vin's baby mama a porn star ??


Until this story, the only thing I knew about Paloma Jimenez is that she hooked Vin Diesel. It is not known how long they have been dating but the couple had a baby on April 2nd. It just so happens that, Paloma's 'name' is listed on two anal porn videos...'A Drink at the Whore House', & 'Prohibited Nights'. Of course, it is possible that this is mistaken identity but that aspect is soo not JUICY.

Vin, if you are into anal, you don't have to lower yourself to trashy D-list porn stars that have become models. She gave you a baby, her work is done. Bring that baby & your fine self on over here ... I can handle the anal aspect *wink*
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Vin Diesel ... anal :eek:

I still think he is batting for my team ... the anal aspect is kind of funny to me :hysterical:
Anal or not, I don't see what is wrong with Porn stars?

neither do I, they're just doing their job.
Granted it's not something to write home to mum and dad about but as long as we are living breathing functioning humans, there is always going to be a porn industry in all its glory. There's a reason that the sex industry is known as the "oldest industry in the world". ;D

As long as the participants or employees understand the risks of their job and undertake the appropriate safety measures for both themselves and their colleagues that's all that matters.

As for Vin.... if he's happy I guess that's all that matters.
yes, i mean there have been plenty of months that I have had to prostitute myself, to pay the server fees of MJJCommunity ... what is wrong with that ??

**end sarcasm**
lol if the majority of the population disapproved like ppl pretend to then the porn industry wouldn't be thriving like it is... ya'll know most of u have looked at something some time in your life...

most men ahve that "secret" or not-so-secret stash... i don't think as many women do but i'd say it's a higher percentage than most ppl woul guess...

if he's happy w/his woman then good 4 him :yes:
yes, i mean there have been plenty of months that I have had to prostitute myself, to pay the server fees of MJJCommunity ... what is wrong with that ??

**end sarcasm**
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
even Mike had some porn in his bedroom :chichi: That right there is some funny ish, I don't care who u r, that ish is funny right there