Urgent advocacy requested !!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011



The contemptibly exploitative Oprah Winfrey


A heartfelt appeal to Diana Ross, through her agent, to NOT discuss Michael Jackson, his children, or anything about him, for ratings.


Jared, Assistant to Robert Norman, agent for Diana Ross
Creative Artists Agency


Immediately. Time is of the essence. Diana Ross is scheduled to appear on The Oprah Winfrey Show on Friday, February 25, 2011.

IMPORTANT! Please send your email to Jared after business hours so that your email, along with many others, queue up in Jared’s email box as a large clump of messages.

Subject line: Appeal to Diana Ross


As we previously reported, ratings for Winfrey’s new endeavor, the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN), are taking a nosedive. As we all know too well, Winfrey predictably exploits Michael Jackson when her ratings are flagging. The closing season of her ABC talk show is no exception.

Diana Ross is scheduled to appear on Winfrey’s show, but Jared doesn’t know if the show has been taped yet.

In speaking with him, he suggested that any messages to Diana Ross can go through him. Please take a moment to send a message to Diana Ross to ask her, if it can be avoided, not to succumb to Winfrey’s quest for ratings by discussing Michael.

Diana Ross may think Michael’s fans want her to discuss him.

Given full reign, Winfrey will be sure to ask, with her usual lack of compassion, any number of highly invasive and insensitive questions.

Have you seen the children?

Are they better off now that they’re unveiled?

Did you know that Michael appointed you successor guardian of his children?

What do you make of that?

When did you last see Michael?

Did you know he was a drug addict?

Were you alarmed by all his plastic surgery?

Do you think he wanted to look like you?

Do you think he was a child molester?


Please address your emails to rnormanasst@caa.com

Try not to be too wordy, but stress that, if at all possible, please, Ms. Ross, continue to honor Michael’s privacy.

Talking points:

Winfrey since 1993 has consistently been disrespectful to Michael.

Winfrey consistently asks invasive, exploitative and intensely private questions about Michael, his children and his family.

Winfrey has exercised her power irresponsibly to shape public opinion.

Celebrity gossip is the cash cow for tabloid empires. Winfrey has gone to the well too many times at Michael’s expense.

Winfrey’s “voice of doubt and reserve” clearly influenced her audience in the Jackson matter and further emboldened the self-righteous pack of hounds hunting Mr. Jackson, alleged child molester.

Winfrey’s posthumous Jackson-related interviews with Lisa Marie Presley and Michael’s parents and children were scheduled near or among other programs on child molestation. Such juxtaposition placed Michael Jackson’s name, in the public mind and memory, exactly where Winfrey has decided it should remain.

We don’t know if we can head Ms. Ross off at the pass, but we want to try.

Thanks, as always, for your continuing dedication to Michael Jackson’s personal legacy.
I know it is bad and that Oprah is making a lot of money on Michael's expense , but to tell you the truth I'm curious to see Diana talking about Michael...he loved her so much...
I do not think it is appropriate for us to ask Diana Ross not to discuss Michael. Ms Ross is a woman who can handle herself and she is within her rights to speak about Michael if she wishes.

There is always the risk that she will say something that we, as fans, may not appreciate or agree with but "them's the breaks".

I think it is presumptuous of us to attempt to do this and it will reflect badly on us as a community!
I would like to hear what Diana has to say. She will be respectful as always. Positive talk about Michael is only a good thing, especially via Oprah as it puts her and her assumptions in their place. I guess the topic Michael Jackson will be shortly adressed as she did with Liza Minelli before. Nothing wrong with that.
I agree, TheChosenOne.

Besides, all one needs to do is not watch the show to give Oprah the ratings, if they don't want to, and wait for summaries and/or transcripts of it instead.

It's an extreme thing to be asking of fans and even get worked up about. Although I get all the bewareness of Oprah and her shows, this action sounds a bit fanatical and not too reasonable. ..

Hopefully, Diana will make a good impression and say the appropriate, reasonable things she's known and even respected for... .. Hopefully.
It's good to know. I think it shouldn't be asked of Diana not to speak about Michael but she should be made aware of how Oprah sneaked in the no-nos on past guests. There's nothing wrong with that.

But Diana is on tour promoting her album so who knows what she might agree to talk about.

Also in the case of celebrity like Diana Ross they usually can bring their own questions to be asked and only put respectful and cute stories about Michael. We can certainly send questions to her agent. Something fans like to hear.
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I do not think it is appropriate for us to ask Diana Ross not to discuss Michael. Ms Ross is a woman who can handle herself and she is within her rights to speak about Michael if she wishes.

