Vatican forgives John Lennon for Jesus remark


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Jul 25, 2011
Vatican forgives John Lennon for Jesus remark

11/22/2008 3:00 PM, Reuters

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) – The Vatican's newspaper has finally forgiven John Lennon for declaring that the Beatles were more famous than Jesus Christ, calling the remark a "boast" by a young man grappling with sudden fame.

The comment by Lennon to a London newspaper in 1966 infuriated Christians, particularly in the United States, some of whom burned Beatles' albums in huge pyres.

But time apparently heals all wounds.

"The remark by John Lennon, which triggered deep indignation mainly in the United States, after many years sounds only like a 'boast' by a young working-class Englishman faced with unexpected success, after growing up in the legend of Elvis and rock and roll," Vatican daily Osservatore Romano said.

The article, marking the 40th anniversary of the Beatles' The White Album, went on to praise the pop band.

"The fact remains that 38 years after breaking up, the songs of the Lennon-McCartney brand have shown an extraordinary resistance to the passage of time, becoming a source of inspiration for more than one generation of pop musicians," it said.

Lennon was murdered in New York in 1980.

(Writing by Deepa Babington; editing by Keith Weir)
i think this would give him a good few chuckles.

maybe they're trying to connect to a more 'hip' audience, granted a couple of generations too late.
lol, yeah having spent 28 years in purgatory John has been deemed purified and therefore holy enough to enter the joy of heaven.
LMAO! Exactly. Sh*t like this makes me wanna be an atheist... these non-forgiving folks WOULD forgive after SOMEONE DIED ALMOST 30 YEARS AGO! :rolleyes: :lol:
talk about old news its 30 years or more ago. Flaming heck i think most people probably forgot this "incident" anyways. And i don't see how an appointed man for the church can "make people enter heaven".