Video file issue

Word Smith Sr

Proud Member
Jan 18, 2008
Rosé Brut, Dream On City
Hello everyone :),

basically i have a movie (avi file) on my computer in which u can hear the original voices (whose language is english) + the french ones (the dubbing voices) at the same time. How can i get rid of the original voices so i can see the movie in french and not english ?
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i'm not sure however try opening it in VLC then going to the Audio menu then Audio Track and see if there is a list (probably disable, track 1 & track 2) if they are both there try them and see if one works
Oh its "Analyze this". Is not Cathy Moriarty so sexy in "Analyze that" ? Wow, i love the way she says: " You live with someone for 21 years. One day they pull his torso out of a river. Its hard."

Then De Niro goes : " Yeah i'll bet. Especially since the talk was that you were the one that put him there."

Wow lol. I wonder what she looks like now. Love it when later on in the conversation she says: " Maybe we'll be more than friends. You wanna lick my beaters ? "