VH1 All-time Top Ten


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Videos of the 80's... Michael is of course #1. Thriller...

I never know where to post anything like this here so if this is in the wrong spot please feel free to move it... Just warn me so i dont look all over creation for it lol ;) bye :)

Is this a new countdown or one that was re-run ??

Either way, Thanks for sharing it with us :)
could it be any other way?!?!?!?!?! :punk::punk::punk::punk::punk:
... what a pity that it is only about the 80s!

but Michael was the most extraordinary male artist in the 90s! and one of the most successful, but... media and most journalists and people ignore him and his contribution to music, and point out only specific issues!!!

Absolute ignorance!
would they dare not to have him number one, i would unleash the dragon in me on any channel that does not proclaim especially the 80's to be his
would they dare not to have him number one, i would unleash the dragon in me on any channel that does not proclaim especially the 80's to be his
It would be blasphemy..an outrage!!