Vibes and such


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Does anybody get vibes from people when they come face to face with them? This might be a bit of a strange thread, but I hope I make some sense.

Sometimes when I meet people, I feel something telling me, "Don't trust them, be careful," and I always try and listen to my inner instinct. It's been right a lot of the time, with many things. You know when you just get this feeling, like a horrible wave of threat or something coming from a person? I really hope I'm not the only one who gets this.

I also apologize if a similar thread has been made. :)
Yes. Thank God I'm not the only one lol. I was biting my nails thinking nobody would reply! Yes I get more good vibes than bad thankfully, but when I get the bad I take a step back and just watch carefully if that makes sense?
I get them too, I usually instantly know if I feel comfortable around someone :huh:
Yes because you get leary some dont know you do that do they?
I do it but keep it to myself sometimes if its a bad vibe or people
that are around family and friends you can sort of feel if they are
not on the up and up?
@ mjsladyinhislife: Yes I get that too! Sometimes I feel as though I already know a person when I have met them, and it feels as though we've been friends for years or something like that. Spooky.

And I never mention to people if I get a bad vibe off them. But if I can't trust them I just try and give them the benefit of the doubt and where does it get me? LOL
Yes I always trust my vibes/intuition, plus I'm very observant of things. I can instantly tell when someone creeps me out, something about them will just get under my skin. I'm also good at reading who's sincere and someone who tries too hard and is phony. :)
Yeah me too on the giving them the benefit of the doubt
came back to bite my ass many a time :lol:

some people are kindred spirits to us you know it instantly

ditto to both your points....especially the second one. :flowers:
Vibeeeeeeeee vibeeeeeeeeeeee vibeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee girl you got that vibe :lol:
Yes I do, face to face or online..... :yes:
^ same for me fujon.
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Beach boys. :wild:

Anyone gets vibes about ppl before they've even met them?
^^Not unless I've encountered them in some way like spoken to them, been in their presence/seen them in person or seen them some other way
Does anybody get vibes from people when they come face to face with them? This might be a bit of a strange thread, but I hope I make some sense.

Sometimes when I meet people, I feel something telling me, "Don't trust them, be careful," and I always try and listen to my inner instinct. It's been right a lot of the time, with many things. You know when you just get this feeling, like a horrible wave of threat or something coming from a person? I really hope I'm not the only one who gets this.

I also apologize if a similar thread has been made. :)
Yes, I have, a very creepy one..:doh: (it's a looooooooooooong story)
Have any of you ever told someone straight up that they gave you a bad vibe or made you feel uncomfortable?
No, I'd rather not. I wouldn't want to upset them... but all the same, I aint going to ignore the feelings I get either. I have done in the past and it leads down one road! I can also sometimes tell a lot about a person by their eyes. I get strange vibes from looking into peoples eyes sometimes.

Have you?
Yes, I have said something in certain situations before, especially when someone is intentionally making me feel uncomfortable
Has there ever been a time when you got a strange vibe walking into a place and turned around and walked out or you were heading somewhere and something inside told you not to go so you didn't?
Yes I felt danger or sometimes If Im in a car I think dont go that way!
one time I told someone I was with dont go that way and they didnt
then later we found out there was several cars in an accident?
I trust my inner instincts at times. theres times when I should of but
I think my viber is broken... or maybe I just fight it and now can't really understand or read times.
I don't get them ALL the time, but when I do I try to listen to it because whenever I don't, something bad happens and I only have myself to blame.
Story time. Gather round. Haha.

I sometimes get a physical reaction when I feel something is off about someone. I get this sick feeling in my stomach, it's hard to describe, but I recognize it when it is going on. What happens most often is I get this reaction with someone that appears to be well received by all; usually possessing much charm and charisma and the appearance of good. This, of course, makes me doubt myself, and not want to say anything because I feel no one will receive what I would say I am sensing about the individual. So I say nothing and just pray and personally stay clear of them if I can. It occured with my next door neighbor, for example, right after I moved in. He seemed the ideal husband, doting father, and the street boyscout, for he was always helping out the older lady across the street. It took a year of much praying and feeling much oppression and becoming physically sick even when he simply was out in front of his house and I was inside... before his true self was exposed and what he had been up to came to the light. He ended up in jail and his wife divorced him. Yet... I know if I had said something to anyone the year before when I first sensed something dark about this guy, no one would have believed me.
^ thats the damned if you do or damned if you dont thing?
I get vibes too of uneasy feelings or you can sense something
going on behind the scenes? but then you just keep it to yourself
cuz you feel if you dont you will be made fun of? I catch all sorts of
vibes online and off. funny how some people dont set off your radar
and others do? :unsure: wonder why that is? we have the gift of
I can tell sometimes by peoples words what their vibe is like, especially when they try too hard to be something they aren't or their words are bullshyt. It's easier getting a vibe from someone in person but I can also sense things in email, message board, etc.....just by the way words are spoken.
I can tell when people are trying to be too good when you meet them. It's like watching a play to me... you can see the acting.
The eyes say a lot about a person too. How they look at you, where they look when you're talking to them etc...
From now on I really am going to listen to my instinct about people because when I ignore it it bites me when I'm not looking and hurts like hell.