

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
uk, macroland
I'm back from my holiday... and now once again incredibly upset.. why? Read on.

there was this boy right. he was in the pool and i just got out in my bikini he was staring at me. so i turned around and when i looked around he was still looking at me so jus walked off. then the next day i was just walking around with my mum and he went by me and stared at me again so i stared back. then whenever we saw each other he looked at me! i was just like well i didn tmind cuz he was really fit
and yesterday night i was detirmend to get his number and talk to him he is an excellent dancer and he was showing off on the dance floor an he STILL kept looking at me i wanted him to come over but my mum was dancing with me so he didntttttt and i turned round at one point and OMG he gave me this smile :|
i just died lol and he was doing all fancy stuff like mj does with his feet i was like wooaah then this little boy
goes up to him with his mum and goes how'du do that the n he starts teaching the little boy how to do it!!
how sweet!
mum goes 'hes perfect!'
then mum leaves the dance floor and leaves me with a friend i met there to see if he would come over but then my friend goes and i didnt wanna dance alone so my mum had to come back and he didnt come over :| then he walked out the door (still looking at me) for gods sake and i was like ommmgggg!!!!!
i wanted to see him and talk to him this morning before we left so i went and sat in the plaza for aaageessss and he didnt come. and then my dad said lets go and just as i got in the car he walked past!



i dont even know what his name was i want to find him on facebook grr im so annoyed with myself for not going over then and being brave but there were like loads of other guys with him.

I keep doing the whole 'what if' thing.. what if when he smiled at me on the dance floor i had kept looking at him.. would he of asked me to come over??!?

what if i was brave enough to walk over to him!?!



Rant over - thank you for listening..
aww isn't that sweet :p teenage crushes
think of it this way - if he didn't come over to talk to you then he wasn't worth were you going to approach him and talk to him when he was with a bunch of guys? it's suppose to be done the other way around, he's the gentleman :trish: next time you'll find someone who knows how to act in this kind of situations, don't sweat over every single guy you meet
yeah I know, there's always a bit of regret...but don't worry one day you're going to meet someone who's going to make you forget ALL about it! :girl_dance: