Valentines Day!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Love it or hate it Valentines day is coming up so I've created this thread for you to share your thoughts on the day. Let me know if you love it and why or if you hate it and why. Let me know your plans for this year or your stories from previous years good or bad!

I am not bothered either way I am single but happy to be single so it is not a big deal to me. My best yet most embarrassing Valentines story comes from when I was in my last year of school. I thought it would be hilarious to send a card to one of our teachers signed supposedly from another teacher. Everyone thought it was funny until his wife found out. It actually turned out he had been having an affair with this other teacher for a long time anyway but I felt awful that my prank had kind of exposed it. Anybody else?
Well I've had some interesting experiences. My worst ever one was about 6 years ago when I opened my door at night and my drunken ex (we were together at the time) kind of fell in the door and I didn't really know what to do so I ran off and left him there and just kind of wandered around in the dark for a couple of hours not wanting to go home.

Last year was sweet though, my boyfriend came round with a box of chocolates which we shared. We had only been an item for 2 days so we were still really shy and stuff and didn't really know how to act (despite being friends for 6 months prior to this). But it was nice and a happy experience :)

I guess though one of the sweetest experiences I had was when I was about 6 or 7. One of my best friends at school was blind and I opened my tray on valentines day to discover a card written entirely in braille. It really fascinated me and thought it was the best thing ever and would often get it out for a long time after to feel it and try to "read" it. Every year after that I would make him a card that he could feel. It was sad when he left my school to go to a special school :(

Nice thread :)
Cool thread :flowers: I guess my best memory is back in elementary school, handing out all those little cards to the other classmates and putting candy hearts in them. hehe. I dont mind being single now so much either. In fact its probably best for me right now after what I went through with my ex. Anyway I hope you all enjoy your day and have a great one!
Complete waste of time designed by chocolate and greetings card manufacturers. Quite why people are encouraged to give special treatment to their partner one day a year is beyond me. They should be cherished every day.
Complete waste of time designed by chocolate and greetings card manufacturers. Quite why people are encouraged to give special treatment to their partner one day a year is beyond me. They should be cherished every day.

very true :yes:
Hmmmmmmmmm :thinking:

Well, I have no great memory of my Valentine's Day.... :( and this year I'll be alone again. -_-

BUT.... In my opinion, Valentine's Day is every day :heart: and not specifically a single day. You should celebrate love and your beloved every day with small and large gestures. :wub:
I despise it. Like KOPwatcher said, it's nothing but an opportunity for greedy capitalists to make a quick buck off stupid people with cheap chocolates and unimaginative, generic greeting cards.

While it is true that you could say the same about most other holidays, at least the other ones don't discriminate (secular, of course.)
i havent had many girlfriends but the ones that i did have i was to young :lol:
Awww very sweet thread! Me and my better half have celebrated 3 valentines days together and we always keep it simple and sweet without going overboard with money! But the details of my past stories and future plans are a secret and special to me! :giggle: :heart: I don't know, I'm weird, it's something I tend to not to say much about but love hearing others' stories, makes me all fuzzy :D
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Interesting answers everyone. I am a bit torn on it. On one hand I like Ashton Kutchers theory that instead of just one day a year for love there should be one day a year for hate; you can tell someone how much you hate them, but then 364 days of love. But at the same time he still ensures Demi Moore is treated on valentines day. I guess another way of looking at it is what about the poorer couples who cannot afford to treat their other half all year round (despite telling them how much they love them every day etc) so they can do something special on one day. That was my fathers theory. Myself I sometimes think when people say they don't believe in valentines day and that it's just a hallmark day how would they feel if on their birthday or christmas if their other half acted the same way? It's not that different when you think about it. Plus something one of my profs mentioned yesterday interested me. Apparently most guys who say they do not believe in valentines day will also tell you they don't believe in marriage and that marriage is just a piece of paper. Any more thoughts?
I don't quite like it. Especially when I want to go out that day and everything is extremely romantic/corny. My boyfriend is not crazy about it either :lol: we are romantic in our own way.

Btw in South America Valentine's day is just for lovers. We have a special day for friends/ friendship, etc.
Interesting answers everyone. I am a bit torn on it. On one hand I like Ashton Kutchers theory that instead of just one day a year for love there should be one day a year for hate; you can tell someone how much you hate them, but then 364 days of love. But at the same time he still ensures Demi Moore is treated on valentines day. I guess another way of looking at it is what about the poorer couples who cannot afford to treat their other half all year round (despite telling them how much they love them every day etc) so they can do something special on one day. That was my fathers theory. Myself I sometimes think when people say they don't believe in valentines day and that it's just a hallmark day how would they feel if on their birthday or christmas if their other half acted the same way? It's not that different when you think about it. Plus something one of my profs mentioned yesterday interested me. Apparently most guys who say they do not believe in valentines day will also tell you they don't believe in marriage and that marriage is just a piece of paper. Any more thoughts?

Interestingly enough, I don't believe in either valentine's day or marriage. Unfortunately, it's not just a piece of paper. More like a figurative chain. :|

Besides, the idea of marriage as being something borne out of love is fairly recent. The traditional view is that such a union serves as nothing more than an economic/social escalator.

In any case, I don't believe in Christmas either [another Hallmark holiday], and as for my birthday, it's gone by without cards before. I don't care for all that stuff at all.
I guess if people want to celebrate Valentine's Day it's fine but some of the things that bother me about that holiday are for example the husband who's been married way too long or the long time boyfriend who feels obligated to buy something for their wife/girlfriend so they go out to some drugstore and buy some cheap box of chocolates and a card. And I just get annoyed at that isle at Walgreens of all the cheesy red candy filled hearts and all the other merchandise used to make a profit off of the consumer. And for lonely people this particular holiday can be pretty painful.

I'm not saying a Valentine's gift needs to be expensive but people should put more thought into it or just do something special for your significant other. Just don't be tacky and cheap, lol.

That being said, I do give my mother chocolate filled hearts for Valentines day every year and I just mailed some to my two little nephews.
Valentine's Day is mainly an American phenomenon. They try to introduce it in my country and it does result in some merchandising, but it's still not really considered an important holiday. I think maybe 10% of the population actually does something with this. For fun a friend of mine used to always send me cards on this day from 'secret admirer R.' We just poked fun at the day basically while amusing ourselves. Next Monday I'm going out to dine with my husband, Valentine's day being the initiator. Everything could be that though: anniversary, new job, birthday of a cat - whatever suits to have a good time together.
I love Valentines Day!!! Probably cuz I just love to celebrate the LOVE.
lol surely I do so more often during the year... but V-day is just the day for my special someone, however it's not about gifts or something to me... it's more about it's his day, his time with me, it's about once again (not the only time surely but this day to me is meant for it) to word all his meaning for me, to face the challenge to word the love I feel for him and I might spoil him with his favorite food and also spoiling him other possible ways ;) all that well lol the funny thing is, as often as I did I ended up spoiled also. It's about celebrating and endlessly enjoying the blessing that we've found eachother and the love for eachother.

Surely it comes out other days also lol simply because love usually is that wonderful that you can't keep it inside or under controll... but V-day is just meant for it and to me it's nice to have this day. :pash:
You didn't occur to me, perhaps because I just don't celebrate the holiday altogether, but...some people get their mothers cards and stuff for Valentine's day. That's what one of my high school friends did for her mother this weekend. And, although this by no means changes my general attitude towards the wretched holiday [read previous post for more details] I can't help but to think about how empty he'll feel when tomorrow comes around. It's too bad I can't see him tomorrow at all, and whatever support I can offer will have to wait until I see him on Tuesday.

I'm sorry to get all heavy on this thread, which I reckon was originally intended to be a fun/lighthearted thread, but you guys are practically all I have.