VIDEO* Smokey Robinson talks about MJ and his kids

Smokey is a great guy. He has always supported Michael, the love he has for Michael is genuine.
It makes you wish Michael had spent more time with people like Smokey who had Michael's best interests at heart, and less time with the leeches who managed to work their way into his life.
he is a real friend not like that #$%@ Q.Jones.
Smokey just followed me on twitter lol :)
That was beautiful. Thanks for posting. There is another shorter video (about 42 s) which is probably what they aired on the show. Smokey said he hadn't sat and talked to Michael since Prince was born and that made him sad. He said that Michael had isolated himself. Smokey said that if maybe they had more contact, then he could have helped Michael.
I posted this on the news thread also. Stevie Wonder is also breaking his silence about Michael's death.

From the San Francisco Examiner:

Stevie Wonder breaks silence on Michael Jackson: 'If he wasn't at peace, he is in the arms of God'

August 6, 11:24 PM · Katrina-Kasey Wheeler - Pop Media Examiner

APThe legendary Stevie Wonder has broken his silence on the passing of his longtime friend, and collaborator Michael Jackson. In a new interview Wonder says of friend, he is 'someone very, very special to the world.' And that 'if he wasn't at peace, he is in the arms of God.' Wonder penned a song called, 'In the Arms of God' and now it may be a tribute song to MJ.

Wonder urges people to celebrate Michael Jackson's legacy rather than focusing on the swirling rumors, speculation and negativity that has been discussed following MJ's passing. The legendary singer-songwriter also reminds us that musicians aren't the only individuals with the power to change the world - everyone has that power to make a change. No one will live forever and we all have to do our best to have a positive impact.

Youtube video of Stevie's Interview and him singing a few lyrics of the tribute song:
OMG I love Smokey. I loved his tribute at the memorial and I loved that interview.
He has such a way with words, he's down to earth and speaks such human common sense. He said exactly what I think about the children. Why in the world would anyone want to make them suffer any more than they have with all the sperm donor nonsense.

I wish so much that Michael had kept people like Smokey in his life. He hadn't seen Michael since Prince was born. Smokey said it hurts that he could have helped Michael in some way, even hugged him. How sweet is that. He's so loving. Things could have been so different..

thanks for posting. luv smokey. is it me, or does he have beautiful eyes.

Yes gorgeous.
Yes, awww Smokey. He's so humble and things he says come straight from a heart full of wisdom. The man is real. Love the way he shares his love for Michael and how he talks of jsut being able to 'kick-back' and chat about the day etc. If only we could all be so lucky. Bless him.
thanks for posting. luv smokey. is it me, or does he have beautiful eyes.

Yes he sure does. Always thought he was a great looking guy and still looks good after all these years.

Thanks for posting this video. Very nice. Smokey is a stand up guy and one of the few who I believe was truly a good friend to Michael. Luv Smokey!
Thank your for posting something positive
we need more of the same in here :)

That was beautiful
I really appreciate his input
and words about Michael .
He was honest and gracious
Exactly, Smokey is a true gentleman and real friend unlike Quincy Jones with his unforfgivable comments about Michael.

What does Quincy say?

I thought he was still close to Michael? That's why he just couldn't attend Michael's funeral just like Elizabeth Taylor couldn't attend.
What does Quincy say?

I thought he was still close to Michael? That's why he just couldn't attend Michael's funeral just like Elizabeth Taylor couldn't attend.

Nope. He did an interview with Details magazine where he bashed Michael. I don't have the link, but I'm sure someone does. I remember that he said (I'm paraphasing) Michael used chemical peels to bleach his skin and that he (Michael) didn't want black children.

I know that he said on MSNBC that he hated going to funerals and that he wouldn't go to any more b/c he had lost too many friends.
Nope. He did an interview with Details magazine where he bashed Michael. I don't have the link, but I'm sure someone does. I remember that he said (I'm paraphasing) Michael used chemical peels to bleach his skin

There's a video of him saying that too but it's from a different interview.

