Verbal Abuse and Control In Michael's Life (and yours)

That nearly brought me to tears because I know all of what she is talking about. This not only pertains to Michael but in my own life. One of the reasons I love and understand him so well was because although my own father never laid a hand on us he pulled every single verbal abuse trick in the book in each one of us because he was the only man in the house thinking he owned his women. He does it to others he feels he's superior to in intellect and morals too. Don't get me wrong I love my father and owe him a lot. Most people don't realize abusive people can have a good and loving side as well, they're not one dimensional like movies often make them but I understood what Michael went through because of the conflict with a parent who could both be reliable and encouraging but also abusive and berating. On thing I also agree with is we have to cut out the attacks on each other. That's what the abusive media wanted from us. They want us to be fearful and insecure for his legacy and therefore not accomplish what he wanted us to like eliminating poverty and war. We have to remember what Michael would have wanted, not this infighting and nitpicking.
I can relate to this, my mother was verbally/emotionally abusive and caused me to suffer with dysmorphia (self image loathing) due to her unkind comments about my physical appearance, which included her pointing out "flaws" when I was in front of a mirror. It's strange, although my dad was physically abusive, I find her form of abuse had more impact on me and still affects me today (I still occasionally suffer bouts of dysmorphia). When I left home I left the abuse from my father behind whereas the emotional abuse from my mother I kind of still carry.

Thanks for posting this.