There is always the risk that she will say something that we, as fans, may not appreciate or agree with but "them's the breaks".

I think it is presumptuous of us to attempt to do this and it will reflect badly on us as a community!
This. Why do fans think we can dictate other people's lives? Stop doing it, stop being so paranoid. If someone wants to talk about Michael, let them. Fans went bananas over the interview with Michael's children yet they conveyed what an amazing dad he was and it sent a positive message about Michael as a person.

Ms Ross hadn't been in touch with MJ for years.....and I doubt she'd even WANT to discuss him.
As I said in another post, I trust that Ross will be respectful and speak highly of Michael. I can't see her speaking any negativity on him.
I don't like how Oprah needs to do these mini-hidden "Michael Jackson episodes" for ratings but there's nothing we can really do about that. It's not our choice to decide this for Diana Ross...We must just wait and see what she says.
This might not go down so well but I wish one of these hosts (Oprah in particular) would ask if Michael ever did molest anyone. In fact, ask all the burning questions.

Wait...hear me out.

Think of the audience that watches Oprah. Think of all the people in America that follow her every move, and the even bigger audience that sees her show internationally. To use the ''Think'' bit again, think of the media that sees this. One of these close friends of Michael - and I think Diana is as good as anyone for it who knew him well enough - needs to say straight out to that question NO!!!

Set the record straight. Have them tell that audience why there was no basis for the allegations, the real story behind the 93 payout etc etc.
Wow that Oprah cow is truely obsessed with Michael if she'll ask Diana Ross about him. It's likely cuz it's proven Oprah knows no class when it's about ratings and financial gain.

However I hope also Mrs. Ross will know more class and answer whatever apropriate too... if not then there's also no chance an email like that would change that in my opinion.

For sure I'll not watch... I'll get the content here on the messageboard probably anyways as it will be too hard to escape. But let me say clearly also... NO REPROACH at all to those who want to watch... I simply believe in the freedom of choice! ;)
Re: arn't you all getting it yet ?

I agree, TheChosenOne.

Besides, all one needs to do is not watch the show to give Oprah the ratings, if they don't want to, and wait for summaries and/or transcripts of it instead.

co /tripel signed .

dont feed into media .
I've said this nearly every time this issue crops up (the negative shows about Michael), and I'll say it again so that everyone understands, and can choose to do some sort of positive action? Someone usually says, "Don't watch the show! Don't add to the ratings!" Not watching or watching the show -- any show -- has absolutely NOTHING to do with "ratings." The way to affect ratings is through the advertisers, i.e. not buying the products.

No one knows what shows you watch or don't watch, unless you have agreed to be part of a monitoring program where a device is installed on your tv that records which programs you watch, and/or if you fill out a survey.

I don't agree with pressuring Diana Ross in any way. She is an adult.

The problem is not Diana Ross, but Oprah, who has shown again and again that she USES Michael and negativity to gain ratings. If you want to stop that behavior, then find a list of advertisers that support her programming. Craft a careful letter saying that unless Oprah stops her behavior, you will not be buying any of the products. THAT can be effective, but not pressuring her guests to limit free-speech.
This might not go down so well but I wish one of these hosts (Oprah in particular) would ask if Michael ever did molest anyone. In fact, ask all the burning questions.

Wait...hear me out.

Think of the audience that watches Oprah. Think of all the people in America that follow her every move, and the even bigger audience that sees her show internationally. To use the ''Think'' bit again, think of the media that sees this. One of these close friends of Michael - and I think Diana is as good as anyone for it who knew him well enough - needs to say straight out to that question NO!!!

Set the record straight. Have them tell that audience why there was no basis for the allegations, the real story behind the 93 payout etc etc.

I think different people at different times in in different shows over the years have stated clearly there was NO reason to blame Michael of such horrible things as some greedy US families did.

Yet, that is making hardly any covers at all. And there is hardly a few people changing their minds about Michael. Even when MJ was here things were like that.

I mean, there is a LEGAL system that said Michael Jackson was not guilty. However, when one says that, they say our opinion are not valid because we love Michael, so that basically means we are blind to see his dark side. Which basically means the US legal system was a fan of Michael Jackson unable and unwilling to see his faults :doh:

What a disgusting situation :no:
Actually I did see an interview where Ross talked about Michael. The interviewer clearly had contempt for Michael and was asking Diana how she feels about Michael trying to look like her. She calmly told him that she did not think he wanted to look at her, that he was having a look that he felt comfortable with. She did not talk about his private life.

I understand the point the original poster is making, so I would alert the agent of the trend that Oprah has relating to the Michael interviews so he can alert Diana (in case she does not know).