Vote for Michael! P.K. should apologize!

Peter King's comments are winning by 46% and the option of PK to apologize is at 39%. I voted that he should apologize!
We were winning when I voted a while ago. I wonder if the poll was linked to a MJ hater board...
Actually I don't want an apology from that loser. I just want him to keep his trap shut! An apology means nothing coming from him. He's a piece of s**t period. I don't want to hear anything he has to say.
I don't believe in forcing someone to say something they don't mean. What's the point? He said what he believes and a retraction means nothing.
Voted. The Poll is skewed anyway. You could conceivably be upset by King's comments and yet still have to vote for an option on the poll that supports King to an extent if you feel the Michael Jackson coverage on the media has been excessive.

All of these polls are structured in the same way and that's pretty telling. Even when they want to appear to be objective by issuing a poll at all, they set the poll up to render a specific result which is less than favorable to Michael. Such bullshit artists.
I don't believe in forcing someone to say something they don't mean. What's the point? He said what he believes and a retraction means nothing.

Exactly. He said what he did about Michael because that's what he believes. Why ask him to turn around and retract his statement, especially knowing he doesn't mean it? It's a waste of time imo.
Not only apologize, but get some common sense...
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Um, where did you hear that? 'Cause as far as I know Pete King stands behind the statements he made totally.
Oh yes, he ment every word and he won't regret it.
OMG I wrote it all wrong... he's not attending, he just said he swears he won't speak out against MJ tomorrow -- out of respect for his memorial.

hypocrites like that took his smile away.

Deleting Past Incorrect Reply... Sorry
An apology would give him integrity, considering what he said isn't appropriate for someone in his supposed position, but I don't think an apology makes any difference to be honest, it's the truth that counts. The truth is that there's a difference between a pervert, a paedophile & a child molester. Michael Jackson was neither of these.
Peter King on the other hand... this is a "man" who was a supporter of the IRA, & therefore the bombing of children.

This truth is enough for me to not give a shit about what he said
personally, i would much rather remember a peace loving man who brought people together rather than blow people to piece's including the risk of children been killed!!
I personally think war is discusting, killing other people is not something glorious, it is wrong!! so no i wont remember murderers, no matter how there are portrayed. if people got along in peace you wouldnt have wars!! so I will be remembering michael jackson who loved peace not war. something much much more heroic!!
I have voted, but after seeing the memorial does it matter?

It sort of put things into perspective didn't it. The outpouring of love, the guests, highly respected people, who unlike King and the media haters, these people did know him.

I was thinking, how on earth did a 13 year old punk, from a con artist family get so much support, and how on earth was this great man, with so much love going to be destroyed by that little piece of rubbish.

Nobody cares any more about Grace, Dimond, Sneddon and the rest, what was said today and by the people who said it, outweighs all of these nobodies.
I voted. What this guy said about Michael came from a heart of hate and evil. No other way to put it. This guy was way out of line.