VIDEO* Azia Pryor Chris Tukers Ex talks about accuser

Hopefully someone could put it on youtube for you and every one who can't get it.

I just uploaded it on to my channel.

I have the segment that Azja did on the show uploaded as well. But it's not getting a lot of hits. . . :( I want many people to see this so that they can get a different perspective on the situation and on Michael.

Thank you to trennyboo for giving us the original link.
sadly, I do not get msnbc, so I can't watch it. :(

Are you able to see this? (attempt to embed)

Or see it over on HULU HERE?

Dang why doesn't the HULU vid embed? The embed works great on my MYSPACE page. (I want this message heard around the world!)

This is a much better version of the interview than what Access Hollywood aired a few days ago.. I posted that interview up somewhere on another thread.

I am so glad this version is out there as well!
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Great interview, thanks. Damn I wish all news stations would post this truth.
I just uploaded it on to my channel.

I have the segment that Azja did on the show uploaded as well. But it's not getting a lot of hits. . . :( I want many people to see this so that they can get a different perspective on the situation and on Michael.

Thank you to trennyboo for giving us the original link.

Thanx! I hope some of these news chanels give her the air time to share her stoy to them as well instead of these negative people they keep letting waste air and space!
A lot of people these days are searching to know more about Michael and his life, most of them are not Michael fans and now I am sure they are.
It breaks my heart but I'm afraid it will never happen. I mean the accusers will never come forward telling he didn't do it. I wish at least one of them would come forward - that would weaken the other case as well - but I doubt it will ever happen. If they could do it to Michael they have no conscience whatsoever.
I'm so happy Azja is speaking up. Even though she knows she'll be critiqued she is still defending MJ. Thank you Azja and I hope many people see it.
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