Very sad right now...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Boston, MA USA
I just found out that my father's cousin Helen just lost her battle with Urinary Cancer. The family had her on life support earlier today, and they decided to pull the plug. Helen was only 71 years old.
Linda I am so sorry for you. I think it was better. The person suffers both when you have a serious illness such as this, the family suffers from, all around suffer even more to see a person suffering love. And to suffer more? God always does the right thing at the right time. I'm sure she must be very well at that time and can now sure she is well close to God and surrounded by angels of heaven. So you need not be sad that she is well. Obviously we are sad in any way that we will miss but always remember the good moments of joy and forget it the moment of suffering for both struggled against the disease. She lost the battle against the disease and will now rest in peace next to God, now only remains to pray that his soul is at peace. :)
i am very sorry to hear of your loss.:(

i do believe your loved one is in a better place. i believe the suffering is over now.
I'm sorry to hear of you loss Linda. My condolences to you and the family.
May God give all of you strength! You'll be in my prayers!
Thank you everyone. She died in Panama City Beach Florida, and they are flying the body up here to New England. I think the wake will be soon...I couldn't sleep too well after hearing about it. We've been dealing with her illness for quite a while. She was a fighter..
My mother wrote a poem about her - she calls it her "Winter Sister". My mom's devastated about this...she and Helen were very close. They used to winter in Florida for years...and Helen lived down there...

I cannot bear to see you as you are
But I can remember you the way you were
I have used the telephone to keep in touch
Devoid of the visual
I wish to remember Tuesday evenings when Bob went to rehearsals
And we walked the Panama City Mall
Or watched “Dream Girls” in the dollar movie house
I will remember how you left a nightclub
When you heard enough of the performer
How you would drive over the HathawayBridge
When I telephoned after cooking something you liked.
The three of us would sit in our small hotel room complete with two keyboards
And jamming after dinner,
Or checking out yard sales
So you could add to your various collections
I will always have those memories of our Winters
And how you were so much like your dad, Boots
You were a rough diamond
With a heart as big as the sky
My winter sister.
My philosophy on death. My Dad and I had a deep discussion about this last night...I had trouble sleeping and thought about this all night...

We don't know the precise moment we were brought to life...yeah, we may have been shown pictures of us as babies, but the precise moment we were born, we have no real knowledge of. Same for death. We do not know when we are going to die.

It's the in-between time - the time that we are alive - that is most important. To try to strive to make every day count....that's what is important. We can try to "buy time" by taking very good care of ourselves health-wise. We can avoid tanning salons, avoid excess sun exposure to try to ward off skin cancer. We can lose weight and be healthier to try to ward off such diseases as heart disease, or diabetes. We can stop smoking to try to prevent lung cancer. But we are all terminal creatures. Sooner or later, we will all die at one point.

In some ways, we are like animals. Animals are eternal creatures, with no real knowledge of when they are born, and no real knowledge of death either.
Linda...i'm here for you if you need to talk.
i'm really sorry for your loss.