Well, THIS interview was done by
MEN STYLE/OR some magazine.

I know what y'all thinking...but I dont really believe this BS. Its not a Reliable source...(Well, I dont think so) but this is the interview he "supposedly" gave.

I dont know but its kinda a shock to me if he really gave this interview...With all the Media around nowadays...its hard to believe whats True and whats false!!!


The hit-making producer behind the King of Pop's rise discusses Jackson's life, death, and love of chemical peels

Q: Did you believe him about the disease?
A: I don't believe in any of that bullshit, no. No. Never. I've been around junkies and stuff all my life. I've heard every excuse. It's like smokers—"I only smoke when I drink" and all that stuff. But it's bullshit. You're justifying something that's destructive to your existence. It's crazy. I mean, I came up with Ray Charles, man. You know, nobody gonna pull no wool over my eyes. He did heroin 20 years! Come on. And black coffee and gin for 40 years. But when he called me to come over to see him when he was in the hospital on his way out, man, he had emphysema, hepatitis C, cirrhosis of the liver, and five malignant tumors. Please, man! I've been around this all my life. So it's hard for somebody to pull the wool over my eyes. But when somebody's hell-bent on it, you can't stop 'em. :wtf2

Q: But it must've been so disturbing to see Michael's face turn into what it turned into.
A: It's ridiculous, man! Chemical peels and all of it. And I don't understand it. But he obviously didn't want to be black.:wtf2

Q: Is that what it was?
A: Well, what do you think? You see his kids?

Q: Did you ever discuss it? Did you ever ask, "Michael, don't you want to be a black man?"
A: No, no, no, please. That's not the way you do it.

Q: But he was beautiful before?
A: Man, he was the most gorgeous guy.

Q: But he seemed to have some deep-seated issue with how he looked?
A: Well, that comes about a certain way. I'm not sure how it happens. I'm just a musician and a record producer. I'm not a psychiatrist. I don't understand all that stuff. We all got problems. But there's a great book out called Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart. Did you see that? That book says the statute of limitations has expired on all childhood traumas. Get your stuff together and get on with your life, man. Stop whinin' about what's wrong, because everybody's had a rough time, in one way or another.

Q: I've heard you say that you wanted Michael to sing "She's Out of My Life," the great pop ballad from Off the Wall, in part because you felt like he had to deal with reality.
A: I just wanted to hear him deal with a romantic relationship with a human being rather than a rat. I'm saying that facetiously, but it's true. I saw him at the Oscars very emotional about "Ben." I wanted to hear him get in touch with a real human relationship. "She's Out of My Life" was written by Tommy Bahler from a very bad ending to a marriage. So it was very real. I was saving it for Sinatra. But I gave it to Michael. And Michael cried during every take, and I left the tears in.

Q: It's interesting you mention this, because I was just watching a clip on YouTube where you're sitting on a couch with Michael and he's petting a snake the whole time.
A: Oh, I remember that. Yeah, that was Muscles.

Q: Muscles?
A: Muscles. That's a big boa constrictor he had. Muscles used to wrap around my leg in a record session and crawl across the console. I was never comfortable with that. It was a choice between that and Bubbles—you know, the chimp.

Q: Did you ever meet Bubbles?
A: Are you kidding me? He bit a hole in my daughter's hand! Rashida's hand. Rashida Jones—did you see I Love You, Man? That's my daughter. She was a little girl. And Bubbles bit her hand. Michael used to bring Muscles and Bubbles by the house all the time, you know.

Q: What did you think of that? Wasn't that a little weird?
A: I don't know, man. Everybody does his own thing. I've met every freak in the business. Everybody has their idiosyncrasies. I try not to judge it, you know. I know all women are junkies for little dogs and bags and purses. Ha ha ha ha!
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AND ANOTHER WebSites...Now the sites I'm posting are blogs or other websites...Not a reliable source. ANybody can write an interview...but a video is the only thing that I'm gonna believe...I guess that's just me. IF anyone finds a vid where Q is talking about Michael like this...i'd like to see it..but so far...everthing I've found is written...

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