US Soldier Water-Boards 4-Year-Old Daughter Because She Could Not Recite Alphabet

Agent M

Proud Member
Jul 17, 2009
M.I.B. Headquarters
US soldier water-boards 4-year-old daughter


An American soldier whose unit has served in Iraq and Afghanistan wars admits to using brutal CIA torture techniques on his young daughter because she could not recite the alphabet.

Joshua Tabor has admitted to water-boarding his little girl, whose custody he won just a month ago, because he knew she was horrified of water.

The 27-year-old soldier was arrested after he turned up in a Kevlar military helmet, threatening to smash windows.

Police went to Tabor's home in neighboring Yelm, where his girlfriend told them about the alleged torture.

His terrified 4-year-old daughter bore bruises all over her back and scratch marks on her neck when she was found hiding in a closet, police said. When asked how she got her injuries, she replied: "Daddy did it," according to The Daily Telegraph.

The cruel father serves in the Lewis-McChord base in Tacoma, Washington, which is home to units that serve in the US war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Simulating a feeling of being drowned, water-boarding was used by the CIA interrogators to force terror suspects at Guantanamo Bay to come clean.

Former US President George W. Bush approved the controversial interrogation method along with several others, including sleep deprivation and hunger.
Oh that picture kills me :( Poor little girl! What a monster!
Thats just a horrible thing for any child to endure, some people shouldn't be parents
that poor child...HE should be tortured the same way he did to her!!!
:cry: Asshole! I sure hope he doesnt have custody of her now. That's heartbreaking. I want to hug her. :(
Poor girl :cry:
this child needs love, not a retarded person to be her daddy! :cry:
i wish this man goes to hell for what he did!
poor little girl, it ought to be safe to be with your father.

I´m wondering about other things to; what did the army do to her father?what did the war do to him?
Why do they teach how to torture other humans in the army?
Did he get any help when he came home from the war?
Its funny how parents warn us against strangers when its actually them, the people who are close to us that hurt us.
Poor girl :( I hope they lock the father up and throw away the key.
Oh god poor little girl. What an abomination this guy is. How cruel and inhuman. Poor girl I pray she somehow gets over this and that this horrifying experience doesn't torture her for the rest of her life. I just can't imagine what this monster did in Iraq and Afghanistan if he is this cruel with his own daughter.
Poor girl. Is she ok now ? Who has her custody now ?

I hope she won't have a speech impediment because of that b*@tard.

I hope she knows someone she can share her feellings with; someone that can tell her that she does not deserve to be treated that way, that she has the right to make mistakes and that her """dad""" has psychological issues.
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Poor girl. Is she ok now ? Who has her custody now ?

I hope she won't have a speech impediment because of that b*@tard.

I hope she knows someone she can share her feellings with; someone that can tell her that she does not deserve to be treated that way, that she has the right to make mistakes and that her """dad""" has psychological issues.

Yupp, that'd be the best and most important now!