Unrequited love


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Great Britain
''Unrequited love is love that is not openly reciprocated, even though reciprocation is usually deeply desired. The beloved may or may not be aware of the admirer's deep affections.''

Anybody experienced this??

It fascinates me, I've been through it once before and I think I'm going through it again, its easier this time as i don't have a girlfriend. But it still sucks.
You mean the thing that you are in love with someone but aren't able or afraid to wear it out?

All the time. :mello:

I have this crazy thing that I know within' a couple of communications exactly what, why and how I feel about someone.
That's a good thing, but also an annoying thing 'cuz my state of mind is a couple of steps ahead ALL the time.
I think it's usually more intense than a crush. I've had several "infatuations" with people who I could not requite my love with. It's a really exciting time of elation, but you usually crash at times when you realize the unlikelyness of having a relationship with that person.
yeah,I have already been through that kind of relationship. I will refer to it as a "crush" not "love",though.

It is kind of a bad memory I don't want to remember,coz,later on,I found out that the boy I liked actually dislike me a lot. Luckily,I didn't say a thing about my feeling to him...
Oh... Gosh.... This topic takes me back to memory lane....

Grade 5. My first real serious crush! :p

Back in the day, I was in denial but honestly, looking back at it now, I just had it BAD! :rofl:

I always had an inkling he likes me though but it's probably just my overactive imagination. :lmao:

So, it was just a one-sided INTENSE infatuation.

Anyways, unrequited love is no fun!