update page 2 In Pictures: 'Michael Jackson Memorabilia Auction'


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
can you please keep all the news & pictures from MJ Autction Memorabilia in this thread. Thanks


An undated handout photo provided by Juliens Auctions on 14 March 2010 shows the original oil study on board for the work commissioned by Michael Jackson titled 'Prince, The Boy King.' by US artist David Nordahl.​

here is link:http://www.monstersandcritics.com/p...es-Michael-Jackson-Memorabilia-Auction?page=1
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Re: In Pictures: 'Michael Jackson Memorabilia Auction'

Furniture owned by Michael Jackson goes on display prior to auction
var addthis_pub = "chansonqg";

A hand carved, gilt wood, three seat sofa topped with crown, upholstered in red velvet with metallic thread crown over double headed eagle embroidery. Michael Jackson ordered the sofa for his residence in Kent, England, where he was to stay during the This Is It concert series in London, at the retail price of nearly $73,000.00. The furniture is scheduled to go on display on Tuesday, March 16th to Sunday May 30th and at Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino in Las Vegas starting Monday, June 14th

http://english.cctv.com/photo/album/20100315/101307_0.shtml#javascript:gotoPage(0);javascript:gotoPage(0 - 1)1 of 6javascript:gotoPage(0 + 1);javascript:gotoPage(6-1);

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Re: In Pictures: 'Michael Jackson Memorabilia Auction'

can you please keep all the news & pictures from MJ Autction Memorabilia in this thread. Thanks


An undated handout photo provided by Juliens Auctions on 14 March 2010 shows the original oil study on board for the work commissioned by Michael Jackson titled 'Prince, The Boy King.' by US artist David Nordahl.​

here is link:http://www.monstersandcritics.com/p...es-Michael-Jackson-Memorabilia-Auction?page=1
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Oh please don't say this painting of Prince has been auctioned :( ... has it??

I thought Michael managed to stop this Juliens auction taking place??????!
Re: In Pictures: 'Michael Jackson Memorabilia Auction'

will likes like it they're saleing his stuff :( :cry: i think cause of his dearth i think & i think the jacksons family needs money i think :thinking:
Re: In Pictures: 'Michael Jackson Memorabilia Auction'

will likes like it they're saleing his stuff :( :cry: i think cause of his dearth i think & i think the jacksons family needs money i think :thinking:

I don't think they're beggar -_-
Re: In Pictures: 'Michael Jackson Memorabilia Auction'

Oh please don't say this painting of Prince has been auctioned :( ... has it??

I thought Michael managed to stop this Juliens auction taking place??????!

That's what I thought, that Michael stopped this happening back in April. Why is this happening now?
Re: In Pictures: 'Michael Jackson Memorabilia Auction'

I hope this picture is not sold!!! selling furniture is one thing, but this is a picture of Michael's son. How can it be sold??? :(
Re: In Pictures: 'Michael Jackson Memorabilia Auction'

That's what I thought, that Michael stopped this happening back in April. Why is this happening now?

Exactly :/

I'm confused.
Re: In Pictures: 'Michael Jackson Memorabilia Auction'

I hope this isn't true.
If Michael put a stop to this then why is it happening again?
That's a beautiful portrait of Prince... :( Why would they auction this?
Re: In Pictures: 'Michael Jackson Memorabilia Auction'

Huh? wtf? Confused.
Re: In Pictures: 'Michael Jackson Memorabilia Auction'

LOL, just wondering why this is all being sold? :unsure:
Re: In Pictures: 'Michael Jackson Memorabilia Auction'



"Music Icons' auction, due to take place at Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, USA, on 25 June 2010. EPA/SHAAN KOKIN / JULIENS AUCTIONS / HO EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

Read more: http://www.monstersandcritics.com/people/features/article_1540942.php/In-Pictures-Michael-Jackson-Memorabilia-Auction?page=1#ixzz0iHgfN5wW"
Re: In Pictures: 'Michael Jackson Memorabilia Auction'

:no: :no: What the...
Re: In Pictures: 'Michael Jackson Memorabilia Auction'

That sofa looks fit for the king but I bet he never sat on it lol.
Re: In Pictures: 'Michael Jackson Memorabilia Auction'

I was wondering the same thing myself. I thought these items were going to go into storage, and I was told back last year after I went to see these things, that these things were going back to Neverland. I guess that was a lie.
Also last weekend I thought I saw more of Jackson's things at a recent auction held here where I live in San Diego, CA. I was walking around and the art, some of the furnishings and I swear a chess set that looked awfully like the one Mike had was there. It bothered me and I asked and boy the person in charge got huffy with me. Who wants to know and how would I know what is what and told me to leave. Excuse me...did I hit a nerve or something?

Last year Darren lost money because the one in Beverly Hills was canceled out and that TII began...I'm as confused as some of you as to what and who is doing this.
Re: In Pictures: 'Michael Jackson Memorabilia Auction'

I had something very profound to say
but forgot what is was :LOL:
Re: In Pictures: 'Michael Jackson Memorabilia Auction'



"Music Icons' auction, due to take place at Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, USA, on 25 June 2010. EPA/SHAAN KOKIN / JULIENS AUCTIONS / HO EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

Read more: http://www.monstersandcritics.com/people/features/article_1540942.php/In-Pictures-Michael-Jackson-Memorabilia-Auction?page=1#ixzz0iHgfN5wW"

It takes alot of nerve for these people to hold this auction on June25th...Do they not know that is the 1 year anniversary of Michael's death?..Do they not care the pain that people are already going to be feeling on that day. Why must they rip the scab off of a trying to heal cut. They are only going to make it worse for the people who are still trying to come to terms with Michael's death.. If you ask me they are just self assholes and are just trying to see how Much money there is to still be made off of Michael..they dont care what day it is. they dont care how others feel..as a matter of fact I f I can find an e-mail address for these jerks I am sending a e-mail telling them how I feel about this....and trust me it is not gonna be nice..:mad:
Re: In Pictures: 'Michael Jackson Memorabilia Auction'

I don't think these are the same things as last year, or certainly not all of them by a long shot. The furniture was probably a deal between the Italian company and the estate. The painting is a "study", one of three. These are small works to indicate what the finished painting will look like, done for approval by the buyer. So they would be owned by the artist and his to sell. The finished works belong to the estate. The other stuff looks like it could be things that Michael gave fans and friends. He was very generous. There's a pair of sunglasses from Corey Feldman in the batch. It is not pleasant, but sadly people have been cashing in on Michael for a long time.

Last year it was supposedly over 2000 items, this lot is much, much smaller.

Here's the highlights identified by Julien's:

The Collection David Nordahl — Michael Jackson's commissioned artwork by the famed artist includes his study art supplied to Michael Jackson to approve his work prior to creating the masterpieces that adorned the walls at Neverland. Collection includes: Study for "Tryptych" (Est. $6,000/$8,000), Study for "Michael" (Est. $4,000/$6,000), Study for "Prince, The Boy King" (Est. $6,000/$8,000).

Michael Jackson Signed "Beat It" Jacket (Est. $8,000/$12,000), Michael Jackson Stage Worn Sunglasses Gifted to Actor Corey Feldman (Est. $2,000/$4,000), Michael Jackson's Military Jacket That He Wore When He Married Debbie Rowe (Est. $6,000/$8,000), Michael Jackson's White Swarovski Crystal Glove (Est. $20,000/$30,000), Beaded Shirt (Est. $10,000/$12,000) and Sequined Jacket ($14,000/$16,000) Iconic Ensemble Worn on Stage During the "Victory" Tour, Michael Jackson Handwritten and Signed "Bad" Lyrics (Est. $2,000/$4,000)

Here's some of the items from the 2009 auction that was called off:

At an April auction featuring more than 2,000 personal items, Michael Jackson is set to sell his American Music Award for “Thriller,” a velvet cape given to him by his children for Father’s Day in 1998, a pair of rhinestone-trimmed socks from 1981, a basketball signed by Michael Jordan and his own original artwork.

The 50-year-old singer is also parting with his platinum and gold records, a customized Harley Davidson and a Rolls Royce limousine.

This does not look like the same stuff to me.
Re: In Pictures: 'Michael Jackson Memorabilia Auction'

can you please keep all the news & pictures from MJ Autction Memorabilia in this thread. Thanks


An undated handout photo provided by Juliens Auctions on 14 March 2010 shows the original oil study on board for the work commissioned by Michael Jackson titled 'Prince, The Boy King.' by US artist David Nordahl.​

here is link:http://www.monstersandcritics.com/p...es-Michael-Jackson-Memorabilia-Auction?page=1

This is sad.. I don't like all this.

it's as if money means more than sentiment..money means more than Michael's art (i.e release of reissue MJ CD's)
Re: In Pictures: 'Michael Jackson Memorabilia Auction'

Wouldn't surprise me if they planned it for that date for the publicity.
Re: In Pictures: 'Michael Jackson Memorabilia Auction'

I had the privilege to visit the MJ Exhibition in London last Month and I remember that the Exhibition was closed to the public on the Friday prior, for a so called "Private Function". It was then it crossed my mind that they might be selling his memorabilia.

For a Career that spanned forty years his memorabilia is rather sparse.

It is rather sad. This Auction confirms it all. I just hope and pray that they Leave something for his Children to remember him by.
Re: In Pictures: 'Michael Jackson Memorabilia Auction'

I had the privilege to visit the MJ Exhibition in London last Month and I remember that the Exhibition was closed to the public on the Friday prior, for a so called "Private Function". It was then it crossed my mind that they might be selling his memorabilia.

For a Career that spanned forty years his memorabilia is rather sparse.

It is rather sad. This Auction confirms it all. I just hope and pray that they Leave something for his Children to remember him by.

Oh no no noooo :( Please don't tell me they are selling the stuff that was in the exhibition at the O2?!
Re: In Pictures: 'Michael Jackson Memorabilia Auction'

Oh please don't say this painting of Prince has been auctioned :( ... has it??

no it's not being sold. it's the study for the original painting in other words only the draft is being sold.

as from the list I can see it is 6 pieces of furniture that we ordered for the house in the UK but never got to use it, 3 study/ draft drawings from Dave Nordahl and 8 other clothes, accessories etc. In the end they are only selling 17 items total.

I don't think they would sell the stuff at O2. Wasn't that suppose to go to a 3 city tour (London, Japan and US)?
Re: In Pictures: 'Michael Jackson Memorabilia Auction'

this is so sas if there selling all his stuff :(
its just hit me again hes no longer here

i honsetley thought they would of preserved it
i thought wrong :(
Re: update: In Pictures: 'Michael Jackson Memorabilia Auction'

here is update news

Portrait of Michael Jackson up for auction online

LOS ANGELES — An over-the-top portrait of Michael Jackson is going up for auction online.
The eBay.com auction of the fantastical 50-by-40-inch painting by Australian artist Brett-Livingstone Strong will launch Wednesday evening, the portrait's owner said Tuesday.
Titled "The Book," the colorful work is reportedly the only painting for which the King of Pop ever posed. It depicts Jackson, clad in a Renaissance-era red velvet jacket, seated amid a sweeping checkerboard floor underneath a magically translucent curtain at his Neverland Ranch.
"I've had it an awful long time," said toy inventor Marty Abrams, who acquired the painting with partner John Gentilly in 1992 from Japanese businessman Hiromichi Saeki as payment on a debt owed to them. "With the positive response to his music and the movie about him after his death, we thought it was a good time to sell it and for the world to see it."
For over 17 years, Abrams kept the painting in storage in a New Jersey warehouse. It was briefly on display at the Dancy-Power Automotive showroom in Harlem after Jackson's death last June. The painting, which also features the fairy character Tinkerbell hovering in the background, is hanging inside Abrams' home in Kings Point, N.Y.
The painting was originally sold to Saeki for $2.1 million in 1990. Abrams said the painting was appraised by Belgo Fine Art Appraisal and Restoration at $5.3 million in 2000, but he believes it is worth more now. Abrams hopes it will fetch over $3 million in the auction, which is scheduled to end April 17. The minimum starting bid will be $2.75 million.
"Frankly, I thought instead of trying to call out to other people, let's bring the people that are really interested to us," said auction organizer Marc Samson. "The idea of doing it on eBay in an auction format seemed to make the most sense. When Marty's son, Ken, came to me with the painting, it hit me across the face. This is the way to get it out there."
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In this publicity image released by Marc Samson, a painting of Michael Jackson by Australian artist Brett-Livingstone Strong is shown. The painting will be auctioned on eBay.com on Wednesday, April 7, 2010. (AP Photo/courtesy Marc Samson)



here is link:http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5jIC-I8-4CkkJrNBplDeSmA9V8i8wD9EUG0702
I wish I was a billionaire!

I would buy all MJ stuff.