Ugh, Say It Aint So Joe


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
If this is true, I think that's really sad. I try to give some of MJ's family members the benefit of the doubt, well the usual suspects like Joe, Latoya and Jermaine, but reading things like this is a huge turn off.

SAY IT AIN’T SO, JOE: Fashion Designer Bian Variani, in collaboration with LVH magazine, Brenden Theatres and Seven&Company, is offering a $3,000 “Platinum VIP” package culminating in a screening of This Is It in Vegas on Oct. 27. It’s highlighted (if you will) by a “private dinner with Mr. Joseph Jackson,” who will pose for photos and autograph copies of his book, Joseph Jackson: Man in the Mirror, Father of the First Family of Music, which will be handed out as part of the package. The hotel’s comped as well. After the film, Joe will “thank the viewers and the fans for watching his son’s movie with him,” and host an opening night party at Palms Casino Resort’s Moon nightclub, featuring, of course, the music of Guy Lombardo and His Royal Canadians. (10/14a)
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On the same page there was this:

MORE NEWZZZ: In other Jackson action, Paul Anka says he was promised that “Love Never Felt So Good,” another M.J. co-write, will be on a forthcoming album of previously unreleased material. This according to Roger Friedman on Showbiz411… And Dr. Conrad Murray only has four more days to report to a Las Vegas court before a judge issues a bench warrant for his arrest for missing a child support hearing on Oct. 7. But Murray's new lawyer, Chris Aaron, tells TMZ that Murray has a perfectly good explanation for going MIA, saying, "It was not intentional missing his court date—it was simply an oversight. Dr. Murray has every intention of resolving and taking care of his personal responsibilities." Murray is accused of stiffing Nenita Malibiran out of $13,311.47 in payments for their 10-year-old son. (10/14a)
lol! Joe, now dont be silly!!
Paul Anka is for real? haha! damn I thought he had enough spotlight already..
Has anyone else read that Joe said that the TII film will mostly be a body double and that the media will tear it apart. The things that come out of his mouth. If that is true above then why would he be wanting to go to a film with a "body double", jeez you know he never thinks before he talks.
Has anyone else read that Joe said that the TII film will mostly be a body double and that the media will tear it apart. The things that come out of his mouth. If that is true above then why would he be wanting to go to a film with a "body double", jeez you know he never thinks before he talks.

Because Joe is the biggest jackass of them all. His only purpose if to make money, by any means necessary.