Visiting Neverland?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Manchester, UK
I'm flying out to LA in a couple of weeks and thought on my list of things to do I may visit Santa Barbara and have a look at Neverland.
I realise you can't get in but for anyone who has been is it worth going to? Is it easy to find? I suspect you can't see much but is it a case of just seeing the main gate or can you see inside from other observation points?
If anyone could suggest any other places MJ related worth seeing as well that would be appreciated.
Thanks in advace.
u cant see anything its just a gate and open land/ fields. it depends on if u want to go or not and just feel near to mj and the place i guess but theres nothing to really see
I think since you're going to be in the area it's worth going - if only to leave a flower and a candle for him at the gate.