Very touching message from WILL.I.AM


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Great Britain check it out

'Music is now an orphan... Michael was the father of the music'

michael jackson has inspired me beyond words...

i would not be making music if it wasnt for michael jackson...

he taught me to be original....

he taught me to be courageous...

to dare to invent...

to dare express...

to dare to entertain in the name of my inner dreams...

he taught me to give to the world...

to show the world "the world"...

because in reality...

the world has know idea about "the world"...

he taught me to connect...

he taught me to reach...

he was so kind...

he reach out to me...

and i am so blessed to have worked with him...

i am so proud to have witness and been apart of his last interview....

i am so proud...

and i am so sad to have lost a friend...

we have all lost a light...

he was a true gift to the world...

thank you michael jackson...
very touching,i was crying watching it,and the part where he says michael phoned him up on fathers day because he knew he didn,t have a father,just michael always thinking about others,
That got me tearing up. It's almost like Michael knew. He knew. He was working with so many people, allowing them to have the chance to make music with him. What a Legacy he's left. For him to call on Fathers day because of that^ how thoughtful. So sweet. Now people get to see how wonderful he is. yes IS because regardless of his body being dead or not, he still lives on. Somehow he still does.
That made me cry again this morning. He was trying to hold back those tears. But lifted me again a bit at the same time after watching the news, actually watching Fox News, getting sick of them trying to focus on negativity and calling him bizarre etc. But we knew they were going to do that.

What makes me mad is when you watch some of these idiot so called doctors and presenters, journalists talking about Michael like he was some idiot and then you listen to those who he reached out to, his maturity in his good heart. Makes my blood boil. And to see the tribute around the world that fans are doing shows the media up and they can't stand it. I bet his funeral and memorial will really show them up big time. I would love people like to talk like he did there and show the beautiful human being that he was.
Thats amazing, I'm glad he wrote what he did. I have a lot of respect for Will.I.Am after seeing this.
God bless you Will...she mine...she mine :) i'm sure he felt same for you. (HUGS)
This truely shows that Michael truely touched whoever met him!

It is so sad. I loathe them for now celebrating his music. I'm disgusted seeing the people around the world coming together as one now that it is too late. He would have been so happy about an award or a heartfelt welcome. All he wanted was credit for his art.
He gave his all and no one repaid it. Now it doesn't matter if they give him credit he won't know. Now that he is gone it doesn't matter what they think: all the money everyone is making out of his life and now death. He always worked for others. Now it is just the beginning for more moneymakers.

Now they start to ASK people how Michael was like. They never asked what he was like before and if so, they twisted the answers of the people who knew him.

Look at Ola Ray now she is crying bitter tears and calls him his hero. Why couldn't she tell him that she cares for him when he was in need for some nice words? It is always the same procedure. Why do humans never lern from history? And continue to repeat the all same mistakes by not honoring someone as long he is alive.
:cry: That was so touching and emotional and sincere. He loved him, and hearing person after person talk about how Michael touched their lives, inspired them, or made their lives better in some way just makes me wish that he knew that all before he passed. I hope to God he knew!!
Will, you have said it all. i'm crying.

the record stores comment is so on..

as long as MJ came out with an album, record stores felt alive and were alive..and were thriving. as soon as MJ stopped putting out new music, and allowed time to pass without him putting out new music..the record stores began to wilt...and now, they are no more. the record stores knew..and the record stores are with him...

they were making the statement that no one can make music like MJ.

to me, music really feels dead now. it's dead a place inside of me is dead now..

it's hard to listen to the radio and hear other peoples''s hard to listen when they play Unbreakable and all these MJ songs in tribute...if Sony and Radio had Unbreakable available all this time..why didn't they play it while he was here??

i feel dead inside..

thanks for what you said, Will I Am...i'm glad you got to meet him, i'm glad you and him were friends...your sincerity and pain helps me to sorta live vicariously through you..wishing i could have been a friend of Mikes..

ur good people, Will I Am

and once again, i need to say thank you to you, Michael..


right now my insides are disconnected spiritually, mentally...
Michael is truly a gift from almighty God!

And I ain't just talking about the music. The fact that he took the time to call Will.I.Am on Father's Day, knowing that Will's father was M.I.A., just further proves how special Michael is.

What other man would do such a thing for another human being. It might seem like a small thing to some, i.e. just a phone call, but in my opinion, that was a GRAND gesture on MJ's part and just proves that he is truly one of kind.

I will love him ALWAYS!