(update) my health is not good :(


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
past weeks i have not feeling well and dealing with my health problems :yes: :cry: but today i what for blood test cause i have to do this once year by my doctor and by govement too :yes: :)

so this weekend i was feeling better but my throat hurtting alot :yes: :cry: :( anything i eat and drink :(
so my mother look inside my throat and see saw my Swollen Tonsil so so say that maybe why my lift ear is so much in pain :yes: :( :cry:

but this week i can't go and see my doctor :no: i'm going to see her next wednesday :yes: :) :pray:

please pray for me :heart:
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Re: Swollen tonsil and ear ache

hi Reghead121 :yes: i'll let you know :)

right know my throat hurts like hell when i talk i sound like mine mouse :yes: :lol:
Re: Swollen tonsil and ear ache

Hiya! :waving:

Do you have any cough drops? Like HALLS? They do help numb the throat for a few mins anyways. So does gargling with salt water :)

Yeah I really HATE that. No white spots on your throat right? Then it might be strep....gaaaaaaaa I'm 30 and I still get strep throat once in a while :mello:
It will be interesting to see what they say when you go in.
Re: Swollen tonsil and ear ache

Hiya! :waving:

Do you have any cough drops? Like HALLS? They do help numb the throat for a few mins anyways. So does gargling with salt water :)

Yeah I really HATE that. No white spots on your throat right? Then it might be strep....gaaaaaaaa I'm 30 and I still get strep throat once in a while :mello:
It will be interesting to see what they say when you go in.

ooh really Reghead121 that is say :(

:yes: i try on that like halls like you say i have to be carefull with my sweet stuff cause they way my hleath :yes: :(
but i do alot with halls and tea thing is helping :( :cry: :boohoo: :scratch:
Re: Swollen tonsil and ear ache

ooh really Reghead121 that is say :(

:yes: i try on that like halls like you say i have to be carefull with my sweet stuff cause they way my hleath :yes: :(
but i do alot with halls and tea thing is helping :( :cry: :boohoo: :scratch:

They may have sugar free cough drops, you might want to take a look. That way they would help your throat without having the sugar :) Yes, I like tea for sore throat too! Aw, I hope it clears up soon, it's no fun. What do we need tonsils for anyhow??? :better:
Re: Swollen tonsil and ear ache

Hi Rockstar,,,sorry you are so ill...also try gargleing with warm salt water....do not swallow it...gargle and spit it out....this helps too....I will be praying for you......also if your tonsils are that swollen you probably need an antibiotic....and maybe your mom can call the doctor and they can call you in an antibiotic over the phone......I have 2 almost grown children and have dealt with tonsillitis many many times...I wish you luck...:hug:
Re: Swollen tonsil and ear ache

I hope you feel better rockstar.. I am praying for you :angel: :hug:
Re: Swollen tonsil and ear ache

Re: Swollen tonsil and ear ache

Awww :( that's no fun. I hope you're feeling better soon. Maybe some funny Michael moments will cheer you up in the mean time, hopefully? :give_flowers:
i don't have Swollen tonsil :no:

from my blood test comeup anythings :no: my doctor saw that i don't have enough Vitamins :yes:

she say that the hurtting my thoath is that is from my ears is doing that

pulse i have to go for anyother test this time for stool test :yes: :( how great is that

pulse i have go to see speacillist too :yes:
thank you Michelle MC that was sweet of you :flowers: and :yes: the video i saw both of them but is great to see it again makes me smile thanks again :flowers: :hug:

ooh i forgot to say that my doctor say that i'm almost close to have diabetes that why she is getting mad it me :mat: past years cause the way my health is and she say that is not my fealt that i have health problems :yes: :cry:

also too my glucose level is too high :yes: :(
You should be really careful for your health rockstar. My prayers are with you but be careful before its too late. *hug*
I do hope you feel better soon :better:

If it makes you feel any better now I'm getting sick :mello: My throat has been so raw and swollen for the second day now... I'm crossing my fingers it will go away and not be strep or something (like i haven't had that enough already in my lifetime!) I'm picking up some halls cough drops for me now, after suggesting them to you :p

I hope they get it all sorted for you. Did they give you any information on how to take better care with your blood sugar so you don't end up with issues? You can look it up online too. A lot of it is diet and exercise. You don't want to end up diabetic, I know a few that are and it can be challenging to keep regulated.

Thanks for the update, I was wondering about you! :better:
Oh you poor girl....I do hope that you will get your glucose under control....I will be praying for you..:)
I do hope you feel better soon :better:

If it makes you feel any better now I'm getting sick :mello: My throat has been so raw and swollen for the second day now... I'm crossing my fingers it will go away and not be strep or something (like i haven't had that enough already in my lifetime!) I'm picking up some halls cough drops for me now, after suggesting them to you :p

I hope they get it all sorted for you. Did they give you any information on how to take better care with your blood sugar so you don't end up with issues? You can look it up online too. A lot of it is diet and exercise. You don't want to end up diabetic, I know a few that are and it can be challenging to keep regulated.

Thanks for the update, I was wondering about you! :better:

thank you that you're woundering about me :hug:

:yes: i'm going to see specaillist :yes: and after new year i'm going to see my soctor again cause she wants to talke to me and my mom about my wright :yes: :eek:
past weeks i have not feeling well and dealing with my health problems :yes: :cry: but today i what for blood test cause i have to do this once year by my doctor and by govement too :yes: :)

so this weekend i was feeling better but my throat hurtting alot :yes: :cry: :( anything i eat and drink :(
so my mother look inside my throat and see saw my Swollen Tonsil so so say that maybe why my lift ear is so much in pain :yes: :( :cry:

but this week i can't go and see my doctor :no: i'm going to see her next wednesday :yes: :) :pray:

please pray for me :heart:

Let us know how you are :)

I also hav health issues and STRESS is an bad trigger 4 me.... I feel stressed ALOT lately so I 2 am not very well :(

take care of yourself xoxo
Aw, I hope you're much better soon! Keep us updated hun, sending you love and hugs! :)
thanks PYTnz and StaceyMJ for your lovely mesage and prays too :hug: and :yes: i'll keep update everybody what is going on :yes: