URGENT: EVERYONE Please Buy MJ's “Gone Too Soon” By 6pm Saturday


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Buy "Gone Too Soon" Now - Let's Get Michael to No.1 this Sunday 23rd, so he's No.1 for his Birthday & Burial on Sat 29th August with his most appropriate song.

Post this message on other forums and websites.

We can do it!! There's still time if we do it now!!!

Please everyone, if you belong to any other forums or blogs etc, get it posted on there.

A single download is mere pennies and we can get "Gone Too Soon" to number 1 in time for his funeral, but you must ACT NOW!

If you can't download from iTunes, you can download the song from these retailers:

http://hmv.com/hmvweb/digitalSearch.do? ... pGroupID=8

http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_ss?url ... &x=19&y=20

http://www.play.com/Search.aspx?searcht ... 30&go.y=13

Come on guys...Let's make this happen!!!

Don't let this thread fade away. If we all just part with 99p max we can get Gone Too Soon to No.1 in time for his funeral.

State on here whether you've bought it or not, or where you have encouraged others too. This will create the momentum we need.

We've only got 3 days left to make this happen.

People, please do this, even if you buy it just the once.
This is a nice idea but it won't work. The song will need thousands and thousands of purchases to get to number 1.
A few forum members won't make a dent in the chart positions.
downloaded it ,havnt got this one :)
if all fans get it it ll get to no1 for sure
Hmmm I think its too late for this to work..unless you find some really rich person to buy thousands and thousands of copies.
This is a nice idea but it won't work. The song will need thousands and thousands of purchases to get to number 1.
A few forum members won't make a dent in the chart positions.

But wasn't it pretty much just the fans that bought OMC, I mean who else bought it, they never played it on the radio. And we got it to number 5!!
How many songs must we buy to get the song to No.1???
Just done it and made friends do it.........

I threatened to sing the song to them if they didnt

seem to get them to do it
thanks to all those who inform us of these things. If it werent for being on here I would miss so much.
But wasn't it pretty much just the fans that bought OMC, I mean who else bought it, they never played it on the radio. And we got it to number 5!!
Indeed. Fans. Thousands of fans. And also people who had a mild interest in MJ's music. Not just a few fans from internet forums.
There can be quite a big difference in sales figures from a number 5 to a number 1.
It takes like 30,000 sales to get to number 1.
Very sweet sentiment. I hope it works. I would buy it but I already have it.