University fees

Word Smith Sr

Proud Member
Jan 18, 2008
Rosé Brut, Dream On City
I live in France and i am thinking about studying marketing in Canada, i mean from scratch.

I would like to obtain a degree (or more) in that field by studying in a canadian university. How hard is it for a french citizen to be accepted in a canadian university ? I think i won't have to take the TOEFL as i can talk french (i mean if i go to a french speaking university) How much is an academic year likely to cost me knowing that i'll have to find a place i could rent i do not know anyone who could house me in Canada ? How hard will it be for me to find a "student job" ? Is there any kind of financial help ? By the way i'm already 22 and only have an high school degree, will it cause me any trouble when applying ? What month should i apply ? Can apply at several universities ?
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Hey, I think it would depend on where you'd want to go. Are you planning on studying in Quebec (i.e. McGill University)?

I'm from Toronto and am doing a Business degree. Fees for international students such as yourself would be almost double what I'm paying, I believe.

If you are interested in going to the University of Toronto, you can check out the following websites: (main campus) (Scarborough Campus)

It shouldn't be a problem applying to different universities. You might have to be interviewed or do a more complicated application (I'm not sure).

Finding a job depends on what sort of job you're looking for. Most universities have a work-study program where students who need financial assistance can work part-time on campus. You will need a work permit, however. I think the best job for you would be to tutor French (if you study at a province other than Quebec), since you are a native French speaker. You wouldn't need a work permit, because it's a cash job that you can do on your own.

Renting a place to stay at depends on where you go as well. In Toronto, you can find some decent places for between $400 to $700 per month.


Do you know much about the university system in France? I'm thinking of doing a study term abroad there, but it's very frustrating doing research on the French university website.. What are the cost of tuition fees there? I might be living with some cousins who live outside Paris, but I'm not sure..
Hello Wingfoot, sorry for not responding earlier, to answer your question, yes i would like to study in Canada, maybe in Quebec as i talk french i understand english too but u know....... I mean i've never been taught in english only from the beginning to the end of a class maybe i'd do good i dunno. From what u wrote about the fees etc... studying in Canada during the next academic year (2010-2011) looks quite difficult in terms of finding the money, i'll check the website links u gave me (thx by the way) I'd really like to study and live in Canada in the future. As for french universities fees, all i can tell you is that all i paid is 5 euros or something, i think a lil less like 4.57 euros something around 5 euros anyhow as i benefit from a scholarship, when u benefit from that u do not pay much at all. I go to university right now and study a bunch of things (sociology, economy, english, law, etc...) but i do not like what im studying I asked about studying marketing in canada as it is the field i would like to work in (or "company administration" i dunno how to translate the french word sorry), studying something you do not like is such a pain in the head lol

By the way, i have a teacher who breaks my head right now, you know sometimes you have classrooms with like 300 people in them and some teachers do not let you ask a question or ask them to repeat a sentence. One of my law teachers is this way, this cat just reads his piece of paper and leave, are there teachers of that kind in Canada ? I mean i guess yes as its university and thats the way it happens in those big classrooms but im just asking.
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