UK - Mother jailed for 12 years after leaving her daughter, three, to starve to death


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
This has been on my mind since I saw the news and it's totally beyond any words or my understading how anyone can treat a child like this! :no:



The mother of a three-year-old girl who starved to death showed more concern for the family's pet dog.

Tiffany Wright was left neglected and unloved to die alone locked in a squalid bedroom above the pub run by her mother and stepfather.

Yesterday Sabrina Hirst, 22, was jailed for 12 years after admitting the manslaughter of her daughter.

Her husband Robert, 44, was jailed for five years after admitting child cruelty and neglect.

Recorder Alan Goldsack QC said it was 'about as bad a case of child manslaughter as there can be'.

He told Sabrina Hirst: 'One almost unbelievable piece of evidence is that on what was probably Tiffany's last day alive, you were discussing on the phone concerns you had about one of your dog's weight and feeding problems.

'Most members of the public will find it impossible to understand how you can treat your child this way.'

While Tiffany was dying upstairs, her mother was caught on CCTV in the pub expressing concern about one of her dogs not getting enough vitamins and not putting on weight.

Her barrister Andrew Robertson QC said. 'It is inexplicable. Her whole priorities have been utterly distorted. Her priority seems to have been given to the dog.'

Tiffany had been dead for about two days before her mother called police to the Scarbrough Arms in Upperthorpe, Sheffield.

It was when the pub had closed after a disco in the early hours of Sunday, September 30 last year. Her mother had not checked on her since 7am on Friday.

Police and paramedics found the little girl in a filthy bed in a beetle-infested room, her body covered in insect bites 'looking like a porcelain doll with sunken eyes'.

A room where the family dogs were kept was full of excrement and urine.

The stench was unbearable, even for experienced staff used to finding filthy homes.

Tiffany's mother and stepfather were originally accused of murder but the charges were reduced.

Hirst, who was eight months pregnant when Tiffany died, and her husband also pleaded guilty to cruelty against a one-year-old child at Sheffield Crown Court.

She sobbed as prosecutor Jeremy Richardson QC said: 'The circumstances are truly appalling.

'Tiffany had not been seen for about a week by anyone other than her mother before her body was discovered.

'Much of the time her mother didn't feed Tiffany properly or at all.'

A pathologist said her bones showed evidence of significant periods of malnutrition between periods when she had been fed.

The sad little girl would be seen by passers-by staring out of the first floor window. She was stopped from going to nursery and kept away from other children of her age, yet tragically no one intervened to save her.

Outside court Detective Inspector Steve Williams, said: 'We think this neglect had been going on for months and that those last few months, weeks and days of her life she was unloved, unwanted, starved of attention and left alone to die and she would have known that.

'Children are a gift who should be cherished. Parents everywhere, those who have lost them and people unable to have them will find this treatment unbearable and unthinkable'.

'She was like a tiny porcelain doll, so tiny and frail and we all wondered how this had been allowed to happen in this day and age.'

It was all for God's sake
For her singing the tune
For someone to feel her despair
To be damned to know hoping is dead and you're doomed
Then to scream out
And nobodys there...

She knew no one cared...
I think that there is a generation who doesn't understad what responsibility means. They are helpless and don't understand how things should be taken cared of. They don't understand the basic needs of a living creature. I say this because these kinds of things seem to surface at a creasing number. It's often a young woman who tells how she loves children or animals, she gets them but doesn't take care of them.
And of course mental sicness.
poor baby girl :( so many people want children and can't and these people receive the blessing and ? very heartbreaking.
Yet another reminder how cruel and heartless some people can be :(

I can't even imagine how that little girl must have felt when she realised her own mother, who's the most important person in her life, has abandoned her. Or when she has has been staring out of the window, seeing all the people out there, but no one helped her.

Thank God, she doesn't have to suffer anymore. Rest in peace little Tiffany!
she was all concerned about the family dog but let it use one of their rooms as a bathroom?
That poor child, to go through hours upon hours of starving pain and not knowing why they were in that pain to begin with

that woman needs to be beaten with a stick and then kicked into a hole :glare:
Reading it in tears, I have 2 childern of my own, and I cannot understand how people can do these kind off things to children.
unbelievable but sadly true.
"make the world a better place"
Thats just not human.... :(
How could she even pretend not to hear when the girl cried and screamed of hunger?? cause she probably did
Thats so sad...
Why dont they let her starve to death in jail too, so the government wont have any costs with her at all! :mad:
Sick people...
I'll pray for the girl's soul tonight...:no:

and yet, there are magazines and the media saying Michael is the worst father of the year or ur eyes, press people!
I'm speechless... :( I truly cannot say a word...:( That's just horrible...:( Poor little girl...:(

She's a true "Little Susie".
That's terrible :(. Poor girl, people can be so cruel in this world. It's so awful to hear things like this :(
Shame that this isn't considered murder in the eyes of the law. ****ing piece of crap.
Poor little thing, I cannot even begin to imagine what her short life must've been like.

She will suffer no more. Rest in Peace little Tiffany.
that is terrible, the mother doesn't deserve to be released ever again the legal system here is all crap, you can be locked away for stealing a car longer than you could for manslaughter, where is the justice!