Unfair Harsh Punishment For Celebrities?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
A Celebrity got arrested and a 20,000 bail was posted because he pushed a Paparazzi man away because the P went under his fiancee's skirt, trying to snap pictures of her vagina without her permission. So, the Celebrity was defending his fiancee, and he gets punished. That's not fair. :(
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Russell Brand was right to push him away. The pap should have been punished for perving on celebs with a camera.
Well, there's a double-edged sword with that one--sometimes celebrities are unfairly punished, sometimes they're let go with merely a slap on the wrist for something someone else would have been shut in the slammer for. So, it's a tough argument.

In this particular instance, though...I think the 'paparazzi' should have gotten some sort of fine [or preferably jail time] for sexual harassment. That in itself doesn't justify Brand's actions in the eyes of the law, however, it makes him a far more sympathetic party in the eyes of public opinion.
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I just read that the California Governor Arnold S has passed a bill that makes Paparazzi more legally responsible for their actions on hounding celebrities. :D
Wow....I mean I know the paparazzi are notoriously annoying and interfering etc but this just goes way beyond. The person doing that should have been up in court for sexual harassment and Mr. Brand should have been let off given the circumstances. I know a lot of men who would be furious and would have reacted in a similar manner towards somebody trying to take such extremely intrusive pictures of their spouses!
IMO, the paparazzi definitely should have been arrested and sent to jail for attempting to take a photo up a woman's skirt. I think that anyone who attempts to take pictures up a woman's skirt should be put in jail, regardless of whether they're paparazzi. That's just disgusting behavior.

Russell did the right thing in that situation.
I personally think that Russell should have pulled down the P's pants and underwear and snapped pictures of his penis and testicles and see how the P likes it. :lol: