Vote for Michael

They are still waiting for it to appear (the vote); however, in the meantime, you can click on "contact us" and type in the blank box and type who you think is the best. They are going to read comments on the air.
This might be a stupid question but how do you listen live? I can't seem to get it to you have a link or something? Thanks :D
This might be a stupid question but how do you listen live? I can't seem to get it to you have a link or something? Thanks :D
I am on their wedsite now trying to figure that out. I am listening to them on the radio. Right now, the vote by phone is one to one. I wish Jackson fans could listen to this and get involved in this poll. Doug and Dee think Prince, Ruby Rush think it is Michael. Again, if you can not hear it, click on "contact us" and post who you think is the best in the comment blank box. That is even better because they are going to read the comments. Jackson fans, post on this. It is a hot battle. hob
They read my comment. You all need to go email and post your comments. It is a battle. I got mad with Dee when she said Prince can take a stage alone whereas MJ have background dancers. Excuse me, Prince had the New Generation, Wendy and Lisa of the Revolution, etc. Also MJ can take a stage alone or with dancer (look at his Billie Jean performace. Anyway, that needs to be pointed out if anyone want to email and comment. they are reading your comments on the air. So go email. Thanks.
I see the poll on the right side of the board now. Thank you. I just voted in that poll. I was emailing. JACKSON fans, GO VOTE NOW. I want to hear what Dede say Monday when she talked about it. SHe think Prince has won.

Prince 31% Michael Jackson 69%

Who's better, Prince or Michael Jackson?

Michael Jackson
