update My Doctor put me back on my pill


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
My Doctor take me off one my pills it's about 5 days & i have been having heartbrun alot from monday today it's really hurtting alot it's realllying hurtting me alot when i eat or drink so what can i do? cause i'm going to see my doctor on wednesday :yes:
please help me cause i what to go out shoppying with my mom & auntes for my birthday lunch & sunday is my birthday dinner & monday is realling my birthday i'm so much in pain i just what to :cry: & screaming so loud :yes:

i have one pill that is half pill i take in morrning but she take me off it :yes: know i'm having so much pain & heartbrun
i feel like i'm going to die please help me i'm in pain & :cry: my heart out

but dshe give a new pill last week to take at night to help me it work i sleep all night long :yes: :)
but this morrowing i woke up in pain is not pretty at all :no:

i love you all of you guy love & peace

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Re: My Doctor take me off one my pill & i'm in pain

Oh Emilia, I'm so sorry to hear this! :cry: Can't you call your doctor about it? Wednesday is too long! Hopefully she/he is able to help you to get your usual medicine back! Take care sweetie! I hope you'll feel better soon! :huggy: :heart:
Re: My Doctor take me off one my pill & i'm in pain

Of Emelia I'm sorry to hear about this, it could just be a withdrawl symptom.

Maybe your should get something just for heartburn, maybe that will sort it out :)
Re: My Doctor take me off one my pill & i'm in pain

thanks Hocus & raz2911 thank you both of you :hug: both of you are sweet & caring loving person you're :hug:

i try to tell my mom to call her on moday but my mother say to me that you just have to wait til wednesday :yes: :(
So my mother give me some gas pill to help it :yes:
Re: My Doctor take me off one my pill & i'm in pain

Aww, I'm so sorry you're in so much pain. :better:
I know withdrawal from medication can be a bit horrible sometimes. I recently came off beta blockers. It wasn't very nice. I hope you feel better soon. :hug:
Re: My Doctor take me off one my pill & i'm in pain

thanks Nova

i have IBS so having IBS so i thank i get that too from it cause i look it up on my internet they say heartburn by IBS & i have IBS :( :cry: is not pretty at all & it's not fun at all :( :cry:
Re: My Doctor take me off one my pill & i'm in pain

:hug: and L.O.V.E. to you Emilia, I hope you feel better soon :)
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Re: My Doctor take me off one my pill & i'm in pain

thanks Nova

i have IBS so having IBS so i thank i get that too from it cause i look it up on my internet they say heartburn by IBS & i have IBS :( :cry: is not pretty at all & it's not fun at all :( :cry:
Aww, I have IBS too. I know how you feel, it's horrible. Taking ginger supplements can help. There are also a lot of medications you can buy from shops for IBS without needing a prescription from your doctor. But ask your doctor or pharmacist before taking anything if you're on other medications.
Re: My Doctor take me off one my pill & i'm in pain

oh..Emilia I am sorry you do not feel well...ask your mom to get you some tums for your heartburn..until Wednesday....I hope you feel better..:hug:
Re: My Doctor take me off one my pill & i'm in pain

thanks everybody :hug: back all of you great support friends thanks i'm going to bed know my mom give something to help it & know i feel butter i hope so the next i'll feel great pray on that :thinking:
right know i'm having toothacich :yes: :cry: my life is not fun :no: :cry:

why? did god made me like this :( :cry:
Re: My Doctor take me off one my pill & i'm in pain

i don't know why your doctor would do that to you. i'll pray for you..God made you a great person. yes..he promised that we would have longsuffering, but later a joy that is much greater than the longsuffering. He made you a wonderful person.
Re: My Doctor take me off one my pill & i'm in pain

hey hun try drinking milk.

there has to be something you eat or drink that sets it off . so stear clear of that.

I wish I had more to tell you. :( Have those gas pills helped any? Ugh it sounds so painful.

I get tummy aches all the time, not heartburn as much. Have you tried tums?
Re: My Doctor take me off one my pill & i'm in pain

i don't know why your doctor would do that to you. i'll pray for you..God made you a great person. yes..he promised that we would have longsuffering, but later a joy that is much greater than the longsuffering. He made you a wonderful person.

:yes: is so mean that my doctor did that :yes:

she just tryying out the pills cause i have news i take at night to help my tummy
so that's way she tryying me out of them when i'm taking the new pills but i think i really need them cause i never had heartbrun tell i take that pill & then she take me off it i did ooh my god i feel it in my throat right down my heart & tummy :( :cry:

but i'm going to see her on Wednessday :yes: & :yes: i'll let you ;)
Re: My Doctor take me off one my pill & i'm in pain

hey hun try drinking milk.

there has to be something you eat or drink that sets it off . so stear clear of that.

I wish I had more to tell you. :( Have those gas pills helped any? Ugh it sounds so painful.

I get tummy aches all the time, not heartburn as much. Have you tried tums?

sorry i can't drink milk :no: i wish :yes: but i can't :(

in way it did :doh: but my mother give me some liquid stuff that teast ungy to help my heartbrun last night & i woke up feel butter but all day i have to run to the bath all day & by 3:00pm inafter i was butter the time i got home ooh god why? :doh::doh::eek: but i'm feel little butter :yes:

i got alot of stuff today from love ones cause it's my birthday weekend but my real birthday is on monday :yes::punk::doh::eek:
so i hope i feel little more butter by sunday or monday :yes::tease::eek:
Re: My Doctor take me off one my pill & i'm in pain

Hopefully you're feeling better now? :better:
I hope you've had a great birthday today! :cheers:
Re: My Doctor take me off one my pill & i'm in pain

hi :waving Hocus
:yes: did had great birthday today & the weekend too :D i feel litter butter then last week :yes: but i still feel it in me :yes:

but this wednesday i'm going to see my doctor :yes:

& soon i'll post some pictures from my birthday on the weekend & what kind of stuff i got for gift :D :)
Re: update My Doctor but me back on my pill

really good news my doctor putt me back on my pill :yes: know my tummy can be happy again that doesn't hurt anymore :yes:
so soon i'm going out to the mall with my mall to get my pill & pill cuter too :yes: :giggle:

& shoppying too when we're at the mall waitting for the pills i'm going soon see yea
Re: update My Doctor but me back on my pill

Im happy to know that you will be feeling better soon:)
Re: update My Doctor but me back on my pill

hi :waving Hocus
:yes: did had great birthday today & the weekend too :D i feel litter butter then last week :yes: but i still feel it in me :yes:

but this wednesday i'm going to see my doctor :yes:

& soon i'll post some pictures from my birthday on the weekend & what kind of stuff i got for gift :D :)
I'm glad you're feeling a little bit better! :yes: Can't wait to see the pictures! :D
really good news my doctor putt me back on my pill :yes: know my tummy can be happy again that doesn't hurt anymore :yes:
so soon i'm going out to the mall with my mall to get my pill & pill cuter too :yes: :giggle:

& shoppying too when we're at the mall waitting for the pills i'm going soon see yea
That's good news! Hopefully you will feel better very soon! :better:
Re: update My Doctor but me back on my pill

i hope so cause tomorrow i start my pill :yes: :)

:yes: soon i'll post my pictures from my birthday weekend :D when there stuff gets on my compture :yes:
thanks jemini515 & 144,000 :heart:

:yes: i'm feeling alot butter when she give me back my pills cause my tummy wasn't happy it was haveing hard time with food i eat :yes:

know i feel butter & not stressed anymore :no: but i'm feeling sick again cause i got my pms :yes: :( :crying: so i'm feeling more pain today :cry: but i was sleeping all day & know i;m going to bed good night my lovely friends :heart:
thanks Darth Sidious :)

i'm feeling butter this morrowing cause i what for walk & then i play with the kids with bubbles :yes: