Uplifiting Michael Jackson Dance Video


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hey Everyone, this is a sad time in the Michael Jackson world for some fans, and I just want to say that no matter what, we must remember what Michael has done for all of us, in many different ways. Whether it be from his music, dance, or boyish-charisma, he has given us a reason to love our idol more and more. I found this video on youtube surfing around, and I think it is a very uplifting and energetic compilation of the King of Pop's best dance moves with a catchy techno british pop singer's hit, "Everytime We Touch". Hope you enjoy this as much as I did...

~DavidBOW1E (Sam)


just once i'd like to hear someone say that 'keepin it real' means being positive. cus so far, i've never heard someone say keepin it real means stayin somewhere in the middle. in reality, it was always negative.

just once, i'd like to think that if ur totally positive about something, ur not accused of worship, or being in a cult. i'd rather hear that if ur totally negative, ur accused of worship, and being in a cult for a change.

just once, i'd like to think that being totally positive is equated with being human. rather than, being negative is equated with being human. cus i always hear the latter, and not the former.

and thanks to all the people 100 years old and older, who are still alive, and have reported that the main reason for their longevity, is a cheery attitude.

i have a lot of things in life where i've chosen to find negative things about.

so i have chosen, that at least one thing i totally choose to be positive about, is Michael Jackson. that's my choice, and i'm keepin it real. and i'm not in a cult. and i thank my God for Michael.

and thanks folks for the wonderful, inspiring and uplifting vids in this thread.

oh..and, Michael Jackson, thanks for keepin it real.
Well indeed why sad times?

the orginal poster said it was a sad time for some, and if understand it correctly he/she refers to many thousand fans that have been re-schedueled for their concerts. many as long as 8-9 months. paying non refundable airfare tickets and hotels. some cannot even attend now.
thats sad as hell if you ask me
i'll post some of my own uplifting MJ vids ive made also, might as well make this a little uplifting thread for all given all the news and worries over the last week :)
the orginal poster said it was a sad time for some, and if understand it correctly he/she refers to many thousand fans that have been re-schedueled for their concerts. many as long as 8-9 months. paying non refundable airfare tickets and hotels. some cannot even attend now.
thats sad as hell if you ask me

this is true but no video will help to come over this disappointment at the moment, time will heal the wounds.
Hey Everyone, this is a sad time in the Michael Jackson world for some fans, and I just want to say that no matter what, we must remember what Michael has done for all of us, in many different ways. Whether it be from his music, dance, or boyish-charisma, he has given us a reason to love our idol more and more. I found this video on youtube surfing around, and I think it is a very uplifting and energetic compilation of the King of Pop's best dance moves with a catchy techno british pop singer's hit, "Everytime We Touch". Hope you enjoy this as much as I did...

~DavidBOW1E (Sam)

That catchy british techno song is a cover of Maggie Reilly's hit from the 80's called "Everytime We Touch"