UCLA hospital fined over privacy breaches that sources say involve Michael Jackson's records


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Jul 25, 2011
UCLA hospital fined over privacy breaches that sources say involve Michael Jackson's records

The state says UCLA Ronald Reagan Medical Center must pay $95,000 over multiple breaches by two employees and two contract workers, all of whom have been fired.

By Molly Hennessy-Fiske, Los Angeles Times
June 11, 2010

State health regulators have fined Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center $95,000 for allowing unauthorized employees to view a patient's medical records, a breach that sources indicated targeted the files of Michael Jackson.

The fine, one of six privacy-related penalties state officials announced Thursday, stems from multiple violations that led to the firing of two hospital employees. Two hospital contract workers were also fired for accessing the same patient's information, UCLA officials said.
The state identified the person whose files were breached only as "a deceased patient."

A source close to Jackson's case said his legal team had previously been informed by UCLA officials that the singer's medical files had been improperly accessed after his unexpected death June 25 last year at the age of 50. Several attorneys who work for Jackson's estate and his family members did not immediately return calls.

UCLA officials said the breaches resulting in the fine are the only recent instances of privacy violations. The prestigious hospital has struggled to protect the privacy of its celebrity patients, including Britney Spears, Farrah Fawcett and California First Lady Maria Shriver, violations that led to the 2008 state law used to fine the hospital in the most recent case.
Jackson was pronounced dead at the Westwood hospital after being taken by ambulance from his rented Holmby Hills mansion. According to the state report, the breaches began June 30 of last year, five days after Jackson was killed by a combination of surgical anesthetic and other medication allegedly administered to him by his private doctor.

Hospital officials notified the patient's family as soon as the breaches were discovered, said UCLA spokeswoman Dale Tate. She said the internal investigation found that no information had been sold.

"There wasn't anything they saw that was worth selling," Tate said. "We have systems in place that put up barriers. You're not authorized to look at certain things. You can only go so far."
[really? so what are they being fined for?? :scratch:]

Officials at the state's Office of Health Information Integrity were still investigating the employees' actions this week, spokesman Scott Murray said. The employees could potentially face criminal charges and financial penalties, he said.

California Department of Public Health officials declined to identify the UCLA patient or whether the person was well-known. Kathleen Billingsley, deputy director of the department's Center for Health Care Quality, said she does not view celebrities any differently from other patients when it comes to medical privacy.

"Medical privacy is a fundamental right," Billingsley said. "Every Californian treated at a hospital should not have to worry about who is viewing their medical information."

Jackson's medical records were the subject of intense interest in the weeks after his death. In early July, The Times reported that unauthorized staff at the Los Angeles County coroner's office had viewed the pop star's death certificate more than 300 times.
[what for??? :bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed]

UCLA first reported privacy violations to the state Aug. 5, according to the report released Thursday. At that point, the university knew that an employee in the Department of Pathology and Medical Support Services had accessed the patient's records July 2 and that a medical school employee had accessed the same patient's records July 7. The report said the medical school employee had printed labels for the laboratory test that had been performed on the patient.

Neither employee had any reason to access the records, the report said.
On Sept. 7, hospital officials told state authorities that they had discovered more breaches of the same patient's records by two contract employees of the hospital's pathology billing service. One accessed the records June 30 and July 9, the other July 9, the hospital reported.
Hospital staff told state investigators the contract employees admitted looking at the records and said "they were curious."

Tate said the hospital does not plan to appeal the fine. The medical center has 15 days to submit a plan of correction to the state.
UCLA officials said Thursday that they had made a "determined effort to train and test … employees on patient privacy laws and implemented a wide range of safeguards to ensure patient confidentiality" over the last three years.

Last year, the state Department of Public Health issued the first penalty under the privacy law, fining Kaiser Permanente's Bellflower hospital $437,500 for failing to prevent employees from looking at the medical records of Nadya Suleman after she gave birth to octuplets.
So far, regulators have issued eight fines to six hospitals for a total $1.1 million. No hospitals have appealed.


textSize()Copyright © 2010, The Los Angeles Times
Source: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-ucla-privacy-20100611,0,5600417.story
"There wasn't anything they saw that was worth selling," Tate said. "We have systems in place that put up barriers. You're not authorized to look at certain things. You can only go so far."
[really? so what are they being fined for?? :scratch:]

Officials at the state's Office of Health Information Integrity were still investigating the employees' actions this week, spokesman Scott Murray said. The employees could potentially face criminal charges and financial penalties, he said.

"Medical privacy is a fundamental right," Billingsley said. "Every Californian treated at a hospital should not have to worry about who is viewing their medical information."

It's not about whether the information was sold or not. Like they say "medical privacy" is a right and such information should only be accessed by the authorized personnel for a legit reason. If not they'll be fined.
It's not about whether the information was sold or not. Like they say "medical privacy" is a right and such information should only be accessed by the authorized personnel for a legit reason. If not they'll be fined.

they I am more than happy they fine them.
but even when the info is not "sold", this might as well be "commented" to other who would eventually make a profit.
This makes me think of TMZ and its "We do not pay our sources" claim.
... and this is just in case of Michael,... what about any pics taken from the autopsy..., nightmare... to imagine if some person can have them and can sell them...
... and this is just in case of Michael,... what about any pics taken from the autopsy..., nightmare... to imagine if some person can have them and can sell them...

I have read this week that Gary Coleman's ex-wife sold Gary's death photos to the Globe magazine. At least nobody has done this to Michael - yet.

I can't even understand why people would want to look at such photos about any celebrity? And why does a magazine publish them? (Globe plans to publish Gary's photos.) It's a horrible world we live in! :(
At least nobody has done this to Michael - yet.

I can't even understand why people would want to look at such photos about any celebrity? And why does a magazine publish them? (Globe plans to publish Gary's photos.) It's a horrible world we live in! :(

... YET!

... and not people, but particular people want to look at something like this, you know, its Michael Jackson... its the irresistible temptation to see the - reality.

I worked for investigators and saw "many things"... because of the unsafe system!
Michael Jackson's medical records at UCLA were improperly accessed, source says

Michael Jackson's medical records at UCLA were improperly accessed, source says

June 10, 2010 | 5:18 pm

Michael Jackson’s legal team learned after his death that his medical records had been improperly accessed at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, according to a source close to the case.
The source, who asked not to be identified, said it was not clear whether the privacy breaches known to the singer's legal team were the same as those reported Thursday by state regulators, who have fined the prestigious hospital $95,000 for privacy violations, all related to the same patient's records.
The state report identified the person whose records were improperly viewed as a "deceased patient."
The breaches began last June 30, five days after Michael Jackson's death at the Westwood hospital, where he was taken by ambulance from his rented mansion in Holmby Hills.
Farrah Fawcett, who died the same day as Jackson at St. John's Medical Center in Santa Monica, was a former UCLA patient whose medical files were breached while being treated for cancer at the facility.
UCLA spokeswoman Dale Tate declined to identify the patient involved or whether the patient was a celebrity.
In a statement, UCLA officials said they had made a "determined effort to train and test ... employees on patient privacy laws and implemented a wide range of safeguards to ensure patient confidentiality" over the last three years.
The $95,000 fine marked the latest in a series of privacy breaches at UCLA, where hospital officials have struggled to protect the medical information of its celebrity patients.

Hospital officials notified the patient’s family as soon as the breaches were discovered, Tate said. Their internal investigation found that no information had been sold, she said.

“There wasn’t anything they saw that was worth selling,” Tate said. “We have systems in place that put up barriers. You’re not authorized to look at certain things. You can only go so far.”

Officials at the state’s Office of Health Information Integrity were still investigating the employees' actions this week, spokesman Scott Murray said. They could potentially face criminal charges and financial penalties, he said.

California Department of Public Health officials declined to identify the UCLA patient or whether the person was well-known.
Kathleen Billingsley, deputy director of the department’s Center for Health Care Quality, said she does not view celebrities any differently than other patients when it comes to medical privacy.

“Medical privacy is a fundamental right,” Billingsley said. “Every Californian treated at a hospital should not have to worry about who is viewing their medical information.”

Jackson’s medical records were the subject of intense interest in the weeks following his unexpected death at age 50. In early July, The Times reported that unauthorized staff at the Los Angeles County coroner’s office had viewed the pop star's death certificate more than 300 times.

The hospital reported the first breach to the state Aug. 5 after a medical school employee and an employee in the Department of Pathology and Medical Support Services were found to have accessed the patient’s records two days before. The medical school employee had even printed labels for laboratory tests that had been performed on the patient, according to the report.
Neither had any reason to access the records, the report states.
On Sept. 7, hospital officials reported that they had discovered more violations of the same patient’s records by two contract workers with the hospital’s pathology billing service, according to the report. One accessed the patient’s records June 30 and July 9, the other only on July 9, the hospital reported.
In an interview with state investigators, hospital staff said they had spoken with the contract employees after the breach was discovered and that they “admitted inappropriate access, they were curious.”
The fines issued Thursday came under a state law enacted in 2008 after widely publicized violations of patient privacy at UCLA involving Fawcett, singer Britney Spears, California First Lady Maria Shriver and other celebrities.
UCLA officials said Thursday that in the wake of those problems all faculty, clinicians, nurses, students, residents and staff must take an pass a compliance exam on patient privacy law.
In addition, a "clinical information system being implemented provides an enhanced level of restricted access based on user authentication and role," Tate said. The medical center also has increased audits to ensure privacy is maintained, she said.

The issue of unauthorized people looking at the electronic records of celebrities has vexed the state. In 2009, California health regulators issued the first penalty under the privacy law, fining Kaiser Permanente's Bellflower hospital $437,500 for failing to prevent employees from snooping in the medical records of Nadya Suleman after she gave birth to octuplets.
-- Molly Hennessy-Fiske
Photo: Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, top, has been fined $95,000 for violating patient privacy.
Credit: Los Angeles Times
Photo: People hold up Michael Jackson pictures, bottom, as reporters and spectators wait at UCLA Medical Plaza for a news conference about the singer's death last June 25.

Credit: Ann Johansson / Getty Images

Re: Michael Jackson's medical records at UCLA were improperly accessed, source says

Michael Jackson’s legal team learned after his death that his medical records had been improperly accessed at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, according to a source close to the case.

I saw this article and wondered who this "legal team" and "source close to the case" were.
Re: Michael Jackson's medical records at UCLA were improperly accessed, source says

I saw this article and wondered who this "legal team" and "source close to the case" were.

legal team is probably the estate or Weitzman (or other lawyers they employ) as the estate is representing Michael has a say over his records including medical records.

Sources close to the case sounds like people inside UCLA.
Our angel MJ knew no privacy in his life, and neither in death.:(
The crazy thing is we know and love MJ cos his life was public.:doh:
Mixed blessings.
Love you Michael and so identify with you as man. You and I would have been great friends I just know it. Feel it in my bones.
KFC and a disney dvd?
Love and miss you more my angel MJ:angel:
Good news about the fines. It should have been more. Next I want to see news organizations fined.
This is disgusting. Sometimes, I think our Michael is better on the other side. This world did him too much wrong.
I did'nt know what hospital it was that leaked Farrah Fawcett's records and sold it to tabliods until today. Celebrity can make some regular people go crazy sometimes. :no:
I have read this week that Gary Coleman's ex-wife sold Gary's death photos to the Globe magazine. At least nobody has done this to Michael - yet.

I can't even understand why people would want to look at such photos about any celebrity? And why does a magazine publish them? (Globe plans to publish Gary's photos.) It's a horrible world we live in! :(

I really worry about that.
(Globe plans to publish Gary's photos.)

They already published it. Unfortunately I saw the cover on another board. I couldn't stand the look of it and I don't know who Gary Coleman was, but I know he was a human being and what his ex-wife and Globe did is disgraceful.