Vatican's Top 10: Jackson to Beatles


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Vatican's Top 10: Jackson to Beatles
(AP) –
Call it the Vatican's 10 commandments for good listening.

The Holy See's newspaper Saturday published its picks for pop rock paradise, ranging from Michael Jackson's album "Thriller" to Pink Floyd's "The Dark Side of the Moon" and the Beatles' "Revolver."

What L'Osservatore Romano calls a semiserious guide on the road to good music will take you to "Graceland" — Paul Simon's album made the cut. And it does get into the "Supernatural" by Carlos Santana.
The newspaper calls them classics to pack for a desert island. The other picks are David Crosby's "If I Could Only Remember My Name;" "Rumours" by Fleetwood Mac, Donald Fagen's "Nightfly," the U2's "Achtung Baby," and "(What's The Story) Morning Glory" by the Oasis.
The Vatican got some major criticism from narrowminded twits when they wrote an article praising Michael.
the cool is that?

among the yearly peace :clapping: message from the Pope...

listen to Michael Jackson...

i never heard anything like that before, as far as music history goes.
Wonderful. Michael is truly immortal because he will live on through his wonderful music always.
awesome , but if i would recommened Dangerous for the Vatican ,,,there are alot of peaceful songs in this album than in Thriller.

Heal the world -Keep the Faith- Black or Waite- Jam-Will you Be There-
Very cool news.

In November 2000, during the concert for the Jubilee of the agricultural world a children's choir played Heal the world in front of the Pope. It was a truly beautiful moment.
Go Vatican. They know that Michael was persecuted, others bore false witness against him, some coveted him, some stole from him..... Reminds you of Jesus not that Michael is Jesus. They know talent and gifts from God when they see it.

Congratulations Michael.
Well when they are stressing out in the vatican..throw on mj's music..and they'll be alright!!!
Does this mean that the Pope busts a move to "Billie Jean" and "Thriller"? I'd love to see that. LOL. Him moonwalking into a sermon.
The Vatican got some major criticism from narrowminded twits when they wrote an article praising Michael.

Yeah I remember that. L'Osservatore Romano (The Vatican newspaper) wrote positively about Michael after he died and some people freaked out. :smilerolleyes:

Does this mean that the Pope busts a move to "Billie Jean" and "Thriller"? I'd love to see that. LOL. Him moonwalking into a sermon.

The Pope has an iPod so if his secretary Msgr. Gaenswein is looking to add some songs to it, he can't go wrong with Michael. :cheeky:
Shouldn't they be recommending Sandi Patty, Michael W. Smith, Mahalia Jackson, or Mary Mary albums instead? :p
Sorry to rain on people's parade but what with the catholic church's history of covering up and harboring child abuser's aswel as out dated view's on contraception amongst other things. I would rather they were not mentioned in the same breath as Michael.
Sorry to rain on people's parade but what with the catholic church's history of covering up and harboring child abuser's aswel as out dated view's on contraception amongst other things. I would rather they were not mentioned in the same breath as Michael.

you forgot they also like oasis...unforgivable.
I would rather they were not mentioned in the same breath as Michael.

I'm sure the people who criticized the Vatican over the positive article felt likewise.

They may be covering up cases of child abuse (I'm not sure, I didn't bother to do any research about that), but I'm pretty sure there are a few cases of false accusation too, since so many people buy into the story of pedophile priests.

Do we reject people when they stand up for us, just because we think they are not worthy? I know MJ won't do that.
Very cool news.

In November 2000, during the concert for the Jubilee of the agricultural world a children's choir played Heal the world in front of the Pope. It was a truly beautiful moment.

Aww beautiful.. I wonder if there is a video of it on youtube?

Sorry to rain on people's parade but what with the catholic church's history of covering up and harboring child abuser's aswel as out dated view's on contraception amongst other things. I would rather they were not mentioned in the same breath as Michael.

I wondered how long it'd take for this kind of comment..yeh the whole catholic church and the vatican are child abusers.. yehhh :smilerolleyes: , and it never went on in any other kind of 'institution' :smilerolleyes: . It happened in the past and the individuals responsible are unforgivable and the Pope said he is OUTRAGED and DISGUSTED by it. He's just been talking about it publicly at some conference thing.. urging bishops to confront this past issue not bury it and called it a henious crime.

Don't buy into a sterotype.

ps. Thats exactly the thing some Catholics were saying when the Vatican wrote the positive article about Michael, but the other way around.
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Don't buy into a sterotype.

ps. Thats exactly the thing some Catholics were saying when the Vatican wrote the positive article about Michael, but the other way around.

MJ was innocent and proven so by CIVIL trial nobody kept secret,so they can keep on hating as much as they want.
The church position about gay people,hiv,abortion,child molestations committed by priests,divorce,science etc are questionable and are not just stereotypes,they come from the Pope himself and he represents everybody else.
He's prob the only Pope who has been boycotted by almost the entire science community and especially science/medicine universities voiced their concerns.

I'm very disappointed in general with the way the church is approaching the younger generations,it's very sad,even if I can appreciate they recognize the greatness of artists like MJ of course,why not!
And back on topic I'm actually very surprised they mentioned Pink Floyd(despite their severe opinions about organized religion and politics),Fleet Foxes and Muse(lol@Thoughts of a dying Atheist and Knights of Cydonia)