Voices Education Project, Words and Violence, Third Edition is here!!!


Proud Member
Sep 6, 2009
Near Michael's West Coast hometown.
Voices Education Project, Words and Violence, Third Edition is here!!!

Dedicated to Michael Jackson and Lady Diana, the Third Edition of Words and Violence released August 29, 2013 is filled with new sections on music and art, curriculum activities and additional in-depth articles. To read more about it, please click on this link
Thank you Windy. I think this is one of the best projects going to honor Michael and Diana. Its a whole community of people in all fields coming together with very informative educational and enjoyable content. I think its important that we promote it and encourage others to read and get involved in supporting it with our affirmative positive actions ..
Words and Violence - Introduction to the Third Edition


This 3rd Edition of Words and Violence is, I think, our best work yet. We have invited some new contributors who work in the performing arts. The performing arts used as tools of communication and change by gifted artists, can have a staggering impact on lives. The arts and artists change the world...

To read more, please go here

Voices Education Project Third Edition of the "Words and Violence curriculum.

Performance Arts and Education

Story, Social Responsibility and the Case for a New Model for Entertainment and Performance


Voices Education Project Third Edition of the "Words and Violence curriculum.

Music as Healer for Bullying and Changing the World
​By Composer Jay Thomas, Jet Musik

Voices Education Project is pleased to add two original choral compositions to the “Words and Violence” Program and to welcome composer Jay Thomas to the list of our contributors. We hope that these pieces of music and the “voices” that are encouraged to speak through the language of music and song will make a difference in the practice world of children—school. School is the place where children design a preview of their life while they transition into adults. We offer this music in the hope that it calls them to their best selves, to find their own kind of music, and share their unique song with the world’s choir creating the future’s song.

t Shouldn’t Bother Me is an experiential case scenario become anthem about bullying—from the perspective of the bully and the bullied. For the Sake of Heart, Jay’s original compositions that is based on a Rumi poem, asks a question: What might happen if the heart were engaged with the world and in creating it?

Voices Education Project Third Edition of the "Words and Violence curriculum.

Hip Hop and Rap as Art, and as an Agent of Change for Social Justice and Political Reform


A Closer Look at a New Hip Hop Movement

Many in the urban black culture embrace the oral traditions of poetry slam, rap, hip hop and street dance similarly to preserve tradition, spread concerns, examine their daily lives, convey discontent and share dreams just as their ancestors did on the African continent. Viewed as the voice of the poor, misrepresented, disenfranchised and dismissed, black urban youth find in hip hop culture, the “voice” they are often denied in mainstream media where racism can be so institutionalized as to be invisible.

To read more, http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/t...-Jackson-and-Lady-Diana?p=3962283#post3962283