Unaccompanied Children from Central America in USA: Humanitarian Crisis


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Not sure if this is the proper place, but I thought I'd share this.

I honestly haven't been keeping up with the news lately, but today I really paid attention to the story about the refugee children coming over the US borders. All I know about it is this is the fact that the situation is riddled in politics. And watching I thought it was extremely sad - because thats ALL people are talking about. I honestly don't hear anyone talking about what situations they're fleeing from or offering even a lick of compassion.

I even caught an episode of Jon Stewart about this, seeing folks protesting and calling these kids 'invaders' liking them to a disease and all that. That those children "aren't our problem"....it really shows a very very ugly side of the country I live in, I have to admit. But as I was watching, a fleeting thought came across my mind about the fact that Michael would definitely at least try to do something about this - removed from the politics of course. But at the heart of it, these are kids - innocent kids - with a situation that is so bad, they risk everything to make it somewhere that they think is safe. Of course this isn't a new thing, it happens a lot of places, all the time. But the fact that this is so high profile, and the coverage of this is so malicious - I honestly don't understand it. I think if he were still alive, Michael's heart would go out to these kids. And as that fleeting thought passed my mind, of course Jon Stewart made a joke about inviting all the kids to someone's house being a "Neverland type situation"....a predictable little dig, but that's beside the point -_-

ANYWAY, I'm wondering if anyone knows about any reputable projects or charities that have their hands in this situation that perhaps fans could support? A quick search landed me on this page, but I was hoping maybe some other people are feeling the same way and know about projects underway that we can support.

:ciao: J5Master,

Thank you for your heart felt compassion for the children of the world and for sharing your post ! This however is problably not the appropriate place for this type of very important political discussions, for this reason it will be moved to the proper place in MJJC for this great question to get as many ideas and answers by the Fans as possible on this subject!

It really will be a Michael Jackson fan that will change the world, I believe it !!
Keep up the good work :agree:

MJ Tinkerbell
LP Leader
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Yeah I wasn't sure where to put it, thanks!

Any thoughts on this from any one really would be appreciated! :D