers (and his choir) that collaborated with MJ - Andrae Crouch and the Andrae Crouch Choir - are on my record Mr. Crouch is a grammy and oscar award winning singer and songwriter. He did the choral arrangements on MJ's "Man In The Mirror" and Madonna's "Like a Prayer." So my distant connection to MJ is via Andrae Crouch and Record One Studios in LA. That's it!"
