U.S.A Congress trying to pass Protect I.P Censorship bill!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
One of my friends who lives in the states just brought this to my attention (I'm not sure if anyone's talking about this already on here or if this is even in the right section) but it basically means that if this bill is passed then sites like facebook, twitter and youtube and even MJJC could be shut down for Copyright infringement

This guy Jeremy Jahns explains it better then me


but USA people when voting day comes say NO! to the Protect I.P Censorship bill

This video on my other (non MJ) channel also explains a bit more on it

no but a usa user will have his ip address attacthed to the server and they the bill will pass as a usa ip address and the user ip address AND the server it belongs to pulls
i know but the user will get the punishment and so will server but the user who is logging on using a usa ip address and they upload anything it will fall into the usa law as the user is using it usa so ther server will get shut along with the user becuase the felany is being created in usa
one trouble, its not a felony here the regulations are different thus we will not be accountable. just because its a US law does not automatically make it law here, the only thing that can happen is they stop it being viewable in the US.

I abide by the law of my country not America as me and my server are not located in that country.

And if you really think a bill passed by the US will shut down sites across the world then jezz wake up man, its not gonna happen.
OH MAN,,,IF they try and stop me from accessing MJJC..THERE WILL be a Problem. I doubt this will pass. Big Brother always trying to get in everyone's business. Good Ole America,,,Land of the Free...Home of the Brave. smdh.
I wouldn't be sure this will not pass.A very polemic law on similar matters was approved by the politicians in my country and State Department cable leaks revealed how much US pressure was behind it.They have been wanting to do something like this for a while.

I think of the Internet as universal(although I know we have different legal environments and conditions and all),a wonderful medium that has brought the world together.That's why I feel these laws concern everyone,whether we are personally affected by them or not.

From what I understand,it seeks to block users' access,but also to have an indirect effect on those websites they deem problematic,by blocking some other services to access them(advertising networks,search engines) :
The Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act (“PROTECT IP Act”) authorizes the Justice Department to file a civil action against the registrant or owner of a domain name that accesses a foreign infringing Internet site, or the foreign-registered domain name itself, and to seek a preliminary order from the court that the site is dedicated to infringing activities. For an order to issue, the Justice Department must also show that the Internet site is directed at U.S. consumers and harms holders of U.S. Intellectual Property. The Department would be required to serve notice of the action promptly after filing.If the court issues an order against the registrant, owner, or domain name, resulting from the DOJ-initiated suit, the Attorney General is authorized to serve that order on specified U.S. based third-parties, including Internet service providers, payment processors, online advertising network providers, and search engines. These third parties would then be required to take appropriate action to either prevent access to the Internet site (in the case of an Internet service provider or search engine), or cease doing business with the Internet site (in the case of a payment processor or advertising network).
Full summary here : http://www.scribd.com/doc/55146943/Protect-Ip-Summary
A more in-depth article opposing it : http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20...t-why-sopa-protect-ip-are-bad-bad-ideas.shtml
And the Avaaz petition with nearly 800k signatures worldwide : http://www.avaaz.org/en/save_the_internet/?fp

Btw,Google is not amused :
Google CEO Eric Schmidt just came out swinging against PROTECT IP, saying, "I would be very, very careful if I were a government about arbitrarily [implementing] simple solutions to complex problems." And then he went even further. From the LA Times: "If there is a law that requires DNSs, to do X and it's passed by both houses of Congress and signed by the president of the United States and we disagree with it then we would still fight it," he said, according to the report. "If it's a request the answer is we wouldn't do it, if it's a discussion we wouldn't do it."

I'm not saying MJJC will be in any danger,as the situation will be likely the same as it is now : no copyrighted material shared,no problemo.I'm just posting about the subject in general and how it's my opinion these kind of laws give the Gov. a power they should not have.
