VERY VERY URGENT AND IMPORTANT-Everyone please read!!!


Proud Member
Jul 5, 2004
Mods pl. let this be here as well as in 1958- forever so it won't be missed. Thanks so much.

This is for EVERY fan and especially for the ones going to the Staples Centre.

We all know that Michael’s not only the greatest artist/entertainer of all time but also one of the most beautiful, wonderful, generous, compassionate, courageous human beings who always used his God-given talent, time and resources to make this world a better place. He was a modern day prophet...his music, his being and his life have always been a divine gift from God to bring people of the world together, to inspire and motivate them to do good, be good and ultimately realize our own oneness with God. he was too good for this world and paid the price for it.
Its killing me to see that this glorious side of his being is still not being recognized or acknowledged anywhere. The heinous media is still bringing up the past accusations, showing him to be a fallen star, and all that nonsense that its just blaspahamy! I just can’t take it anymore!! They've taken away our Michael!!! and are still not repentant!!
As a fan, the past 16 years have been the hardest in every sense-mentally, emotionally, spiritually and even physically, as I have ceaselessly fought the lies of the media, the naysayers and detractors. I’m still doing it through letters to the media, but they are turning a deaf year. But now as the whole world is watching us on TV etc., lets bring out the truth for everyone all around the world to see.

I’m pleading with everyone to pl. take this seriously. This may be our one and only chance to do this on such a big level when the whole world will be watching. Lets do what the media never did.
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sounds like a gd plan...we are his soldiers of love after all so lets show the world wot we can do!
great idea. lets all do this.

how about getting some stickers printed, we could distribute them around the world to fans to stick on cars, windows, etc. i like your ideas of slogans.

when you're feeling down and frustrated remember that Jesus Christ was not popular in his day. look at what they did to him! his devoted friends and followers kept supporting him regardless, and people eventually got the message. (it's just an example, no offence to religious & nonreligious persons!)
Great idea. It does seem like most people are not remembering that Michael was a humanitarian which I don't know how they separate that from his life & music.
a great idea, you brought tears to my eyes (although i have not stopped crynig since the last week). thank you
Great idea. It does seem like most people are not remembering that Michael was a humanitarian which I don't know how they separate that from his life & music.

I wrote an e-mail to Sky News night of his death, saying how great a Humanitarian MJ was and how how he inspired me to work in Charity as a career. I was glad to hear from my sister it was read out live on Sky news the next morning.

I think the media forget he was such a great Humanitarian.
Sounds great! I plan to put a banner on the shrine in my
town since I cant be at the Staples Center:

Michael Jackson: The greatest artist and HUMANITARIAN
who taught us to heal the world!!

Well done! Sometimes it can seem like a waste of time speaking up b/c sp much nonsense is happening, but you showed it is worth trying at least. I'm proud of you :)

I wrote an e-mail to Sky News night of his death, saying how great a Humanitarian MJ was and how how he inspired me to work in Charity as a career. I was glad to hear from my sister it was read out live on Sky news the next morning.

I think the media forget he was such a great Humanitarian.
THE banners should highlight his HUMANITARIAN side! they may be made at home on big chart papers with sketch pens. spread the word!
And pl. Also write call tv/radio/news channels, papers, mags and let them know too. Please...
so who'll be doing it?pl. let us know here.thanks
Oh I think this is a great idea! You all should do that!
I will be writing some magazines and so on, since I'm not living in the US. :)
(And ofcourse I'm spamming everyone with all the positive things about MJ)
Fantastic! I hope everyone there gets behind this! This is our mission for the future! TO carry his message on!