VIDEO* Katherine Jackson says TII may be to hard for her to bare


and awww poor Katherine.. I bet it will be hard for the family.. especially the children :cry:
Poor katherine yes it will be very hard for her and the kids.Thanks for the link.

Susannah xx
awwww bless her! she is soo sweeet, i wish i could give her a hug. i couldn't imagine being in her shoes, don't think i could watch it either. i know i'm going to have a hard time myself
I feel the same, I would buy it on DVD to watch in the future. I was shopping yesterday and there was a calender of him in a shop window and I had to fight back tears, the world seems an emptier and quieter place without him.
I feel the same, I would buy it on DVD to watch in the future. I was shopping yesterday and there was a calender of him in a shop window and I had to fight back tears, the world seems an emptier and quieter place without him.

It does. The magic is gone.

Mrs Jackson is going through something no parent should ever go through. I wish her nothing but good things and I hope she'll be okay.

Awww bless her. As someone else said she's going through something a parent should never have to do and now she's had to do that twice.
I understand what she is going through.It's too soon for her and most of the friends and fans. Losing your own child when it's supposed to be the parent to go to the house of the Lord is hard on any parent.The thing is how Michael died was the clincher and The Hope of what could have been.Redemption and Victory from what he had endured. How sad.I feel she should take her time for as long as she likes until she is ready to see or hear anything positive of and about Michael.Who knows,She just might show up with the support of the Jackson Family but it is really understandbale if she doesn't see the film.
LaToya seems over the moon for some reason........I wonder who paid for new dress???....The Estate???...Probably!!!

Katherine is happier but you can tell that she is still hurting!!!!
I saw this when it aired on TV a couple days ago and I mentioned,
in a couple other threads, what she said about attending TII.
My heart breaks for Mrs. Jackson. Truly.
Wow! She's so composed.

But I can totally see MJ watching and laughing at the stars who can't That is so
Isn't Michael Bearden feisty??lol. When Nancy tried to hint an imperfection he was like "MJ was 50 yrs old, he wasn't 8!".lol. That was his way of saying 'gimme a break' about this good health, bad health thing.
What a sweet, gentle, classy woman Katherine seems to be. I really feel for what she has been through with losing her boy.

She sure did make me laugh playfully putting LaToya in her place..."stop saying I'm shy because I'm not". Very cute.

And I like the idea of Michael having watched the show and snickering at the stars who couldn't dance a bit (as Katherine put it...hehe).