Very Young Celine Dion.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Boston, MA USA
I remember my father bringing an album home from Montreal, was of a new singer called Celine Dion. This was in the middle 1980's.. OMG. When I heard her, I couldn't believe someone could sing like that..what a command she had and still has of her unbelievable God-given voice.

Please note, all songs I put in here are in French. But you can really hear her exquisite voice very clearly.
I have been a fan of hers for at least 30 years now. What a voice!!

Une Colombe:

Ce n'était qu'un rêve:

:) well deserved credit to an amazing singer. been a fan of hers since she was a teen. no one does it like Celine.
:) well deserved credit to an amazing singer. been a fan of hers since she was a teen. no one does it like Celine.

Isn't she? I heard of her when she was about 11. She had an exquisite voice back then too. Oh My God. What a voice.
wow 11? how cool! i havent heard her that far back. she was like 16 i think when i first heard her and was floored. and hooked. love her! love her inside and out. she got so choked up when she talked about her daughter. she makes me smile inside.
Celine is the bomb! Dude, she's like the best singer in the world, along with Michael, lol. I've seen her in concert twice and I've never seen a better show. She's unbelieveable. She actually outdoes her recorded performances live. She amps it up even more, and she'll hold some long ass power note while running from one side of the stage to the other without missing a beat. She's the best man. And she's a sweetheart too. I don't get how anyone could dislike her or hate her the way some people act like they do. What's to hate? She's an incredible talent and a good person. They're just jealous.
You know, Celine has a 7 year old son - I wonder if he and Blanket know each other since they're close in age?

Anyway, here is "Je Sais Pas":
eek lol sorry about calling her son a daughter.... well, anyway when she did the photo lay out and it was still a boo boo...just assumed it was a girl.... about him being playmates with blanket? idk... could be
eek lol sorry about calling her son a daughter.... well, anyway when she did the photo lay out and it was still a boo boo...just assumed it was a girl.... about him being playmates with blanket? idk... could be

His hair is long enough for him to be confused with being a girl (just kidding, Celine!!) LOL! Anyway, she is just a fantastic singer. I wish I could go see her some time - I missed her tour last year in Boston since I was in clinical...
I remember my father bringing an album home from Montreal, was of a new singer called Celine Dion. This was in the middle 1980's.. OMG. When I heard her, I couldn't believe someone could sing like that..what a command she had and still has of her unbelievable God-given voice.

Please note, all songs I put in here are in French. But you can really hear her exquisite voice very clearly.
I have been a fan of hers for at least 30 years now. What a voice!!


Une Colombe:


Ce n'était qu'un rêve:

Definately a song bird of the soul..!

Here is a very personal and definate favorite~~~

Isn't she awesome? And she seems to get better with age too!
Mj's vocal trainer,umm cant recall his name rightnow said in one interview that you are best vocally in your 30's and 40's and ur vocals are best during tht time period.So I think he is right,I dont know whats exact age of Celine but I love her.She is very much gifted singer and there are really very few female singers who are really that good.And Celine is the best,really she is:punk:..And I like Enya too,she is also great.:yes: