Violent shooting at Fort Hood Texas


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Please pray for the ones dead, wounded and the families of every soldier etc here.

I live in Texas and it was like a punch in the gut. 13 dead, 31 wounded and the gunmen is dead.

Dunno if this was posted anywhere else....sorry if it was

Sorry for those people...

Maybe one day americans will understand that it's not a good thing to allow everybody to buy a gun at wallmart...
Sorry for those people...

Maybe one day americans will understand that it's not a good thing to allow everybody to buy a gun at wallmart...

I don't know how many more shootings they need in order to understand that...this is just tragic and horrible
I don't know how many more shootings they need in order to understand that...this is just tragic and horrible

It is tragic and horrible, but it so doesn't surprise me...

I'd actually be curious to know how many people actually used ther gun to 'defend' themselves and their family versus the ones who used their gun to kill people in that country...
What makes it even more sad is that it was a solider, killing his fellow soldiers.
We were so scared, my mom's got a friend stationed over there. But luckily nothing happenend to her ..
Sorry for those people...

Maybe one day americans will understand that it's not a good thing to allow everybody to buy a gun at wallmart...

It was an officer shooting fellow officers. He would have had guns anyways if they were available at Walmart or not.

As for those other people (non-military, non-police who shoot up schools) there needs to be some kind of counseling before they decide to get violent.
Yes, news says he's slowly recovering (the shooter) but they don't know if he can yet talk about 'why?'

on the news they said that they were going to send him to Afghanistan against his will
That would be horrible thing to do, this guy needs help... not to be drowned into violence even more...

no you misunderstood, they said that's why he did it because he didn't want to go
I'm from Texas as well and when I heard this was breaking news I was very angry for this to happen. It is just unhuman to do this kind of this to fellow soldiers. Sometimes I don't understand what goes in people's minds. :no:
It's very shocking, and sad a phyciatrist, snapped and killed his fellow soldiers, what's the world coming to?? What a screwed up world we live in!!!!:(:no:
no you misunderstood, they said that's why he did it because he didn't want to go

Oh ok!!! Thanks for clearing that.. lol, I misread yes!
But well, I know there's all this thing around you engaged you have to go thing.. but he probably show signs of 'I'm not strong enough to do it' before it happens and they still wanted to get him there.. that's sad, soldiers maybe don't always have the support they need, they are humans after all...
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Just tragic...
America may be the superpower of the world.. but it is horribly backward on some social issues. I know the officer would have access to guns.. but it is crazy how many gun-related deaths there are each year. I just looked it up on Google. In 2008; TWENTY EIGHT THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY THREE PEOPLE. 2 8 9 8 3 people lost their lives due to this socially backward policy. Outlaw guns in the USA! Heal the world! Make it stop for god's sake :cry:
It's a bit late for the outlawing of guns.

People who want them can get them.