Visited Michael's final resting place


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I don't know where to post this but needed to share. Mods please move if inappropriately located.

Monday June 28th: A Day of Blessings Unrequested and Perhaps Unearned - My Fated Encounter and Extended Gift of Time Spent Alone with Our Dear Angel Michael at Forest Lawn Glendale Last Week.

To begin, this was one of the most surreal moments (days) of my life. More so than first meeting Michael or being invited back to hang with him. This was fate and I don't know exactly why I was chosen for this. I did not ask for it, but am forever grateful for the chance to have done this. Please do not read on if you are still too highly emotional about Michael's death. I do not want to upset anyone more. Michael was all about L.O.V.E. and wouldn't want any of you to be sad still.

I debated sharing this with you guys and then felt selfish in not doing so. I went to visit my grandmother's niche at Forest Lawn, Glendale last week for the first time since she passed. I thought that Michael was interned at Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills, so the thought that he was buried there never crossed my mind.
It's a long, long story (I was alone in the Grand Mausoleum for 4 hours and lost and scared) but I found Michael and had a chance to spend an hour with him and to send all of our love to him. I felt extremely privileged to be there and did not take it for granted.
As I was lost and scared, the only way I could figure to get out was to take a picture of Mike's sarcophagus so security would rush in and delete the pictures (more importantly rescue me). But, I kept taking pictures and no one came. Then again, not a soul was let in this HUGE, five story building except me; again greatly humbled. When I did finally find my way out to an exit it was on the opposite side of the building and I was greeted by a large group of hysterical fans who wanted to know how I got to spend four hours with Michael. I explained I was there to visit my grandma, but they still were angry with me that I wouldn't "take them with me to get them in". Seriously, the security to get in was SOOOO tight. How could I have returned and said, "Oh yeah, my sister here wants to see grandma too".
Anyhow, I send EVERYONE from here Michael's love and even touched the marble in which he is encased as to come as close to him as possible. I was COMPLETELY respectful. Again, I want to share this so you all know that Michael knows we are here and in a way, we all got to visit and send love. Many fans were very angry with me and I understand a bid because they can't get in, feel this is unfair and are jealous of me. My grandmother is entombed about 20 yards from Michael, so as long as he is there in the Grand Mausoleum, I will be able to see him. I am not positng any pictures out of respect (and because I saw what Karen went through).
I do want you all to know that it is incredibly sad to be there. I did not feel any peace in being there with Michael and I did not feel his spirit. I know in my heart he is at peace because it was cool and quiet (except for the muzak), and pretty, but it didn't feel like the right place for Mike. I miss him TERRIBLY. He must be at peace though. He is sleeping finally and the world cannot bother him. He has his privacy, but not how he wanted it. I am crying as I write this because I loved that man and never understood why the world was out to get him. He was a perfect soul :angel: (as perfect as any human can be) and deserved the complete opposite of what he was handed in life. He was a true survivor and I am so happy to know we got to share with him 40 years of amazing talent and love. I just wish we could have given it back equally before he left. I know for a fact that his spirit does not lie in the sarcophogus next to which I lied. I know why now. He is above and through us. He is now Angel Michael and NO ONE can hurt him or his feelings or make him feel ugly or less than EVERY again. This makes me very happy. I just wanted to see that one time while I was with him when he was alive.
Knowing he was there brought me no resolution to this horror that continues to haunt me. I miss him as much as ever and this unexpected event brought very little closure to saying goodbye. I am unsure if this helps anyone, perhaps not, but i wanted you all to know so you don't try to bust in to see him only to be deeply saddened and disappointed.
I found fans hidden in the bushes outside of the area Michael is buried and they were sobbing. It made me so upset and there was nothing I could do. I wanted to share the video and pictures I had taken, but thought it would only upset them more. I feel very much an outcast by the other fans but do not have some secret motive or agenda. It was a moment, well hours, meant to be for some reason. I was however lost for four hours total and was very scared at a few times. The place is empty guys. NO guards, NO people visiting, but mostly, NO love and NO sharing of pain. I felt SO alone in there. I knew Michael and spent maybe a dozen days with him during his life (as you old timers know) so I thought the chance to see this would make things final. It didn't. It has only disturbed me to the core and saddened me deeply. I want to feel better and move on. I am a 37 year old man for Christ's sake. So sorry to ramble but I am trying to be as forthcoming as I can be. Trust me, this is VERY hard to share and I am nervous about the response.
Any advise is greatly appreciated. Please do not ask to see the pictures. It would be disrespectful and I know they would not stay in one person's hands. I have video inside the Mausoleum in a different area that shows how scared I was and I have outside footage of some of the fans and the memorial. That I am happy to share. I hope to find some support here on my home MJJ site. I feel ostracized by the fans Michael loved and by the people whom all said, with me, that we needed to stay strong together in L.O.V.E. Please tell me you mean it. I feel more alone in my love for Mike than ever. Thanks in advance for your love and support.

PS. Although I didn't feel his spirit in the room, I did feel love emanating from him and his body. I believe he was so full of love, innocence and joy at his very core, that nothing, not even death, was able to take that away. That brought more tears to my eyes, but happy tears. I love you Mike. You really saved my life and the life of SO many. You will NEVER, EVER be forgotten and you will always have a special place in the hearts of millions of people for the rest of time. You did it! You are the most famous person in the world; in the HIStory of the world. As little as this makes things better for me, I know that Michael ended his life fulfilling his ultimate goal. Now it is our job to use the fame he built to teach the world his lessons. Who is with me?
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I don't really know what to say... It's very hard being outside at the door, I can't even imagine how hard it must have been for you being inside... :better:
i don't know what to say either. one important thing of this entry... michael saved lives. so so many lives, in ways we will never be able to fathom. to this post, i wholeheartedly say... "count me in"...
:cry: Speechless mate :( I'm in no way angry at you at all like those other fans. I would consider you grately privilaged & lucky to have had the time to spend with Michael. I'm just sorry that it didn't bring any form of closer for you :( I would shake your hand if you were a few thousand miles closer.
I don't know what to say. I think you were lucky to spend time with Michael and I'm not angry at all.
I do want you all to know that it is incredibly sad to be there. I did not feel any peace in being there with Michael and I did not feel his spirit. I know in my heart he is at peace because it was cool and quiet (except for the muzak), and pretty, but it didn't feel like the right place for Mike. I miss him TERRIBLY. He must be at peace though. He is sleeping finally and the world cannot bother him. He has his privacy, but not how he wanted it.
The place is empty guys. NO guards, NO people visiting, but mostly, NO love and NO sharing of pain. I felt SO alone in there.

omg..:(no words :cry:
I don't know where to post this but needed to share. Mods please move if inappropriately located.​

Monday June 28th: A Day of Blessings Unrequested and Perhaps Unearned - My Fated Encounter and Extended Gift of Time Spent Alone with Our Dear Angel Michael at Forest Lawn Glendale Last Week.

To begin, this was one of the most surreal moments (days) of my life. More so than first meeting Michael or being invited back to hang with him. This was fate and I don't know exactly why I was chosen for this. I did not ask for it, but am forever grateful for the chance to have done this. Please do not read on if you are still too highly emotional about Michael's death. I do not want to upset anyone more. Michael was all about L.O.V.E. and wouldn't want any of you to be sad still.

I debated sharing this with you guys and then felt selfish in not doing so. I went to visit my grandmother's niche at Forest Lawn, Glendale last week for the first time since she passed. I thought that Michael was interned at Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills, so the thought that he was buried there never crossed my mind.
It's a long, long story (I was alone in the Grand Mausoleum for 4 hours and lost and scared) but I found Michael and had a chance to spend an hour with him and to send all of our love to him. I felt extremely privileged to be there and did not take it for granted.
As I was lost and scared, the only way I could figure to get out was to take a picture of Mike's sarcophagus so security would rush in and delete the pictures (more importantly rescue me). But, I kept taking pictures and no one came. Then again, not a soul was let in this HUGE, five story building except me; again greatly humbled. When I did finally find my way out to an exit it was on the opposite side of the building and I was greeted by a large group of hysterical fans who wanted to know how I got to spend four hours with Michael. I explained I was there to visit my grandma, but they still were angry with me that I wouldn't "take them with me to get them in". Seriously, the security to get in was SOOOO tight. How could I have returned and said, "Oh yeah, my sister here wants to see grandma too".
Anyhow, I send EVERYONE from here Michael's love and even touched the marble in which he is encased as to come as close to him as possible. I was COMPLETELY respectful. Again, I want to share this so you all know that Michael knows we are here and in a way, we all got to visit and send love. Many fans were very angry with me and I understand a bid because they can't get in, feel this is unfair and are jealous of me. My grandmother is entombed about 20 yards from Michael, so as long as he is there in the Grand Mausoleum, I will be able to see him. I am not positng any pictures out of respect (and because I saw what Karen went through).
I do want you all to know that it is incredibly sad to be there. I did not feel any peace in being there with Michael and I did not feel his spirit. I know in my heart he is at peace because it was cool and quiet (except for the muzak), and pretty, but it didn't feel like the right place for Mike. I miss him TERRIBLY. He must be at peace though. He is sleeping finally and the world cannot bother him. He has his privacy, but not how he wanted it. I am crying as I write this because I loved that man and never understood why the world was out to get him. He was a perfect soul :angel: (as perfect as any human can be) and deserved the complete opposite of what he was handed in life. He was a true survivor and I am so happy to know we got to share with him 40 years of amazing talent and love. I just wish we could have given it back equally before he left. I know for a fact that his spirit does not lie in the sarcophogus next to which I lied. I know why now. He is above and through us. He is now Angel Michael and NO ONE can hurt him or his feelings or make him feel ugly or less than EVERY again. This makes me very happy. I just wanted to see that one time while I was with him when he was alive.
Knowing he was there brought me no resolution to this horror that continues to haunt me. I miss him as much as ever and this unexpected event brought very little closure to saying goodbye. I am unsure if this helps anyone, perhaps not, but i wanted you all to know so you don't try to bust in to see him only to be deeply saddened and disappointed.
I found fans hidden in the bushes outside of the area Michael is buried and they were sobbing. It made me so upset and there was nothing I could do. I wanted to share the video and pictures I had taken, but thought it would only upset them more. I feel very much an outcast by the other fans but do not have some secret motive or agenda. It was a moment, well hours, meant to be for some reason. I was however lost for four hours total and was very scared at a few times. The place is empty guys. NO guards, NO people visiting, but mostly, NO love and NO sharing of pain. I felt SO alone in there. I knew Michael and spent maybe a dozen days with him during his life (as you old timers know) so I thought the chance to see this would make things final. It didn't. It has only disturbed me to the core and saddened me deeply. I want to feel better and move on. I am a 37 year old man for Christ's sake. So sorry to ramble but I am trying to be as forthcoming as I can be. Trust me, this is VERY hard to share and I am nervous about the response.
Any advise is greatly appreciated. Please do not ask to see the pictures. It would be disrespectful and I know they would not stay in one person's hands. I have video inside the Mausoleum in a different area that shows how scared I was and I have outside footage of some of the fans and the memorial. That I am happy to share. I hope to find some support here on my home MJJ site. I feel ostracized by the fans Michael loved and by the people whom all said, with me, that we needed to stay strong together in L.O.V.E. Please tell me you mean it. I feel more alone in my love for Mike than ever. Thanks in advance for your love and support.

PS. Although I didn't feel his spirit in the room, I did feel love emanating from him and his body. I believe he was so full of love, innocence and joy at his very core, that nothing, not even death, was able to take that away. That brought more tears to my eyes, but happy tears. I love you Mike. You really saved my life and the life of SO many. You will NEVER, EVER be forgotten and you will always have a special place in the hearts of millions of people for the rest of time. You did it! You are the most famous person in the world; in the HIStory of the world. As little as this makes things better for me, I know that Michael ended his life fulfilling his ultimate goal. Now it is our job to use the fame he built to teach the world his lessons. Who is with me?
Thank you for sharing. I could not take it if I were to go there.
That was a very emotional experience for you, and a very emotional read for me. You should really thank your lucky stars for the chance of being with Michael, even if it was like that. On the other hand, I understand that it was a very emotional thing...

Thank you so much for sharing. I appreciate reading this more than you will know. Michael did not deserve the awful treatment some people gave him. At least he is resting in peace now, if life goes on tha way.

Thanks for sharing.. you made me speechless :mello:
Wow, truly no words dear. :cry: That must have been a very emotional and surreal experience for you. Thank you so much for sharing. You are extremely lucky to have spent that time with Michael. I can't imagine how hard that must have been for you. :(

:better: :heart:
Thank you so much for sharing your story with us and thank you for not posting any pictures. Let Michael have the peace in death he never got in life. You had me in tears reading this. Michael's spirit is all around us and is always looking out for us all and that is what is important so thank you again for sharing your story.
thank you for sharing that. I dont think i would have been able to hold myself together if i had the chance to visit michael the way you did. I have to agree that Forest Lawen maybe beautiful and peacful but its not the right place for him to be. the way you described it just makes it sound like its cold, quite, and closed off from the world. it breaks my heart. also dont let other fans make you feel like a outcast. they are just upset that they cant see michael and pay respects to him personaly. thats all. if they are making you feel that way dont take it personaly. its the grief talking not them.
Thank you all for your kind words. I am grateful and humbled. I haven't visited this post since putting it up. I've been through so many emotions. It is very reassuring to know that most fans do not hate me and I see what you are saying about their anger being due to their grief. I am happy to know my story touched some of you and this is why I decided to share. Let us all join together now, perhaps as we could and should have more when Mike was still with us. We need to find strength in one another and keep Michael's memory alive. As much as I felt it important to share this story, I feel some closure now thanks to your replies and think I will focus on posting my experiences with Mike when he was alive and vibrant. Those bring me such happy memories. I like focusing on those. :) Thank you all again.
This brought tears to my eyes, thanks a lot for sharing your experience with us. I know Michael would like for us to go on like everything will be okay, but it's hard sometimes. :cry:
Thanks for sharing your story. I don't hate you at all. If it meant a lot to you to be there, I'm happy that you had that chance. (Personally, I have no desire to visit the mausoleum. I guess I understand why someone who desperately wishes that they could go inside would be jealous of you, though).

I am concerned that you were lost in there for hours - aren't there emergency exit lights and maps posted?

I would love to read more about the ~dozen days that you spent with Michael, if you don't mind sharing with us!
thank you so much for sharing you visit and not sharing the photos, thank you. your words brought tears to my eyes, but again and again thank you.

may i ask a request? please, on your next visit, could you please say my unconditional love to Michael, please say him "Tubis loves you unconditionally and will always". this will make me so happy, thank you again and again.
Simply curious as to how you got to visit him? I mean...people in general aren't allowed in, right? Just wondering how you managed to get in :)
I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your story and im not angry at with u either.
You guys are all so sweet. I think I can summon the courage to write about at least one of my adventures with Mike soon. He was such a good man. I think it's important to share that with the world.
I would try to trade places with you even for a minute just to be in one room with MJ..........thank you for sharing your experience and I truly appreciate it for valuing your footages and pictures of it personally...and for not sharing it with the world.......I'm sure MJ will appreciate that .....
Thank you for sharing your was very heartfelt and honest. It makes me sad to think of Michael there all alone....but of course, i know he's NOT there.
It was meant to be, you being there and having that time. Something very few will ever get to do. I dont see why anyone should be angry at you at all.

And yes I am with you - we need to focus on Michael's message and do out best to remember the positives through our pain.. :(
You guys are all so sweet. I think I can summon the courage to write about at least one of my adventures with Mike soon. He was such a good man. I think it's important to share that with the world.

Wow....if you would be so gracious as to share ANY of your expereince's with Michael...well, let's just say I would be extrmley grateful to live those vicariously. Only if you choose to do so of course... :yes: