UNICEF donations link set up in MJ's name

  • Thread starter elusive moonwalker
  • Start date

elusive moonwalker

from kop board

A UNICEF fund raising page has been set up in Michaels memory. It has been authorized by UNICEF and is ready to receive donations. If you would like to make a donation please go to:


Please donate any amount that you can. It does not have to be a lot. If we all donate just £1 imagine how much money we would raise! The target sum is £10,000 but I think we can even beat that. Lets do this for the children and for Michael to help carry on his legacy of humanitarian work. It is up to us now to continue trying to make a difference.

The total sum raised will be recorded as being donated in memory of Michael Jackson. We might even be able to raise a record amount! Michael would love that

THANK YOU to everyone who takes part. Please spread the word about the link to family and friends. You are welcome to post the link onto other forums.

That is amazing! I will donate.

Does the money go direct to UNICEF or through the person who set up the page?
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make sure this is not a hoax..People are prying on us poor Bereaved fans. Please do some research before donating..
I do not know if this is real or not, I join the heal the world, just to find out that it is not MJ htw they close ther door back in 2004 and this is someone using the name and trying to get the court to let them use MJ name, just do not know about this....
its real. the fan who set this up is totally legit. i wouldnt post it if i thought otherwise
Can you tell me - Does the money go direct to UNICEF or through the person who set up the page?
Hypocrites! Exploiting MJ's image now that he is dead. Where were they when he was alive?
Hypocrites! Exploiting MJ's image now that he is dead. Where were they when he was alive?

oh...we can not disgrace everything and everyone trying to pay some kind of tribute to HIM right now...if we can do anything to help anyone, than i think it is a right time, even if they're using HIS name...
They have seen this UNICEF link in Japan too.It´s nice when MJ fans do this together for MJl and the children of the world.
I had promised myself today that I would also donate to a children's cause before the year is over and voila - came across this link and donated what I could.
This is great...any Christmas money I will recieve I will be donating, this sounds like the perfect cause.
Together we can heal the world if we take it piece by piece.
It doesn´t matter if you give 1£ or 400£, and if you can´t give hopefully there are others who can give.
1668£ so far, thats good I think.
This is really beautiful. Thanks for posting. I'll donate immediately.
I saw that the chinese fanclub has seen the donation link too and they are giving.
It doesn´t matter if we are black,white, yellow, red or purple we are his fans and we love him.
This is wonderful news. :) Also remember that there is our charity here at MJJC Plant A Tree In Michael's Honour. We can spread The L.O.V.E around everywhere. :wub: