UPDATE: Hollywood Competing For Michael Jackson Rehearsal Footage


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Jul 25, 2011
UPDATE: Hollywood Competing For Michael Jackson Rehearsal Footage: NBC Likely To Snag TV Special & Sony Probable For Live Albums And Film; Bidding For Movie Rights Began At $50 Mil, TV Rights At $10 Mil

SATURDAY UPDATE: As of today, Sony and NBC moved into first positions in the Hollywood auction of the live music, primetime TV special, and film rights to Michael Jackson's rehearsal footage for sale by the ghouls at AEG (see below).

Although the winners of the auction won't be announced until next week, major studios like Viacom's Paramount/MTV, NBC Universal, Sony Music and Sony Pictures, and News Corp's 20th Century Fox/Fox Broadcasting Co, all have been battling for the projects. I've confirmed that AEG started the bidding for the movies rights at a staggering $50 million, and the TV special rights at $10 million. "They are looking to do a primetime TV special with NBC, and then go with live albums and films with Sony since Sony controls the distribution rights to [MJ's] music," one of my insiders told me today. "All this needs to be sorted out through the weekend as they will have to go to the judge to get any deals blessed next week." That may explain why insiders keep telling me about the "sensitivity and confidentiality" of the ongoing negotiation process.

I've learned AEG's goal is to have the primetime TV special on air in September and the film out in October. No word on when the live albums would be scheduled. (Perhaps in part because Sony Music's ex-topper Tommy Mottola has been quoted as saying that the company has "song after song" of unreleased MJ music, maybe even more than Elvis left behind.) The reason for the Hollywood feeding frenzy over these projects is straightforward: "As you know, it will be huge," one bidder tells me. "The footage is so moving. My fingers are crossed."

FRIDAY 5:15PM EXCLUSIVE: AEG is right now trying to auction off to Hollywood that concert film of the Michael Jackson rehearsals for his final tour. I'm told Sony, Universal and Fox are in negotiations, but the price keeps going up and up. $50 million is where it started, I heard. As soon as executives involved in organizing Michael Jackson's 50-night schedule of shows at London's O2 arena learned of the performers death, they met at Staples Center in Los Angeles and secured all of the rehearsal footage which Jackson had done there, according to news reports. Randy Phillips, president and CEO of AEG Live, ghoulishly boasted to The Associated Press he had "more than 100 hours of footage that could be turned into live albums, a movie and a pay-per-view special. He was our partner in life and now he's our partner in death." Phillips claimed the production budget for the shows reached $25 million, which also covered 3-D "mini-movies" of Thriller and Earth Song. He also said that, aside from AEG, the Jackson estate would get the "lion's share" of any profits from the high-def footage. (Photos of MJ's last rehearsals.)

The recordings were reportedly "great," with the last day on Wednesday being the "best," and all of them "enough for a show," NBC News reported at the time. The includes production meetings and auditions and behind-the-scenes showing Jackson and his dancers occupying several spaces in the Staples Center, and Michael going from room to room supervising the rehearsals. The Los Angeles Times and the AP also reported that the singer liked how the concert was developing.

*sips kool aid*, guess we shall find out next week whats gonna happen
This Is It: The Ball's Rolling!

It's a go!
The rehearsal footage from Michael Jackson's This Is It tour will be released on DVD and possibly in theaters!!!!
According to Hits Daily Double, AEG, Sony Music and Jackson's estate are currently negotiating a deal, which sources believe to be signed and sealed quite soon.
The folks at Sony, including film division head Amy Pascal, describe Jackson's performance as "spectacular," so all signs are pointing to a theatrical release along with the DVD.
Sounds amazing!

Source: http://perezhilton.com/2009-07-19-this-is-it-the-balls-rolling
A Cinema release would be amazing! id love to see it on a big screen! Imagine it on an IMAX :)
This shows what people are like...I hope Jackson's estate gets a good deal as well...I would hate to see all the moneys going to Sony/AEG pocket.
If they shot the footage using some of the recording equiptment that MJ was pictured with along side Kenny then it should be amazing quality!

TV Special, Cinema Release, DVD release i'm easy just aslong as we finally get too see MJs last dances
MJ on Blu-ray! Speechless
this is the time they need to also release the victory tour dvds
wow..the guy who heads fox..MJ's biggest hater in the media is NOW bidding for the footage...

This Is It: The Ball's Rolling!

It's a go!
The rehearsal footage from Michael Jackson's This Is It tour will be released on DVD and possibly in theaters!!!!
According to Hits Daily Double, AEG, Sony Music and Jackson's estate are currently negotiating a deal, which sources believe to be signed and sealed quite soon.
The folks at Sony, including film division head Amy Pascal, describe Jackson's performance as "spectacular," so all signs are pointing to a theatrical release along with the DVD.
Sounds amazing!

Source: http://perezhilton.com/2009-07-19-this-is-it-the-balls-rolling

This is a good news, concidering the surcmstances. I'm glad Michael has their attention now. Tnx for the info. It'd be great to watch him. Since i've never seen him live, I feel like he's on tour right now.:cheeky:
What I hate about articles like this... well, we all know people like to take things out of context to portray other people in a certain light.

E.g., this: "Randy Phillips, president and CEO of AEG Live, ghoulishly boasted to The Associated Press he had "more than 100 hours of footage that could be turned into live albums, a movie and a pay-per-view special. He was our partner in life and now he's our partner in death.""

Sounds like the words of a really dodgy character doesn't it? But, what he said is reported elsewhere as:

"Even if there were video or audio released from the memorial, "we wouldn't do anything without the estate," says Phillips. "Michael was our partner in life, he's our partner in death through his estate.""

That sounds perfectly respectable doesn't it?

He also said "It is our responsibility and fiduciary duty to the estate to monetize as much of these assets as we can under the original contract, because the majority of the profit would go to the estate."

The original contract between AEG and MJ would have had clauses in handling the sale and profits of this. AEG's hands are tied by that. So please note that the sale of this material, and the profits from it, would have to be being done under the terms agreed to by MJ.
This is good news, can't wait to see that DVD of the last footage. Even better would be a worldwide theatrical release followed by a DVD for fans to keep. As for this prime time special...should be interesting although Im curious what the content will be. Sony is an obvious choice to head up the music/album section of this. They have all the past recordings, plus are most familiar with his music. This will be an interesting next 6 months for sure.
yahoo is also reporting it:

AEG Live negotiates for Jackson documentary: report (Reuters)

NEW YORK (Reuters) - AEG Live, the company behind Michael Jackson's planned comeback in London, is negotiating with several Hollywood studios seeking a deal to release in movie theaters a documentary about the final days of the pop singer, the Wall Street journal said on its web site.
The Los Angeles-based concert promoter is hoping to recoup some of the $30 million it spent to stage a series of concerts Jackson was preparing for at the time of his death, and make up for some of the lost revenue from box-office receipts and sales of merchandise and food, the Journal said, citing sources familiar with the matter.
The Journal said a deal could be reached as soon as this week, citing the sources.
AEG Live officials could not immediately be reached for comment.
(Reporting by Ransdell Pierson; Editing Bernard Orr)

Source: http://movies.yahoo.com/news/movies.reuters.com/aeg-live-negotiates-jackson-documentary-report-reuters;_ylt=AuveJyd0DiwY_f.xAU.5wdBfVXcA

they are also reporting this:

Jackson Reunion Tour in the Works?

Michael Jackson's death left a huge void in the music world. His brothers may be trying to fill at least one of them with the rebirth of the Jackson….four.
It appears that the King of Pop's passing may spurn a mini-reunion tour for the surviving members of the Jackson 5.
Jacksons Tito, Randy, Marlon and Jermaine are reportedly in talks with concert promoters AEG to perform at the O2 Arena in London, according to the Los Angeles Times.
That would be the same venue where the King of Pop was set to stage his comeback with 50 shows, before he died June 25.
While a rep for AEG has yet to comment, according to the L.A. Times, any show put on by the brothers would not be a one-off: They are reportedly negotiating for several dates at the U.K. venue.
Countdown to when Jermaine calls the paper a liar in 3...2...1...

Source: http://movies.yahoo.com/news/movies.eonline.com/jackson-reunion-tour-works-20090718;_ylt=AnJXa7UZhvBytdoeqlUCkOJfVXcA
Auction? Judge? WTH? :blink:

Why does all this not sound right to me?
Like some kind of feeding frenzy at the expense of MJ's memory/legacy?
Though, like everybody else, I'd love to see Michael doing what he does best during his last time on stage. . . it sort of makes me queasy reading about bidding wars and all of these $$$ amounts. After all, we are dealing with Sony and AEG with this and they are out to make a mint from this. I hate the thought of putting a price on Michael because it still sounds like dollar signs are still popping out of the eyes of the Sony and AEG execs. I feel like if it was an other person, this would be handled with a little bit more discretion and grace. . . instead of Sony/AEG trying to squeeze every last penny they can from the consumers and distributors. JMO.
What I hate about articles like this... well, we all know people like to take things out of context to portray other people in a certain light.

E.g., this: "Randy Phillips, president and CEO of AEG Live, ghoulishly boasted to The Associated Press he had "more than 100 hours of footage that could be turned into live albums, a movie and a pay-per-view special. He was our partner in life and now he's our partner in death.""

Sounds like the words of a really dodgy character doesn't it? But, what he said is reported elsewhere as:

"Even if there were video or audio released from the memorial, "we wouldn't do anything without the estate," says Phillips. "Michael was our partner in life, he's our partner in death through his estate.""

That sounds perfectly respectable doesn't it?

He also said "It is our responsibility and fiduciary duty to the estate to monetize as much of these assets as we can under the original contract, because the majority of the profit would go to the estate."

The original contract between AEG and MJ would have had clauses in handling the sale and profits of this. AEG's hands are tied by that. So please note that the sale of this material, and the profits from it, would have to be being done under the terms agreed to by MJ.

thanks for pointing it out..does make a dif