Uri Geller, "I believed Michael"


Proud Member
Nov 1, 2006
Trying to reach Michael...I cant see him but I fee
I didnt see any posts about URI about his interview with ET(Access Hollywood). If its done i'm sorry.

Uri said that Michael wanted to relax so i guess he hypnotised him. and he said that he took it to another level. Uri said that he wanted to know. So he asked him if he had done anything in the 1993 case (he asks him in detail). Michael says still hypnotized, "No", in a shocked voice,"I'd Never do that".

Thats when Uri said that He believed Michael was a victim of lies. and that if one is hypnotized, one cant lie.

I have to say, Uri, Us, Non-Psychic(and fans) knew Michael was innocent from the Start. But you, a so called friend took you a hypnotization to find that out? very sad.

He also said about other things about Michael, that werent pretty. Like the body guard said.
He needs to go away!!!
I"m glad MJ stopped talking to him, he should have never started quite frankly.
Fuck uri,it's his fault this happened,spoon bending ****.

"do an interview with bashir mj"

uri geller needs a bullet in the head.
I can't stand him either - he is a complete attention seeker and courts the media!

Why was there any doubt in his mind as Michael's 'friend' as to Michael's innocence that would necessitate asking him under hypnosis?!! Great friend! If this is even true, 'cause I don't believe a word that comes out of his damn mouth.
If anyone is saying stuff to combat the persistent "Michael is a child molester" meme, then I'm not going to complain. The more people fighting that fight, the better.
What did Uri actually do to Michael? Did he stab him in the back or was it just because he introduced Martin Bashir to Michael?
What did Uri actually do to Michael? Did he stab him in the back or was it just because he introduced Martin Bashir to Michael?

Recommended Bashir to Michael because of his Princess Diana interview and they fell out over it I think.
Uri Gellar should just be quiet like everyone else! A lot of people don't seem to know that Uri Gellar, MJs once trusted friend, was the one who set up the interview between Michael and Martin Bashir. You know that "unbiased" 2003 Documentary where Martin Bashir made MJ look like a neurotic pedophile! Gellar is just trying to cash in like everyone else. He's a traitor in my eyes.
Omg, was Michael even ever aware that Uri did this?

He has told people this to try and prove that Michael never did anything, but at the same time has made himself look like a big sneak.
If he was any kind of friend he wouldn't have had to hypnotize Michael to know he was innocent! :mad:
Uri is a low-life, attention-seeking hypocrite.
we should put a spoon in his a$$ :lmao:

Yeah, I like that trick better.
He is a loser and an ass. He is also partly to blame for what happened to Michael. And why is he talking to the media about this now? I don't recall him saying that during the trial.
we should put a spoon in his a$$ :lmao:

You are too much:hysterical::rofl: Handle! :gun2:

Uri tells anyone who will listen that story, but what kind of friend is that!! Worst part is he probably thinks he's doin Mike a favor. He proabably never told Mike he abused his trust like that either. PIG!
I heard him telling that story after the trial. He never said it before or during, he hedged his bets.

He can go to hell and take his scumbag buddy Fiddes with him. If they were so concerned about Michael and it was true about the drugs why didn't they go to his family? Their explanation was that Michael would cut them off, and that is why nobody delivered any tough love to him.

If I saw that I would have shouted it from the rooftops, I'd rather be cut off and have Michael hating me that see him killing himself.