Video footage of Michael on 15th May outside beverly Hills Hotel

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Thank you for posting that!
Good lord the kids is getting all grown up! :)

Michael amazes me everytime I see footages like this. I can't understand how he can be so smily and friendly almost everytime this happens!

And I've got to say once again - That young bodyguard that walks in front.. *PHEW* thats a hottie.. :p
Awww. :hysterical:

"Did you buy any good toys at the toy store Michael?"

"OH! Yes we did! *giggles* :D"

Thank you for posting that!
Good lord the kids is getting all grown up! :)

Michael amazes me everytime I see footages like this. I can't understand how he can be so smily and friendly almost everytime this happens!

And I've got to say once again - That young bodyguard that walks in front.. *PHEW* thats a hottie.. :p

i can't understand it, either. lol
Man, I love, love, LOVE watching him walk. It's just a little thing, but I totally enjoy his little SWAGGER. LOL!
Prince is so tall. I always imagine him like this little kid running around in Living with Michael Jackson. "He got me spiderman shoes too!"

I would love to see an interview with him someday.
Wow, the kids are so tall! Prince is almost as tall as Michael. And yes, I like that walk of his too. He really has this amazing swagger.
first thank you very very much for that footage, you see ok, we hate the paps, but tbh they where extremely curtious and very friendly towards him and the kids. Ok lets face it, look at the way that man walked! he is no way having back problems or anything such utter BS , man im afraid to admit, but he proabably looked better in shape than me lol! and i train twice a week intensively, and every day a tiny bit at a time.

Thank you for posting that!
Good lord the kids is getting all grown up! :)

Michael amazes me everytime I see footages like this. I can't understand how he can be so smily and friendly almost everytime this happens!

And I've got to say once again - That young bodyguard that walks in front.. *PHEW* thats a hottie.. :p
Yeah how can he do that? Really amazing. Even though he's so used to the crowd, it cannot feel natural all the time and can never be comfortable. I think he got incredible patience and he seems to be far from a type of person who lose one's temper quick.

I agree with yall. His walk is full of natural swagger.
OMG, I love the way he walks! The paps were hilarious with their little chats, lol.
Ahh beautiful. :wub: I LOVE his walk! I could just watch him walking all day.

EDIT: Haha just read your post micah, ditto. :happy:
I LOVE his walk! I could just watch him walking all day.

Me Too!

I remember when Billy Bush (Access Hollywood) did that piece on MJ from Ireland. Well there is a small part wherein MJ, Will.I.Am and Billy Bush are walking outside. Man, I would play that very small part over and over again, just to watch MJ walk. LOL!

I'm tell you guys, his little swagger makes me smile!