Voices Education Project - A Tribute To Michael (From Writer Of Inner Michael)


Proud Member
Jul 4, 2009
The Netherlands
As you probably might know there's an amazing website about 'Inner Michael', which you can check out here: www.innermichael.com
I got an email from Barbara Kauffman, the writer, today and she told me about a great project she's done for a publisher.

This is the news release that has gone out, very inspiring and motivating. The links in the text are worth checking out! :)


Voices Education Project and Voices in Wartime Features a Tribute to Michael
Voices Education Project is on a simple mission: to lift up humanity and make the world a better place. They do that via the arts, humanities and social sciences using education, by teaching empathy, by communication that with nurtures understandings for positive change between and among peoples of the world.
Voices aims to transform how we manage conflict on this planet. They shine a light where more light is needed. And they do it with culture and elegance.

The arts can say what history books cannot in a voice that speaks past the human mind to the far reaches of
soul. They say it with texture, with energy, with savvy, with sparkle and so much more and they do it leaving the humanity of it gloriously intact. Voices is all about the art of humanity and the making of humans. Their recent feature length documentary sharply etches and gives voice to the experience of war with poignant vignettes from those who live it.

So in the interest of encouraging us to be a little more human, a little more soulful and a little more aware, they have generously featured my “work and art in the service of humanity” by publishing and featuring two recent pieces: One about a WMD Weapon that I believe warrants examination and another to recognize an often overlooked humanitarian genius and man of our time who, as it turns out, was a spiritual messenger hiding in plain sight.

At Voices you will meet a community of peacemakers, visionaries, humanitarians, leaders, way-showers, and responsible global citizens,
Voices raises their voices to raise up and acknowledge the vast expanse of the human spirit. I believe in Voices because I stubbornly believe in us. It is with great pride and pleasure that I introduce you to a beacon for humanity- Voices Education Project.

If you go to read and decide to comment, please remember these are peacemakers and humanitarians. Keep it short; say what country you are from; be thoughtful, respectful, and professional and do not put links to other sites in your comment.

You may find the two features:
A New Version of a Weapon of Mass Destruction: http://www.voiceseducation.org/content/new-version-weapon-mass-destruction

Michael Jackson: http://www.voiceseducation.org/content/michael-jackson-spiritual-messenger-hiding-plain-sight

And you may find my poetry in the online book Waging Peace at Voices in Wartime: http://voiceseducation.org/content/waging-peace

And if you like what you find at Voices, you might want to do what I did and “Make that change in Michael’s name” by leaving a donation in Michael’s memory: http://voiceseducation.org/content/waging-peace

Rev. B. Kaufmann at Inner Michael
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Re: Voices Education Project - A Tribute to Michael (From Writer Of Inner Michael)

Oh yes...great articles. She is such a lovely writer. I love the "Spiritual Messenger Hiding in Plain Sight"... ain't that the truth. I'm so glad there are people like this, speaking out for Michael.
Re: Voices Education Project - A Tribute to Michael (From Writer Of Inner Michael)

Great article, and so true what she says. I really hope this reaches a lot of people and makes them realize what is happening to our world. If we're not careful we're on a sliding slope. It's time to make a change and let love rule!
Re: Voices Education Project - A Tribute to Michael (From Writer Of Inner Michael)

Bumpity bump.
Re: Voices Education Project - A Tribute to Michael (From Writer Of Inner Michael)
