USA/EU polls show MASSIVE brainwashing; Final death of humanism in media/"international community"


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
USA/EU polls show MASSIVE brainwashing; Final death of humanism in media/"international community"

Now, FLICKR banned collection of photos from South-Ossetia -- after 150 000 views for the gallery, mostly from USA.

"Georgian's genocide stopped, but victims remained" is no longer active on Flickr.


I am putting this as standalone post because the point is not about the war, but the way bigger thing in long term, strategic perspective.

Western mass-media proved to be volitionally participating in complete, wall-to-wall misinforming of their audience, viewers and readers on events that may one day be critical for the world existence itself, not even about some small country.


It turned out that the girl and her mother -- that was interviewed by FoxNews and was shut up quickly there -- gave recorded interviews three times before that, and every time the parts who attacked who, and who saved who, were cut off to completely falsify the story in order to keep the wall-to-wall forged reality.

Now, I lived in the USSR and have to tell that the regime's distortion of events, happening worldwide, was nothing compared to what was going on Western media all those days.

After doing three interviews that were turned upside down the girl and her mother said they would prefer to do a live interview. And since FoxNews never saw any of their prior interviews untwisted elsewhere, the channel had no idea that those people will try to tell truth right on TV, live.

Now it turned out that the "Golden billion" knows much less truth about what happened than the rest of world. The richer the countries, the more power they get, the more brainwashed their people are.

"Civilized democracies" countries may be dragged into any crime against humanity; this systematically happened all latest fifteen years, but the war in Georgia is a apex of things.

Some next war can be much bigger than that, even critical to the world itself, and the "developed democracies" may be completely manipulated to believe in not in small bias, but in upside-down falsifications.

More global scale tragedies await us, unfortunately. "Big brother" became reality, though not from openly authoritarian regimes like USSR, but in countries where population brainwashed to believe:
1) that they live in "democracy",
2) that they have "freedom of speech",
3) that they have "liberal media",
4) that they live in humanistic civilized societies/governments.

Nothing of this actually exists in either USA or Europe
(which already started to think of itself better in those four terms than of USA lately, but the latest events proved otherwise) large-scale. I am not even talk about other countries -- not because they are better, but because those do not impose themselves as "top of the world" highest morality and advance in every way, committing at the same time illegal barbaric aggressions over the world and sabotaging peace in critically important regions of other countries for political gains.
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Re: Final death of humanism in media/"international community", get ready for the more outrageous li

I am not religious and I am atheist, but for those who believe in God the following quote may help to grasp the main point:
The AntiChrist will appear Godlike.

Not to say, of course, that Europe and USA are "AntiChrist" (or that other countries are not). This is just religiously-understandable image of the latest paragraph of the initial post.
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Re: Final death of humanism in media/"international community", get ready for the more outrageous li

Within the latest war, the following became fully possible and supported by "international community" -- all thanks to final death of humanism in leading governments and the media:

The crime of "genocide", defined in international law

The international legal definition of the crime of genocide is found in Articles II and III of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide.

Article II describes two elements of the crime of genocide:

1) the mental element, meaning the "intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such", and

2) the physical element which includes five acts described in sections a, b, c, d and e. A crime must include both elements to be called "genocide."

Article III described five punishable forms of the crime of genocide: genocide; conspiracy, incitement, attempt and complicity.
Excerpt from the Convention on the Prevention and
Punishment of Genocide

Article II: In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;

(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Article III: The following acts shall be punishable:

(a) Genocide;

(b) Conspiracy to commit genocide;

(c) Direct and public incitement to commit genocide;

(d) Attempt to commit genocide;

(e) Complicity in genocide.
There were "two elements" but people in the West were manipulated not to know about it or know upside-down truth. Governments consciously participated in this, thus those are co-responsible in conspiracy to commit genocide, which is defined in international law as independently punishable act itself.

Not to say that "intent to destroy" was meant to be in absolute, that is why the clause can be interpreted freely and was used for political reasons many times. However, for such a small nation/territory which was attacked this time, 50 times even lesser than the aggressor (itself being rather small), the damage that was done and was intended is really heavy.
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Re: Final death of humanism in media/"international community", get ready for the more outrageous li

Hmm. Lots to think about here Denis. Interesting posts.

I wonder, how exactly is a person supposed to get factual, unbiased presentations? Where is one supposed to turn?

Are there any media outlets that you believe are possibly, remotely worthy of trust?

Just asking.
Re: Final death of humanism in media/"international community", get ready for the more outrageous li

I can not name any media that would be trustable. I track countless of those and found no one that did not try to forge reality in more or less degree.

It just luck that Russia's government all those latest years did not do aggressions/illegal wars -- so the core of local media's reporting on essence of events is consistent and correct (but not beyond that core all kinds of lies and propaganda may be easily applied). Should Russia's authorities actions change to illegal, however, the media will immediately try to cover/justify it as much as CNN/BBC did with Georgia's upside-down who attacked who stories.

It does not concerns me too much because Russia does not yet presents itself as example of ultimate morality and democracy and people here do not think of their country as such and being able to mentor outer world how to live "right".

Europe and USA do, that is why "Big Brother" there is much more dangerous.

So no, I do not quote any numbers of people killed, nor I use "horror stories of genocide" or pictures of dead people for the sake of scaring viewers of crimes against the humanity (in the past famous war pictures were faked) -- because all of this is instrument of propaganda from whatever side.


However, checking multiple sources and comparing key facts presentation may help to see more actual picture of essence. Hardly actual picture of details, though.
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Re: Final death of humanism in media/"international community", get ready for the more outrageous li

See update of the first post: in line with Fox and other news outlets, Flickr applied censorship on evidence that would tell dispel visitors' brainwashing.
Re: Final death of humanism in media/"international community", get ready for the more outrageous li

Now, this sarcastic presentation by John Stewart is not correct in part where he accents that administrations of "international" community invade to change regimes beyond Europe. They did it in Europe, too, few years back.

Also, Russia never stated that it wanted to change regime in Georgia -- and did not do it, even though could right away. And it did not invade Georgia, it had legal right to be right there -- increasing or decreasing troops depending on needs of fulfilling mandate to keep peace.

But the main line of sarcasm is correct: Russia destroying Georgia's military is the same thing as was the first war in Iraq back in 1990 -- which was internationally legal. But even here the scale of casualties just can not be compared.

Here is another issue of John Stuart. Small corrections: there was already nothing left of military infrastructure to be bombed after Russia declared end of operation, and bombing was sporadic and pointed on occasional attempts of Georgian military to re-group around military bases.

And, again, the quoted Mr.Bush is not correct -- there was no "invasion" in Georgia. Reference to democratically elected leaders of countries have specifically big meaning at least since 1945 when Russia disproportionally used force, broke in sovereign territory of big civilized European country, and made its democratically elected chancellor Adolf Schicklgruber (Hitler) suicide.

(Hungary of 1956 and Chekhoslovakia of 1968 were indeed anti-democratic crimes of USSR's authoritatian regime, even though it can not be compared to seas of blood that were shed by "democratic" regimes in 1990s and 2000s.)


Such comedy programs can not dispel the brainwashing, but still may make some think about the matter more.
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Re: Final death of humanism in media/"international community", get ready for the more outrageous li

Putin said:

With the Ukrainian and Georgian leaders present, the then President Putin warned at the time of a possible domino effect.
“The precedent set by Kosovo’s independence is terrible,” Putin said. “It shatters the fundamental system of international relations, formed not just in the last decade, but over the past century. And this precedent could lead to an unforeseen chain of events. The people who did this mis-calculated the consequences of their actions. In the end, they’ll face a backlash head on.”

Some countries thought they own the world and they may bend the rules and laws whenever and however they like.

Now, with all of major European leaders condemning Russia's move to accept Abkhazia's and Georgia's independence, all of European community is forever registered in history as hypocritical false moralism pseudo human rights/freedom/equality regime of "Golden billion". That is the verdict for "top of the world" "civilization" of "leading democracies". Common people there do not know and will not know.

Now, we have "barbaric" Russia which behaved itself internationally in much more civilized way than "civilized" Europe in the last fifteen years.

And, be sure, mass-media will further manipulate public opinion everywhere to make people agree with illegal bombing, and accepting parts of other countries as "independent" for solely politic reason.

Unfortunately, this will hardly stop. With this, more crisises, including even global, are possible. Not very optimistic view, alas, just realistic one.

The only chance (very, very, very slim) is that "Golden billion" will learn the lesson.
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Re: Final death of humanism in media/"international community", get ready for the more outrageous li


U.S. and Europe worried about Russia, poll says
By Judy Dempsey
Published: September 10, 2008

BERLIN: Americans and Europeans are united in concern over the growing political and economic power of Russia, but they cannot agree on how to respond to the Kremlin's new assertiveness, according to an annual survey by Transatlantic Trends that was published Wednesday.

The survey, by the German Marshall Fund of the United States and the Compagnia di San Paola in Italy, was conducted even before Georgia and Russia went to war in August, and it coincides with intense interest by Europeans in the U.S. presidential election.

The survey, carried out in June in Britain, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey and the United States, indicates that nearly half of Europeans believe victory by the Democratic candidate, Senator Barack Obama, would improve relations between the United States and Europe. Only 11 percent believe ties would improve if the Republican candidate, Senator John McCain, were elected, the survey suggests.

The trans-Atlantic relationship took a severe battering in 2003 when the United States invaded Iraq. France, Germany, Russia and Turkey led European opposition to the war. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization also faced one of its worst crises since it was founded in 1949 as its members became bitterly divided over the war.

In the past few years, Germany, under Chancellor Angela Merkel, and France, under President Nicolas Sarkozy, have mended relations with Washington and NATO has overcome divisions as it tries to defeat the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan.

The survey shows that European support for NATO as a mechanism that is essential to each country's security has increased to 57 percent, up four percentage points since 2007, with Germany, Spain and other countries now firmly supporting the alliance.

"The trend of declining support for NATO in Germany and Poland is halted for the first year since 2002," a report accompanying the survey says.

But Turks remain highly critical of the United States, the European Union and NATO. Only 8 percent of Turkish respondents viewed U.S. leadership as desirable, while 22 percent supported the EU leadership and 38 percent saw NATO as essential.

"Whether it's the result of world events, a new U.S. administration on the horizon, or insecurity on several fronts, a new American president will have the opportunity to not only improve the United States' standing in the world but perhaps also to ask more of European leaders," said Craig Kennedy, president of the German Marshall Fund of the United States.
There is, for example, shared concern over Russia, with 84 percent of Americans and 72 percent of Europeans worried about the Kremlin providing weapons to the Middle East. More than 60 percent of Americans and 64 percent of Europeans - an increase of three and five percentage points, respectively, over the previous survey - also worry about Russia as an energy provider, especially given high energy prices and the fact that Russia supplies more than a third of Europe's natural gas. As for Russia's behavior toward its neighbors, the highest concern is felt by the Poles, at 71 percent, followed by Britain at 69 percent and Germany at 68 percent.

Americans and Europeans cannot agree on how to deal with Russia or its neighbors. Sixty-seven percent of Europeans are more willing than Americans, at 58 percent, to provide security assistance for neighboring democracies, including Georgia and Ukraine.

But the EU-Ukraine summit meeting this week, in which the EU did not hold out the prospect of Ukraine's one day joining the bloc, showed that there was a discrepancy between the population and its governments. NATO allies are also divided over offering Ukraine and Georgia a road map to join the alliance.

Europeans and Americans differ over isolating Russia. Almost half of American respondents - 47 percent - support restricting cooperation with Russia in international organizations; 38 percent of Europeans felt the same way.

Germany, which has the closest political and economic ties to Moscow among the countries polled, is the most worried about Russia's role as an energy provider, the weakening of democracy inside Russia, its role in the Balkans and how it treats its neighbors.

On a scale of 100, the highest level of concern was registered in Germany, at 64, with Britain at 62 and the United States at 60. The lowest concern was in Bulgaria at 40, Slovakia at 45 and Turkey at 49.

Despite Germany's apprehension, Merkel's coalition has done little to reduce the country's dependence on Russian energy supplies.
It reminds me polls from the start of MJ's 2005 trial. People are totally brainwashed to "worry" with being fed with upside-down "facts" about many things concerning former USSR region.

With politics, it is far more dangerous since such brainwashing may lead to public approving in some future another illegal war like NATO countries started in 1990s or in 2000s.
Re: USA/EU polls show MASSIVE brainwashing; Final death of humanism in media/"international communit

DenisRS, I applaud your passion and fire about this issue.

When I was younger I swallowed everything that the media told me. I believed whatever they said. You trusted your newscasters the way you trust your doctor or lawyer.

As I grew older, I realised that I was part of the matrix and have a better undertstanding of the motivations of people who attempt to control the matrix.

Thank you for your thought-provoking posts! Keep up the great work.