Video Missing???


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

Michael Jackson’s Death Video Is Missing
A secret home camera videotape showing Michael Jackson’s final moments is among crucial evidence missing from the house where the singer died, it has learned exclusively.

And as some of The Jackson Family charge “foul play” in his untimely death, a report investigation has uncovered startling details of a massive cover-up by insiders who hid drugs and “sanitized” the death scene.

What’s more, there are some chilling details of what Michael’s bodyguards saw at the multimillion-dollar mansion on June 25 as the King of Pop’s life drained away at age 50.

Michael had an elaborate security system - but critical video evidence was removed before investigators obtained their first search warrant, according to authorities.

“It was a very sophisticated and high-tech surveillance and security system,” revealed a police source. “Not only were there cameras outside the house, but there were cameras inside as well - in private locations.

“Insiders close to the investigation say Michael’s death - possibly his murder - was captured on camera, but the video has not been recovered.

“There are also gaps in some security camera footage stored on computer hard drives. Police are combing through personal computers recovered from the house.”

What’s more, investigators are still seeking a large black suitcase that belonged to Jackson and was said to contain a secret stash of powerful drugs, syringes, intravenous bags and an IV pole, say sources.
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All just rumors and Tabloid speculations
there is no reliable source for this info
I would go so far as to say it is made up (A Lie)
nancy fuck face grace reported this a few days ago. i dont know what to believe so im ignoring it
Why fans don't want truth??I dont get it whenever there is a clue fans call it tabloid Garbage..I dont get why.It is possible cuz Michael was very much concerned about security of himself and his children.It is possible that his last moments were captured by any secret camera in his room.And everyday this feeling is getting stronger that there was some kind of foul play and it might be a murder.And I want the truth to come out and this doctor is very much suspicious since the first day.At one point he call himself his friend and this friend ran away once Mike was taken to UCLA from his home.What kind of Friend will do this??He is the one who got lots of answers and police should get all the answers from this crook.
Why fans don't want truth??I dont get it whenever there is a clue fans call it tabloid Garbage..I dont get why.It is possible cuz Michael was very much concerned about security of himself and his children.It is possible that his last moments were captured by any secret camera in his room.And everyday this feeling is getting stronger that there was some kind of foul play and it might be a murder.And I want the truth to come out and this doctor is very much suspicious since the first day.At one point he call himself his friend and this friend ran away once Mike was taken to UCLA from his home.What kind of Friend will do this??He is the one who got lots of answers and police should get all the answers from this crook.

because theres no CONCRETE evidence that this is true. u know how much shit has been made up? so some of us are taking things with a grain of salt until proof is given. theres so many contradictions its enough to make sum1 go crazy,which i started a long time ago
because theres no CONCRETE evidence that this is true. u know how much shit has been made up? so some of us are taking things with a grain of salt until proof is given. theres so many contradictions its enough to make sum1 go crazy,which i started a long time ago

There is no concrete evidence of any murder just in few days.Each and every aspect has to be taken into consideration and now it seems like a murder.It smells like foul play,there are lots of unanswered questions and Im 100% sure Murray knows the answers but he don't want to answer those questions cuz he also had his part in that whole conspiracy.Just takin grain of salt will let go all those people behind Mike's untimely and tragic death.I know lots of bullshit has been said about MJ in media and Im totally aware of them but it doesnt mean everythin should be taken as grain of salt.A guy who was singing and dancing one day and died by cardiac arrest next day,what does it proves??Something went seriously wrong and here people are taking everything like grain of salt..well done!!!:(