Using Michael as your avatar - a weird thread


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
In a cup, in a ride.
So ok, I am probably the only weird one here, but the MJ avatars are having an odd effect on me. It's like every time I see a photo of Michael that I've come to see regularly on someone's avatar, my brain almost "forgets" for a second that it's Michael and automatically equates it with being the person on the board. I know...:brow: right? LOL. But it happens and it's kind of annoying me...that now certain MJ photos give me a reaction with direct relation to people on this board. heh. I'm not complaining about them, just wondering if anyone else is having this kind of reaction?

I've replaced my avatar with an actual photo of myself now because of it. As much as I love seeing MJ all over the place, I wish more people would do this too, and save MJ for signatures. Partially 'cause of my weird issue and partially cause I want to actually see who I'm talking with too.

There ya have it.
Now I hope this thread actually gets some replies or then I'll REALLY feel like the weirdo of the group. :crazy
well i do understand where ur coming frm but i really dnt see any probs with ppl using mj avatars, i'll never use my own pic thats why i use my babys
lol I'm going to move this to general discussion since it's not really about Michael. But I do that often - I can identify members quickly by their siggys or avatars :yes: I'm really bad with names so the images help me a lot. You two are the painted world woman and devil baba :unsure: :rofl:
Haha I hear ya! I come to think of people as what is written in their signature or their avatar as well...hmm...maybe I will change mine soon. IDK if I have a program to make them small like that though
i have thought the same thing too before as well. but not like that.
its personal preference, some use michael, some use other celebs, themselves, anything. usually for me i think of the avis and siggy as decoration or what the person likes. but i identify by user names and remember that. but some seem to identify by the avis or sigs. i guess im different.
You two are the painted world woman and devil baba :unsure: :rofl:

LMAO! Nice.

I recognize people a lot by their signatures too - but avatars I guess I'm just used to them being a thing used for personal pictures... so if it's a headshot being used, my brain wants to automatically say "this is what that person looks like" even though obviously, it's not. But the repetition of seeing it with their posts puts an implant in my head so everytime I see that pic from now on it makes me think of them, and that bugs me. Not to say the people here aren't worth thinking of. haha. I'm just odd like that I guess. Stop it, brain!

Thanks for the replies guys :D
Haha, I know EXCACTLY what you are saying! I feel the exact same way! I always imagine the MJ avatar as the person who's posting :lol: It's so weird.

I have my real pic as my avatar as well as my name, but I regret putting up my pic as some weirdos have added me to msn :shock: So I think I'm going to take it down. I guess I was too naive, this is my first time to be on a message board.
Some people may be too uncomfortabe with using their pics. People can do ugly htings with ones pictures. They were doing it on facebook on a MJ board. They were making it look like they were talking about MJ badly, when it was not them, it was a troll on the board.
Haha, I know EXCACTLY what you are saying! I feel the exact same way! I always imagine the MJ avatar as the person who's posting :lol: It's so weird.

I have my real pic as my avatar as well as my name, but I regret putting up my pic as some weirdos have added me to msn :shock: So I think I'm going to take it down. I guess I was too naive, this is my first time to be on a message board.

Yess! Someone that relates! lol. Thank you.
I know what you mean by attracting some "weirdos" though...haha. Just don't put your msn on here! ;)

strawberrypie999 said:
changed mine =]
please dont think i am the adorable puppy LOL

LOL...girl you crack me up.
Super cute pic.

Earth_Song1 said:
Some people may be too uncomfortabe with using their pics. People can do ugly htings with ones pictures. They were doing it on facebook on a MJ board. They were making it look like they were talking about MJ badly, when it was not them, it was a troll on the board.

Ah...this is understandable. I've definitely seen what trolls can do - I myself just never worry about it. I don't think everyone should have to put their own photo of themselves up - I just prefer it to be something other than MJ I Cause when I see MJ I like to only see/think MJ...but now other people are added to the mix. :p But again that's just my own weird issue...hah. This IS an MJ board afterall so I don't expect people to just go changing their avatars.

Just a funny kind of thing the way it works.
:D I never thought of that before...I'm so used to seeing Michael avatars that I don't connect it with the person.
I understand your point.. I recognize people from their avatars, too, but I'm not sure do I think that their avatars are actually the writers, haha.
But definitely if someone changes their avatar I get little confused since I don't recognize them anymore! Or if many persons have the same avatar.. :blink: *confused* lol.
I always sort of identify users with their avas. If for example a person has a fox on their av, Im going to imagine them looking as a fox. Crazy? No, I don't think so, plus cannot help it.
Sometimes I would get upset if some of my friends changed their avas in other forums:hysterical:
So now here, am in some real trouble here. Not that I'd mind being surrounded with all Michaels
, but ppl also have nicks so similar I'll be puzzled for months to come.:)

oh and by the way, for some reason, am loving this thread eventho there is no gold pants in it..yet..
I always sort of identify users with their avas. If for example a person has a fox on their av, Im going to imagine them looking as a fox. Crazy? No, I don't think so, plus cannot help it.
Sometimes I would get upset if some of my friends changed their avas in other forums:hysterical:
So now here, am in some real trouble here. Not that I'd mind being surrounded with all Michaels
, but ppl also have nicks so similar I'll be puzzled for months to come.:)

oh and by the way, for some reason, am loving this thread eventho there is no gold pants in it..yet..

LOL. Again it's nice to see I'm not the only one! Glad to see a few with the same issue...haha. As for you others, I don't know how your brain doesn't go there. lol. For me it's an oddity that just can't be helped!

I do agree it also can get confusing when someone changes their avatar too - and so many people use the same pic...some even use the same signature. I don't really mind losing track of who is who - there's a lot of people here! It's just the people that I've come to see regularly - whatever their pic is becomes how I define them as a person in a sense. It's kind of amusing and annoying all at once. I don't like seeing photos of Michael and thinking someone else, as I've already said. :p
Michael avatars I have no problems with. I never did had a problem with them. It is all that I am used to using. I can't really imagine using another picture other besides Michael. But I can understand your point.
I've never used Michael as an avitar. I used to go to Princefams all of the time, and I didn't use his picture either. I don't really associate avitars with a person unless they're using something different than Mike. If I see Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, Guns & Roses, Madonna, or a Japanese guy wearing heavy makeup, I generally know who they belong to, lol.
Yess! Someone that relates! lol. Thank you.
I know what you mean by attracting some "weirdos" though...haha. Just don't put your msn on here! ;)

LOL...girl you crack me up.
Super cute pic.

Ah...this is understandable. I've definitely seen what trolls can do - I myself just never worry about it. I don't think everyone should have to put their own photo of themselves up - I just prefer it to be something other than MJ I Cause when I see MJ I like to only see/think MJ...but now other people are added to the mix. :p But again that's just my own weird issue...hah. This IS an MJ board afterall so I don't expect people to just go changing their avatars.

Just a funny kind of thing the way it works.

No worries here! Hugs!
I guess mike fans all think alike some what. I love that about us lmao. We truely are a nation l.o.l . But i use 2pac as my avatar on here but on pac's boards its the complete opposite. Or sometimes i'll have both.