Vocal changes over time... Discuss


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Sydney, Australia
Over the span of Michael's career (his entire life) it's natural that his voice sounds different from album to album, but as of late, i've tried listening to different albums and eras and tried grouping them into sort of similar categories of vocal styles.

Anyone who has been a fan of Michael's for a long time can tell his voice from imitators and copy cats, and some can even give you a rough estimate on the year something was recorded, be it unreleased or a demo. So I thought i'd give my take on his changes, mainly focusing on his solo years (OTW onwards).

Generally I would categorize Michael's voice as follows:

Off The Wall/Thriller > Bad > Dangerous/HIStory/BOTDF > Invincible.

The first one is OTW and Thriller... where I think Michael's voice was softer and generally smoother. He sounds very youthful in both albums and doesn't have that gravelly rawness when he "screams" like in later eras. Basically I segregated these albums because there are certain songs like "The Girl Is Mine", "Carousel", "Rock With You" and "Off The Wall" that could never be mistaken for recordings from the Bad era if you were a non-fan or if they were unreleased tracks.

The Bad era to me is like a transition period with Michael's vocal style, much like Forever, Michael showcased Michael's change from young kid to teenager. Michael uses a rougher, raw tone a lot on the album (Dirty Diana, Bad, TWYMMF) which he didn't really use before. The only song comparable in earlier albums is the song Thriller, and personally, the difference is night and day. There are softer songs on the album that also show how his voice was maturing and getting SLIGHTLY deeper. Liberian Girl has a smoothness to it that shows this maturity developing. It has roughly the same pacing to Human Nature, but if you listen to the two songs one after the other, you'll see what I mean.

The next period to me expands on Bad even more. During Dangerous/HIStory/BOTDF his voice is at it's "screaming" best. There is a heavier use of the "roughness" in Michael's voice in all these albums. No longer do we have the crooning adolescent sounds of Thriller, but it is replaced by a deeper, audibly mature sounding Michael that would not have sounded the same if recorded in his late 20's. You get the height of the "rough" sounds in songs like Scream, Jam, Who Is It, They Dont Care About Us, Blood on The Dance Floor and Morphine and the smooth maturity in songs like You Are Not Alone and For All Time (listen to this at night with a good pair of headphones and you'll see what I mean!). Dangerous and HIStory both showcase the drastic difference between his vocal styles between the songs on them. He really lets loose on Black Or White, where you can REALLY hear his excitement in his singing, and then you also have Will You Be There, which reveal his mature silky voice.

Finally you have Invincible, which oddly enough sounds totally different from all albums that came before it in terms of vocal styling. It's clearly a deeper voice, with both the gravelly "yelling" on songs like Unbreakable, to the deeper ballads, i.e You Are My Life showing a much more mature Michael Jackson. Anything recorded during this era is usually picked out by fans right away if it is leaked or a demo. It's a sound hardly ever mixed up with eras that came before it.

So really all i'm asking is, do you feel the same? If you were to close your eyes and try imagining Michael of 1982 singing Black or White, could you do it? The same goes for Michael of 1991 singing Rock With You...
I so understand about the being able to tell the difference without even knowing which album it's from. I recently got a whole bunch of unreleased stuff and i can tell which ones were recorded in which eras.
I agree and can see all your points. I didn't really like the youthfulness of Thriller. For me, i prefer dangerous and Invincible. I love his voice on Escape and i also enjoy she got it. I liked how you stated the bad era as " adolescence ".
Thats how I interpret his voice when I look at his solo career. Michael is a timeless artist, and how he looks supports this because to me he's ageless.

I view Off The Wall as YOUNG Michael, with Thriller almost like his journey into the teenage years. Bad is definitely the rebel adolescent (it's hard to believe he's 30 in this era) of the group. The 90's albums kinda plateau for me, until you get to Invincible which is like Mike all grown up.
first of all...hi, new here. nice meeting you all.
i totally agree with your post. you can definitely hear the changes and which era the song was recorded.
- jackson/the jackson 5 era there always seems to be some sadness in his voice. maybe that's why all those lovesongs still sound so beautiful and real although a child was singing it.
- off the wall and thriller era there was soo much happiness and innocence in his voice. probably because he was finally free of joe ( or he knew freedom was near) and he was making friends. also some flirting in his voice
- bad era you can definitely hear the bad boy in him coming out, wanting to explore his sexy side. also he really sounds very secure of himself and his abilities.
- dangerous and history era there seems to be much weariness, sadness and anger. the trials, people showing their true colors etc.
- the invincible era he seems calmer, happy as if he has found some peace back he lost.
i must say i like the off the wall/thriller era voice the best. you can clearly hear what kind of person he was. sweet, shy, sensitive and funny.
i feel so sad that the media and all those money hungry people took it away from him.
i love all his voices, it tells his journeys in life and what his feelings were.

sorry for bad grammar or spelling...
I can always tell where the song came from.
I love all of his albums. The way he sings ballads on OTW an Thriller. The gritty songs like SC and DD on Bad. The messages on Dangerous. BOW is my all time favorite. The deeper voice on Invincible.
There's something for everyone.
His voice did go higher but then that may have been due to his nose surgeries which he said he had (as well as re-shaping) to help him "reach the higher notes". This is what he said in Mr Bashit's interview.
- jackson/the jackson 5 era there always seems to be some sadness in his voice. maybe that's why all those lovesongs still sound so beautiful and real although a child was singing it.
- off the wall and thriller era there was soo much happiness and innocence in his voice. probably because he was finally free of joe ( or he knew freedom was near) and he was making friends. also some flirting in his voice
- bad era you can definitely hear the bad boy in him coming out, wanting to explore his sexy side. also he really sounds very secure of himself and his abilities.
- dangerous and history era there seems to be much weariness, sadness and anger. the trials, people showing their true colors etc.
- the invincible era he seems calmer, happy as if he has found some peace back he lost.
i must say i like the off the wall/thriller era voice the best. you can clearly hear what kind of person he was. sweet, shy, sensitive and funny.

Lovely points, I agree.
I love the Off The Wall an Thriller voice best as well. He sounds so happy during that time...
honestly I think it was all a matter of choice for MJ. Listen to his voice on the we are the world demo. It sounds very simmilliar to some of the deepr voices we heard later in his career. along with his ahh, hee, hooos.

I think he just had a really big range the whole time and he picked and chose what he gave us in a way to try and keep himself fresh.
my favorite dose of vocals comes from dangerous and Invincible though.

I've always find relations between Dangerous and Invincible, both albums and Mike's vocals--in which both happens to be my top 2 fave albums.

Both albums are lengthy
both albums have upbeat tracks and also balanced with ballads

Voice wise - you could hear (i dunno how to decscribe it) 'husky?' voice.

I love Michael's voice in Invincible so manly and sexy esp. the track 'Privacy'

he's voice on OTW, Thriller and Bad has a little 'softness' to it, as years passed, when he sings upbeat songs he kinda have this 'husky' voice -- me likey ;)
Honestly, Michael pleasantly surprised me with 'Speechless'. :)
If you told me it was vocals from the Thriller-era, I would've believed you.