VIDEO* Long time friend Frank Cascio interview about Michael

Wow, I didn't know Cascio gave an interview with ABC. Nice to see him. I hope he is doing well.
I did'nt know he gave an interview either cause they just kept re-running the same interviews of the same people over and over saying the same things. It's refreshing to hear from someone new with something new sometimes.
that was a great interview. I'm glad he spoke up about his friend.
I had a little chuckle about Michael helping Frank's mum with the vacuuming.
Thanks for sharing this lovely video. :)
thank you so much for posting....that was such a beautiful interview.I would like to see more sincere interviews like this. After al lthe good things Michael did for so many in this world, I am sure that the GOOD people can come out of the wood work and give him the props he deserves.
Frank looks devastated, like he's been crying for's going to be so hard for all of us who really loved him to live without him...reality hits me again
Wasn't Frank the one who Michael asked to stay when Arvizo stayed in his room? And he was one of the people they accused of kidnapping them. He is a true friend to Michael, and one of the few who have never tried to cash in.